Re: Keynote/Boardwatch Internet Backbone Index A better test!!! (Randy Bush) writes:
Just out of curiosity, why do many (not all) of the large backbone providers establish their face to the web (their corporate webserver) on slow, badly positioned machines?
Because it is done by marketing, not engineering?
In my opinion, this alone should reduce the Value Number of any given provider. Personally, flaws or not, I welcome Boardwatch's attempts to come up with a widely-published metric for the Internet. This likely will lead other publications into similar investigations, some of which may well bring the writers and editors of various periodicals into contact with the folks at CAIDA. Also, flaws or not, Boardwatch did do something fantastically clever, and that's examining things on an end-to-end basis, rather than obsessing about details of what's going on between the endpoints. People concerned about the abysmal end-to-end throughput of even modern TCP across much of the present Internet should be rejoicing and helping other journalists develop better and more scientific approaches to categorizing expected versus observed end-to-end performance. The combination of work aimed at measuring the internals of one's network and work that measures the "(un)happiness" of certain classes of applications should be of enormous value to engineers willing to admit that they don't know all the things that affect network performance observed by end-users. The reality, however, is that most American ISPs seem to engage in knee-jerk denial or aggressive posturing whenever there is a suggestion that their network is anything but perfect. I certainly have been in the middle of that kind of thing, so I can hardly claim innocence. Such reactions are pure marketing: we can't admit that maybe there is some way we could improve things or some set of things our network doesn't do well because that would hurt our product image. People who react with marketing-think and who build with marketing-think in the first place deserve to be torn apart by analyses based in marketing-think. While the article in question isn't in my hands yet, based on Mr Rickard's and others' comments on the NANOG list, I think it's safe to guess that this is precisely what the Boardwatch study does. Sean.

(As always, speaking only for myself.) On Jul 1, "Sean M. Doran" <> wrote:
Such reactions are pure marketing: we can't admit that maybe there is some way we could improve things or some set of things our network doesn't do well because that would hurt our product image.
I dunno...from what I saw on here, most of the people who were giving Jack a really hard time weren't even measured in that study. From what I saw, the most consistent problem that people pointed out was that what Jack said the story was measuring and what it actually measured were two different things. IMHO, Jack made the problem /much/ worse by trying to defend it without paying much attention to the arguments presented -- he had already made up his mind as to what kind of response he'd get (angry from "losers," supportive from "winners"), and did not seem to really notice when the actual ratio of response was different. This strikes me as exceedingly poor journalism (and a fairly dumb thing to do in and of itself). So, while I would love to help /somebody/ get better statistics on this kind of stuff, it seems (based on his actions here as well as some of his articles and editorials) that Jack is not enough of an objective journalist to do such a study in a thorough and scientific manner. Hopefully somebody else will...and by the way, Jack, I'd be quite happy for you to prove me wrong in the meantime. *********************************************************************** J.D. Falk voice: +1-415-482-2840 Supervisor, Network Operations fax: +1-415-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. "The People You Know. The People You Trust." ***********************************************************************

On 1 Jul 1997, Sean M. Doran wrote: ==>The reality, however, is that most American ISPs seem to ==>engage in knee-jerk denial or aggressive posturing ==>whenever there is a suggestion that their network is ==>anything but perfect. I certainly have been in the middle ==>of that kind of thing, so I can hardly claim innocence. ==> ==>Such reactions are pure marketing: we can't admit that ==>maybe there is some way we could improve things or some ==>set of things our network doesn't do well because that ==>would hurt our product image. I don't work for an NSP or ISP whose image can be hurt; my reactions were based solely upon the flawed methodology used by the magazines. For the most part, my beef with the study was that it didn't measure *at*all* what they claim to have measured. If they had said "end-to-end performace to various providers' web servers", great. But it certainly does NOT measure backbone performance. But this point has been made enough, and I digress. But it's one of the things we have to live with, I suppose. Trade rags aren't known to be completely un-biased and have accurate technical content. ==>People who react with marketing-think and who build with ==>marketing-think in the first place deserve to be torn ==>apart by analyses based in marketing-think. While the ==>article in question isn't in my hands yet, based on Mr ==>Rickard's and others' comments on the NANOG list, I think ==>it's safe to guess that this is precisely what the ==>Boardwatch study does. I would have to disagree, Sean, and say that there are one of two paths which could give a re-design of this study any merit (after the methodologies are fixed): 1. Stick with the backbone performance figure and install an equal-sized circuit to each backbone. Place a web server on it, no other traffic, and download the *exact* *same* file on each web server from the original 27 locations. Probably should up that number a bit more. 2. Stick with the end-to-end performance, figure, change the study's title, and make it a bit more scientific by asking the backbones to put this file on their server for testing. Sure, some backbones may decline, and that can be published too. Readers can draw their own conclusions as to why a provider declines. /cah
participants (3)
Craig A. Huegen
J.D. Falk