NANOG Board Announcement

I am sad to announce that Robert Seastrom has resigned from the NewNOG Board of Directors, effective yesterday. Rob has served on the Steering Committee, transition team, and the board for the past three years, and has provided valuable insight and assistance throughout the transition of NANOG to a standalone organization. I thank Rob for his service to the community, and look forward to his continued participation as a member. Since this creates a vacancy on the board with more than two months remaining until the next election, the Bylaws require the remaining board members to appoint a temporary replacement to serve until the election. At that time, a permanent replacement will be elected to fill the remainder of Rob's term, which ends in October 2012. Accordingly, the board has selected Michael K. Smith to fill the vacant position between now and the October Election. Mike has been serving as Communications Committee chair for a few years, as well as assisting with budgeting, technical planning, and many other behind-the-scenes tasks during the transition. Please join me in thanking Rob for his service, and in welcoming Mike to the board. Thanks, Steve Feldman, chair

Steven Feldman <> writes:
I am sad to announce that Robert Seastrom has resigned from the NewNOG Board of Directors, effective yesterday.
Accordingly, the board has selected Michael K. Smith to fill the vacant position between now and the October Election.
Just wanted to follow up on this. It's been an honor to be able to serve the community in this way, but lately my personal commitments (work and family) have made it impossible to live up to the SLA which I feel I owe NANOG, so I felt it was my duty to make room for someone who has the bandwidth to contribute in the way that I wish I could. I'm really excited to see Michael stepping into this new role; his record with the Communications Committee speaks for itself and I think he's absolutely the right guy for the job. Hats off to Michael. See you in San Diego! [*] -r [*] I won't be at the October meeting. My fiancee has made it clear that a NANOG and ARIN honeymoon is not on her top 10 list, and declined a suggestion that we submit our wedding vows to the ARIN AC on a policy template.
participants (2)
Robert E. Seastrom
Steven Feldman