Looks like the 45k mark was reached: Table History Date Prefixes 231296 43352 241296 44089 251296 43735 261296 43391 271296 43093 281296 43912 291296 45352 301296 45532 Happy New Year on the Internet, - paul ref: http://www.employees.org:80/~tbates/cidr-report.html

BBN Planet appears to have helped make this happen ;-(. Top 20 Added Classful Routes from 23Dec96 to 30Dec96 591 AS1 BBN Planet backbone 248 AS200 BBN Planet Western Region 239 AS560 BBN Planet, New England Region (N [...] Top 20 Added Classles Routes from 23Dec96 to 30Dec96 167 AS1 BBN Planet backbone 156 AS200 BBN Planet Western Region 46 AS279 SURAnet Southern AS [...] Config error ? or something else ? --Tony Paul Ferguson <pferguso@cisco.com> writes: * Looks like the 45k mark was reached: * * Table History * * * Date Prefixes * 231296 43352 * 241296 44089 * 251296 43735 * 261296 43391 * 271296 43093 * 281296 43912 * 291296 45352 * 301296 45532 * * Happy New Year on the Internet, * * - paul * * ref: http://www.employees.org:80/~tbates/cidr-report.html * *

: BBN Planet appears to have helped make this happen ;-(. Greetings and Happy New Year. As you all noticed, BBN Planet had a bit of routing announcement incontinence last weekend and this week. This was due to massive configuration error [on my part- so please to toss the rotten tomatoes my way if you feel so inclined.] The changes were massive enough that it was hard to return to the previous state. [Which, as we all know, wasn't very good in the first place.] In any case, the route table is back to approximately what it was before I touched the routers, and over the next two weeks or so I will be clearing out more leakage- which was my orginal intent. :/ Hopefully, BBN will be off the top of the criminals list by the end of the month, at least. Any more changes to our outbound policy will be excruciatingly examined before applying. I apologize for the painful errors in the previously applied policy. Best wishes for a great year, -Jennifer "Kobi" Roberts BBN Planet Network Engineering

Looks like the 45k mark was reached:
Table History
Date Prefixes 231296 43352 241296 44089 251296 43735 261296 43391 271296 43093 281296 43912 291296 45352 301296 45532
Happy New Year on the Internet,
- paul
Been there for a while... sandbox>sh ip bgp sum BGP table version is 1305923, main routing table version 1305923 46037 network entries (231928/267168 paths) using 13185156 bytes of memory -- --bill

In message <>, Paul Ferguson write s:
Looks like the 45k mark was reached:
Table History
Date Prefixes 231296 43352 241296 44089 251296 43735 261296 43391 271296 43093 281296 43912 291296 45352 301296 45532
I would like to note, that at 45,000+ prefixes even with prefix length filters dropping that down to 37,000 prefixes a 16Meg cisco router can no longer hold a reasonable table. It might be ok if people ran flap dampening at their boarders, but with several flaps per second per provider, and the extra memory and cpu used by dampening and filter-lists, those old 68030s can't cut it. For those people that still have "full routes" going into 2500 series routers, i.e. smaller dual attached providers, you'd better keep an eye out for your BGP sessions to start randomly dropping as you run out of memory. (Oh and if this happens enough Sprint and Digex will dampen your prefixes, and possible others...) --- Jeremy Porter, Freeside Communications, Inc. jerry@fc.net PO BOX 80315 Austin, Tx 78708 | 1-800-968-8750 | 512-458-9810 http://www.fc.net
participants (5)
Jenn Roberts
Jeremy Porter
Paul Ferguson
Tony Bates