Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election

"illegal", "anonymous", "racist" "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." — Inigo Montoya -- Regards, Terrence Koeman, PhD/MTh/BPsy Darkness Reigns (Holding) B.V. Please quote relevant replies. Spelling errors courtesy of my 'smart'phone. ________________________________ From: Elad Cohen <> Sent: Thursday, 14 May 2020 04:22 To: Owen DeLong Cc: Subject: [SPAM-MS] Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election
---- This is the second time I’ve seen you make this claim in public. I see nothing in the slide deck you linked which claims they are illegal. ---- According to their private presentation in the following link - they receive on a regular basis private data from their contacts in internet companies and internet organizations in illegal way - and then they share it with Law Enforcement Agencies in illegal way (without any warrant).
---- Nor does it say that they are anonymous, in fact, the CIO’s name (Richard D G Cox) is prominently displayed on the title slide. ---- Spamhaus using fake names such as "Mike Anderson", "Rob Shultz", "Thomas Morrison", "Pete Dewas" - is a fact. Richard D G Cox name is displayed in the presentation - because it was a private presentation that was displayed in a private event and they never knew that it will become public.
---- I seriously doubt that if they were truly the criminals you say they are, they would be permitted to name the FBI as a partner on their website: ---- They are helping Law Enforcement Agencies on a regular basis and in very high volume according to their own presentation (by sharing with them all the illegaly-obtained privacy data) - so Law Enforcement Agencies look the other way.
---- I also sincerely doubt that if they were criminals, as you state, that they would be admitted as members, let alone receive awards from the National Cber-Forensics and Training Alliance. ---- Some of the employees of Spamhaus are past members of Law Enforcement Agencies, such as Andrew Fried (from - owned by Spamhaus) - which was a former special agent in USA government before hoped to his new job at Spamhaus. They are connected to the Law Enforcement Agencies in the Western world.
---- Indeed, ISPA has also presented them with an “Internet Hero Award”. ---- Yes, they help Law Enforcement Agencies, but in illegal way.
---- Frankly, when it comes to the issues of criminality, I think Spamhaus has significantly more credibility than you do. ---- Thank you for keep taking part in the illegal cyber influence operation. I dislike the word "credibility" - I like the words facts and data. Facts and data are booleans and don't let imbaciles like you are to have an opinion, please relate to facts and to data.
---- That’s an awfully strange interpretation of (presumably): “Spamhaus holds a lot of information provided in confidence by industry players — on the understanding that it can be made available to LEAs where needed.” ---- confidence means illegal unless you are an imbacile, industry players means internet companies and internet organizations, "on the understanding" - meaning that their contacts that shared with them the mass privcay data know that this data can be available to LEAs without any warrant "where needed".
---- Uh, sure, and I’m the Prince of Whales. ---- Ronald doesn't deny it, so you are denying it for him?
---- At this point, the best you’ve got on this list is an a-said/b-said with no public evidence on either side. In such a case, it boils down to credibility and frankly, IMHO, yours is lacking. ---- Yours lacking. You are asking from me to share with you private business documents publicly ? who are you ?
---- Quote 1 might be bad style on RFG’s part, but style and eloquence have never been his strong suits. ---- People that cover up racism are worst than racists.
---- a meticulous researcher and brutally honest ---- Proofs ? Facts ? Data ? Ever heared on any of these ? instead of mumbling here that Coconut Guilmette is a meticulous researcher and brutally honest.
Here just one note on his "honesty", Coconut Guilmette wrote here in Nanog the text in the following link:
I was never contacted by CoCT like he wrote nor anyone else was contacted, he lied to you all, not only that - but internal correspondences of CoCT proof the complete opposite of what he wrote - Alister of CoCT explained to Coconut Guilmette in his imagination what he wrote there - Coconut Guilmette will not be able to show a single proof to anything in that linked text paragraph of his. I'm willing to show evidences of the exact opposite to one respected member of Nanog and he will confirm it to the Nanog community (for example to William Herrin).
---- Are you attempting to hide the rest of the thread from closer scrutiny while cherry-picking quotes you hope support your narrative? ---- Racism is racism, you are again trying to to justify racism. The person that called Ronald a racist and the person that called Ronald an antisemitic - both of them read everything he wrote.
---- Quote 3 is the most amusing in that the person all but states that you, Mr. Cohen, are acting guilty of the allegations made by RFG and that the original poster thinks you both have things to answer for. ---- No, that response regarding me was due to the lies of Coconut Guilmette like I showed above. And there were many many more lies - everything that Coconut Guilmette wrote about me was without any single proof against me - only from his imagination. Are you comparing the quote of stating that I need to answer to the lies of Coconut Guilmette to the quote which is stating that Ronald is an antisemitic ???
---- Ron has UI problems, to be sure. Not the least of which, he doesn’t filter and doesn’t put any effort into political correctness. He definitely lacks polish and a certain level of social skills. ---- Nice way to cover up a person which is a racist and an antisemitic, and was called a racist and an antisemitic not by me but by people which are not related to me.
---- I don’t think for one second that he is actually a racist or a bigot. He identifies patterns and calls out what he sees. Often without regard for the collateral damage. ---- Patterns like country-origin ? city-origin ? race-patterns ? This is called racism, you are still trying to cover up a racist and an antisemitic.
---- You, Mr. Cohen, are not collateral. You are dead center of the wrongdoing he’s been pointing out. ---- The only wrongdoing is him not going to a complete health check and you covering up a racist and an antisemitic.
---- Just because RFG used racist terms and you happen to be Israeli (and for all I know Jewish, too), doesn’t mean that his accusations against you are baseless or inaccurate. ---- or Proof-less ??? And now in this sentence you are confirming that he is a racist and antisemitic - so why you wrote all the above?
---- Is it your claim that the following article: is entirely baseless? Do you have any documentation to support such a claim? ---- Here is the latest ordered article from the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" in that site:
And in it you can see that is written:
"It must be noted that Cohen is not being accused of any illegal activity in this report."
That is the last article after the mumbo-jumbo that you linked.
The site wrote it because they know that as you wrote - everything is entirely baseless - but it doesn't matter to them - all they want is to defame me and to hurt my chances to join the RIPE board, because they know that I will put an end to the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project" if I will be elected, the defamation towards me is only because I dared to stand up against the illegal anonymouos organization "The Spamhaus Project".
---- Just out of curiosity… Is this you, too? ---- Just out of curiosity... Is this you, too?
________________________________ From: Owen DeLong <> Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2020 12:07 AM To: Elad Cohen <> Cc: Ronald F. Guilmette <>; <> Subject: Re: RIPE NCC Executive Board election
"The Spamhaus Project" is an illegal anonymous organization according to their own words in their own following presentation:
This is the second time I’ve seen you make this claim in public. I see nothing in the slide deck you linked which claims they are illegal.
Nor does it say that they are anonymous, in fact, the CIO’s name (Richard D G Cox) is prominently displayed on the title slide.
I seriously doubt that if they were truly the criminals you say they are, they would be permitted to name the FBI as a partner on their website:
I also sincerely doubt that if they were criminals, as you state, that they would be admitted as members, let alone receive awards from the National Cber-Forensics and Training Alliance.
Indeed, ISPA has also presented them with an “Internet Hero Award”.
Frankly, when it comes to the issues of criminality, I think Spamhaus has significantly more credibility than you do.
They wrote in it that they receive on a regular basis - massive amount of illegaly-obtained privacy data from their contacts in many internet companies and internet organizations - and then they share it in illegal way (without any warrant) with Law Enforcement Agencies - this is the reason that Law Enforcement Agencies are doing nothing regarding the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project”.
That’s an awfully strange interpretation of (presumably):
“Spamhaus holds a lot of information provided in confidence by industry players — on the understanding that it can be made available to LEAs where needed.”
Ronald Guilmette is the front person of the illegal anonymous organization "The Spamhaus Project”.
Uh, sure, and I’m the Prince of Whales.
---- and that said legal counsel has then proceeded to threaten various officials of the City of Cape Town, South Africa with possible legal action if they do not relinquish to him their rights in and title to the block ---- This is a complete lie, in order to shame CoCT I will not share their internal correspondences. Anyone interested to know more information can email me directly.
At this point, the best you’ve got on this list is an a-said/b-said with no public evidence on either side. In such a case, it boils down to credibility and frankly, IMHO, yours is lacking.
---- "I am assured that at no time did the City of Cape Town ever sell, trade, or barter away their rights to this valuable IPv4 block" ---- Ronald is "assured" exactly as he is "assured" that all Dutch people are criminals and all Colombian network oeprators are criminals and all Chicago citizens are criminals according to his statements in the following links:
Quote 1 might be bad style on RFG’s part, but style and eloquence have never been his strong suits. OTOH, he is, in my experience, a meticulous researcher and brutally honest. I also note that you have carefully resorted to an image of a plain text blob with no header matter and no way to authenticate or verify the source or validate the attribution as factual. I don’t doubt that it is an actual RFG quote (at least it sounds like something he’d say), but why not link to the actual list archive where you got it? Are you attempting to hide the rest of the thread from closer scrutiny while cherry-picking quotes you hope support your narrative? FWIW: Cogent sales reps who actually respond<> is the original thread from the NANOG archives.
Qoute 2 strikes me as an innocent snark said in jest. FWIW: Colombia Network Operators Group<> is the original thread from the NANOG archives.
Quote 3 is the most amusing in that the person all but states that you, Mr. Cohen, are acting guilty of the allegations made by RFG and that the original poster thinks you both have things to answer for. FWIW: Quoted thread here: Prominent horse racing identities (was Re: Elad Cohen)<>
Ronald was called an antisemitic and a racist person here on Nanog in the following two links, by people which are not related to me:
Ron has UI problems, to be sure. Not the least of which, he doesn’t filter and doesn’t put any effort into political correctness. He definitely lacks polish and a certain level of social skills.
I don’t think for one second that he is actually a racist or a bigot. He identifies patterns and calls out what he sees. Often without regard for the collateral damage.
You, Mr. Cohen, are not collateral. You are dead center of the wrongdoing he’s been pointing out.
In the first "The Ronald Show" many months ago - Ronald called me in two antisemitic names that are being used to relate to Jews in Shakespeare literature (just like Ronald is relating to Shakespeare in ) - as part of his defamation campaign towards me - none of you raised a voice and not only that but some Nanog subscribers enjoyed his racism and antisemitism (without a single proof against me) as was written here by them (with a popcorn).
Just because RFG used racist terms and you happen to be Israeli (and for all I know Jewish, too), doesn’t mean that his accusations against you are baseless or inaccurate.
Is it your claim that the following article:
is entirely baseless? Do you have any documentation to support such a claim?
Just out of curiosity… Is this you, too?
participants (1)
Terrence Koeman