At 02:52 PM 2/13/98 PST, Randy Bush wrote:
why should this not have become the default mode for all vendor diustributed router code?
was that meant to be "distrusted" code, or distributed? :) either way, we may want to do a quick list of such commands, including the following: ip classless ip subnet-zero what ones did I miss? ************************************************************** Chris A. Icide voice: +1-650-482-2840 Chief Technology Officer fax: +1-650-482-2844 PRIORI NETWORKS, INC. http://www.priori.net "Tommorrow's Performance Today." - Notice: NVRAM invalid, possibly due to write erase. Press RETURN to get started! - PGP Keys located at pgpkeys.mit.edu **************************************************************
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Chris A. Icide