Re: Risk of Internet collapse grows

How much of this research is based on marketing maps on the ISPs' web sites, versus actual maps of the networks in question? Most "tier 1" ISPs won't even let their vendors see the latter.
last year we *measured* isp maps as part of a research project called rocketfuel and found that the marketing maps can differ significantly from the real ones quite a bit because of lack-of-detail, outdated-ness, or optimistic-projections. a paper describing the methodology and the maps themselves can be found off:
Something is wrong here... You are claiming that your maps are *MORE* correct than the ISP maps!? I don't think so. I had a look at your map of Ebone Europe through the browse button on your website. This displayed a messy meshy network that connected all the major cities of Europe. However, in fact, Ebone's network was a nice clean ringed network connecting all the major cities of Europe. It's true that Ebone's marketing map had some innacuracies but it still more or less showed the same network of sub-rings hanging off of a core ring. I just don't see how an outside probe can determine the true topology of a network. If a researcher wants to do analysis of real network topologies they either need to get the real maps from the ISPs in question or else they need to ally themselves with someone like Telegeography who have this information for at least some ISPs. --Michael Dillon

I had a look at your map of Ebone Europe through the browse button on your website. This displayed a messy meshy network that connected all the major cities of Europe. However, in fact, Ebone's network was a nice clean ringed network connecting all the major cities of Europe. It's true that Ebone's marketing map had some innacuracies but it still more or less showed the same network of sub-rings hanging off of a core ring.
Maybe you´re referring to the physical topology. Rocketfuel measured the IP topology.
I just don't see how an outside probe can determine the true topology of a network.
Maybe not to 100% but definetly more than most ISP´s are handing out. Pete

On Monday, Dec 2, 2002, at 11:07 Europe/London, wrote:
I had a look at your map of Ebone Europe through the browse button on your website. This displayed a messy meshy network that connected all the major cities of Europe. However, in fact, Ebone's network was a nice clean ringed network connecting all the major cities of Europe.
"subtended ring architecture" is the expression you are looking for -:) The graph displayed on the rocketfuel page is extremely plausible given their methodology. One key thing to note is: "we find roughly seven times more routers and links in our area of focus than Skitter", which is symptomatic of the true problem of this kind of topology discovery: the Internet is fundamentally anisotropic. *NO* set of measurements short of brute-force any-to-any will ever discover all the possible paths even in a 100% static Internet, simply because of the natures of aggregation (hides information), and hop-by-hop forwarding (conceals 2ndary paths). The two combine in surprising ways. Dynamic routing change also will reveal false paths (thanks to ttl processing during transient loop/blackhole behaviours which are UNAVOIDABLE with vector-based routing protocols like BGP). In other words, more measurements can mean more paths, which seems good, except that some of those paths may be the result of chronic route flutter, which happens (just ask yer box about flapping). Hash-based load-balancing can further obscure connectivity, although the Rocketfuel people embrace the reduction of fully-equivalent paths, anyway. However, there are "equal-cost" L3 paths which are widely separated at lower layers. However, far from naively expecting isotropy and a full discovery of information, their very first footnote admits traceroute's shortcomings, and their methodology somewhat resembles X-Ray crystallography, which has developed some techniques for analysing complex anisotropic structures (like proteins). While this is a clever approach, they did miss a chance to try to eliminate spurious links apparently introduced by path asymmetry (which I believe is extremely commonplace, particularly around ring-shaped structures with traffic-direction bias (e.g., U.S.->Europe is much larger than Europe->U.S. by bps and pps), at least to the extent that the LSRR IP header option is allowed across networks and handled by hops between their measurement vantage points at the edge. A larger set of observation points in Central/Eastern/Southern Europe might also have revealed some of these biases, and heuristics at least could weed out spurious links. Clearly, though, their approach to reducing the set of observations among a group of vantage points is novel, and they did deliberately seek out a much larger group of vantage points than other studies; they admit that they are "scratching the surface" of automated map construction, and they do not claim to have produced the most accurate automatically-generated map possible. What they have done, however, is much better than their well-known predecessors, at least when I compare their results with what I know about the L0/L1 constructions of a couple of their targets. This is good science.
I just don't see how an outside probe can determine the true topology of a network.
What *is* the true topology of a IP network? If you accept that the topology is a graph comprising vertices (routers) at which a packet is forwarded to other vertices (with a line drawn between any pair of vertices where the forwarding is possible), then it is possible to describe a close match with observations taken from beyond the edges of such a network. Rocketfuel is a neat approach, but finds too many false paths, again probably because of transient routing changes and asymmetries of varying duration and severity. Attempting to filter out the dynamic noise is probably possible; Vern Paxson's massive traceroute work some years ago illustrated its existence, and if you can see it, maybe you filter it out. :-) However, if your target for "topology" requires line parts of the graph as a complete set of viable L2 links, or even worse, as lower-layer components across which some networks build single L2 paths (POS, PPP) and some networks build large numbers of them (FR, ATM, MPLS), then the work gets much harder, mostly because there is in some routers no practical way of filtering out internal delay at the responding hop from the RTT measurement using traceroute. (NTP synchronization with the routers in the path might help in correlating very stable (L3 path, delay) tuples to the correct L0 path.) In other words, MPLSD lets you hallucinate lots of direct router-to-router links which are phantoms. The packets still transit routers (sorry, "LSRs"), but detecting them seems hard.
If a researcher wants to do analysis of real network topologies they either need to get the real maps from the ISPs in question or else they need to ally themselves with someone like Telegeography who have this information for at least some ISPs.
I think that trying to treat the Internet as something (nearly fully) self-documenting, if you only write the correct "man page formatter", is extremely neat. Sean.
participants (5)
Alex Bligh
Petri Helenius
Randy Bush
Sean M.Doran