Hi all, This isn't a NANOG problem, but I'm out of my league on this and am wondering if anyone can contact me off-list or point me in a direction if they can help me resolve an expensive exploit against a branch office asterisk box. Thanks, Steve -- Steve Bertrand AMAYA | Senior Network & Systems Admin Direct Line: +1 403 537-9627 Mobile: +1 403 831-4611 Skype: stevie.bertrand Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn - YouTube www.amayagaming.com

If you're looking to hire someone to fix your asterisk install, your best bet would be the Asterisk User or Asterisk Business list. http://www.asterisk.org/community/discuss If this is an 0-day type scenario, you'd probably want to reach out to Digium directly. Can you expand a bit more on the details? On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 8:46 PM, Steve Bertrand <steve.bertrand@amayagaming.com> wrote:
Hi all,
This isn't a NANOG problem, but I'm out of my league on this and am wondering if anyone can contact me off-list or point me in a direction if they can help me resolve an expensive exploit against a branch office asterisk box.
-- Steve Bertrand AMAYA | Senior Network & Systems Admin Direct Line: +1 403 537-9627 Mobile: +1 403 831-4611 Skype: stevie.bertrand
Twitter - Facebook - LinkedIn - YouTube www.amayagaming.com
-- 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0

Hi, What is the pros and cons using Ethernet CFM&LMI or EBGP between PE-CE for link protection on ethernet based circuits. Currently, we are using EBGP when metro ethernet customers who want a backup link. But we are thinking about using CFM/E-LMI for fault management as CPE'es are more expensive and reaction time depends on the BGP timers. With CFM/LMI it'is much more better but this time it results in another control plane protocol in the network. What are the current applications in your network? Deniz AYDIN ________________________________ Bu elektronik posta ve onunla iletilen bütün dosyalar sadece göndericisi tarafından alması amaçlanan yetkili gerçek ya da tüzel kişinin kullanımı içindir. Eğer söz konusu yetkili alıcı değilseniz bu elektronik postanın içeriğini açıklamanız, kopyalamanız, yönlendirmeniz ve kullanmanız kesinlikle yasaktır ve bu elektronik postayı derhal silmeniz gerekmektedir. TurkNet bu mesajın içerdiği bilgilerin doğruluğu veya eksiksiz olduğu konusunda herhangi bir garanti vermemektedir. Bu nedenle bu bilgilerin ne şekilde olursa olsun içeriğinden, iletilmesinden, alınmasından ve saklanmasından sorumlu değildir. Bu mesajdaki görüşler yalnızca gönderen kişiye aittir ve TurkNet'in görüşlerini yansıtmayabilir. Bu e-posta bilinen bütün bilgisayar virüslerine karşı taranmıştır. ________________________________________ This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you are not the intended recipient you are hereby notified that any dissemination, forwarding, copying or use of any of the information is strictly prohibited, and the e-mail should immediately be deleted. TurkNet makes no warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information contained in this message and hereby excludes any liability of any kind for the information contained therein or for the information transmission, reception, storage or use of such in any way whatsoever. The opinions expressed in this message belong to sender alone and may not necessarily reflect the opinions of TurkNet. This e-mail has been scanned for all known computer viruses.

Well CFM and Ethernet LMI is great help in L2VPN services to pin point the failed portion of the L2 circuit. For L3VPN services I rather relay on BFD over PE-CE link and BGP PIC Edge in the backbone to achieve fast convergence. adam
participants (4)
Adam Vitkovsky
Deniz Aydin
Mike Hale
Steve Bertrand