ICANN Draws Fire Over Proposed Charges

http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB19990705S0003 I hope that the root servers are not turned over to this ICANN group. I believe this to be a disaster in waiting and will not remedy the problem as it exists. Henry

As I understand it, the root servers will stay put, where they are and operated by the current group of operators. Methinks the reporter here has a serious misunderstanding of the issues. As to the "problem that exists", I can only hope that you are right and we only have a single "problem". --bill

Couple of points: 1. This fits the NANOG AUP and Charter HOW??? And claiming that since root servers are spoken about is lame. I am only responding because I am getting tired of the BS, grand standing and other basic body part waving that is going on. There is REAL WORK that needs to be done. 2. Everyone seems to be in a tizzy about ICANN charging a $1 per domain name. WHY? Lets look at a couple of things shall we? A. NSI, of and thru the United States Gov, charges $35 per domain per year. They say this is to recover the cost of doing business and the USG didn't want to pay for the services any more. Ok so it costs $35 bucks. Hmm Then why did NSI recently state to the test bed registrar's that it COSTS NSI $9 per domain per year.? Seems a lot LESS than $35 they have been enjoying. So if you are a registrar you get to pay NSI the registery $9 per domain. Do you think NSI is doing that at a loss?? I don't. What is the real cost to register a domain ?? Or did NSI just get rich off of all of us? 3. Para 3 of that article (I don't call it news) states that NSI is stating ICANN hasn't stuck to its non-profit status. Partially because it is holding meetings in "remote locales, including Berlin, Singapore, and Santiago". I thought ICANN was supposed to be a GLOBAL deal. Otherwords it would be smart of them to hold meetings in DIFFERENT parts of the world, so as to get the input from local people of that region. To think that all such meetings should be held in the US or even a US / Euro venue, is well very Anglo / European. 4. I really like Brian O' Shaughnessy's statement in Para 4. " Its not about the common Internet folk anymore, its about the guys in the $1,200 Armani suits who can afford to fly to Santiago" Hello, Mr. O' Shaughnessy: Well Sir, I don't have any Armani suits, from what I saw at Singapore Chuck Gomes, Don Telage, and the other NSI people where the best "Shirt and Tie" dressed people at the ICANN meeting, at least in the public side. There certainly where a lot of jeans, polo shirts and such. I even think Joe Simms wasn't in a tie, and HE can afford that Armani suit! :) Hey, M. Sandow wasn't in a Armani Suit, or was that not in the budget???? Oh, by the way Mr. O'Shaughnessy: I run a SMALL (you know little guy) ISP in New Mexico and I thought it was important to hear and witness what ICANN had to say and what it was doing. Mr. O' Shaughnessy it cost me a significant amount of money to attend and I attended because I wanted to make sure that those of us little guy ISP's had someone looking at the process and not just the Net.Kooks. In closing I have this to say: I have watched this whole process and can sum up most of the public mail as follows: 1. FUD, created NSI or people they have a relationship with 2. Debate on whether certain people really exist or not in Dallas area 3. Name calling between the kook camps What I haven't seen is real serious respectable people stepping forward and stating objective, clearly formed, well thought out statements for or against this entire project. ICANN may not be the best thing since sliced bread, but on the other hand do we all want the USG / DOC / NSI to control OUR INTERNET. Nope I didn't think so. ICANN has many different things to deal with and funding the org is on of the more critical and important things. I'd rather have ICANN funded by a $1 per domain or similar charge, than by having corporate sponsors. Don't bother to reply to this message unless you do the following: 1. Take if off the list, otherwords reply PRIVATELY 2. Have well thought out statements and SOLUTIONS that will work technically , operationally, and globally 3. Are not a kook. On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 10:26:01AM -0700, Henry R. Linneweh wrote:

You have a good point and if that was ALL you said I wouldn't comment. However, you also threw a lot of mud that properly belongs on the InterNIC DOMAIN-POLICY list, the IFWP list, or the DNSO.ORG list.Those are the proper venue for these issues. You can subscribe there and join the festivities, if you want. I will be there as well as many others. Most of the folks that are really interested are also on the DNSO.ORG and IFWP lists. Most of the relevant links can be found via <http://www.dnso.net>. When I get time, I will put up a page pointing to the relevant mailer-list pages, on DNSO.NET. BTW, you might get yourself updated as while you are there. Your myths need upgrading. This post is placed in the interests of diverting this, non-NANOG, traffic to the appropriate lists. Please don't flame.
participants (4)
Henry R. Linneweh
John M. Brown
Roeland M.J. Meyer