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Regional-techs, Again, greetings. The dreaded has been updated as well. The latest version is 2.2 dated May 22, 1992. A copy is appended for your convenience. Thanks, -B. Sue Blair Merit / NSFNET --------------- [] Version 2.2 22 May 1992 NSFNET Configuration Request Template for the NSFNET policy-based routing data base ---- Autonomous System Contact Information ---- This template is to register new ASes with nsfnet-admin. It sets up the preliminaries and designates individuals who are responsible for the adminstration of an Autonomous System. This information is needed to facilitate smooth operations between the NSFNET and the Autonomous System. This information should be submitted to ***************************************************************************** ---- Autonomous System Contact Information---- 1) Is this new information or a change in previous information (new/change): 2) If this is a new AS, please indicate routing restrictions. Please choose type a, b, or c list: If type b, please list ASes that you would like to ignore: type a list) Hear about the backbone only: Example: announcetoAS xxx norestrict ASlist 690 (T3) announcetoAS xxx norestrict ASlist 145 (T1) type b list) Hear about everything except certain ASes: Example: announcetoAS xxx norestrict ASlist 22 26 38 60 68 73 81 86 93 97 101 114 145 164 174 177 178 179 181 etc. type c list) Other. Please explain: 2) Autonomous System number/name: 3) ENSS/NSS number associated with AS: 4) 2 Administrative contacts: --Please provide the names, postal addresses, electronic addresses, and telephone numbers for items 4 - 6. These contacts do not have to be six individuals; some individuals may play dual roles within your organization. 5) At least 2 Technical contacts: 6) At least 2 designated Routing contacts: --The designated Routing contacts are the individuals that the AS designates to represent the AS with the NSFNET staff. 7) NOC phone number and email address: NOC hours: --If you have a NOC and you would like your NOC to be the first point of contact in the event of a problem, please provide the above information. 8) After hours contact procedures: --If you would like to be contacted outside of normal business hours, or outside of your normal NOC hours, please provide any pertinent contact names and phone numbers. 9) Special trouble-shooting instructions for the Merit/NSFNET NOC: 10) Additional comments (optional): --------------------------------------------------------------------- Configurations installations are performed Tuesday and Friday morning from 05:00-08:00 Eastern time, so some instability on the backbones may be experienced during this window. Requests for the Tuesday morning config window should be submitted to nsfnet-admin by noon Monday. Requests for the Friday morning config window should be submitted by noon Thursday. To get a current listing of nodes and node numbers on the T1 and T3 backbone, you can anonymous ftp to, cd to /nsfnet/ announced.networks and get the file handy.node.list.
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