I've been talking to the folks at Usenix about a venue for papers of interest to this group. They've very eager to have such papers at the LISA (Large Installation System Administration) conference. Timing is tight for this year -- the deadline is in three weeks ( http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa04/ ). For those who aren't familiar with LISA, this is a conference with that publishes proceedings of refereed papers. The success, of course, depends on members of this community submitting papers, this year and next -- that's what will make the conference interesting to this community. I'm working on a journal, too. --Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb

it is interesting that the theme for this year's lisa conference is "System Administration Reality - Automation, Configuration, and Users" some concepts near and dear to many of our hearts in the realm of network, as opposed to system, administration. randy

I've been talking to the folks at Usenix about a venue for papers of interest to this group. They've very eager to have such papers at the LISA (Large Installation System Administration) conference.
Timing is tight for this year -- the deadline is in three weeks ( http://www.usenix.org/events/lisa04/ ). For those who aren't familiar with LISA, this is a conference with that publishes proceedings of refereed papers. The success, of course, depends on members of this community submitting papers, this year and next -- that's what will make the conference interesting to this community.
There is a reasonable level of overlap into the network operator field. LISA and USENIX are both great conferences to attend if you want to know what to be planning your network for. These are the guys running the big server platforms doing interesting things with applications and I've found it very useful to review the papers out of both of these meetings [and also Apache-Con]. Regards, Neil.
participants (3)
Randy Bush
Steve Bellovin