Re: Questions about Internet Packet Losses

From: Bob Metcalfe <> Is Merit's packet loss data (NetNow) credible?
The measurement needs more data points located inside other providers, but is pretty accurate regarding links into and out of the major NAPs.
Do packet losses in the Internet now average between 2% and 4% daily?
This is nothing new. In fact, it used to be much worse. Remember 1986? 1989? 1994? We've had pretty serious loss rates at times.
Are 30% packet losses common during peak periods?
I've personally measured 40% pretty regularly, and 80% at times. But it is much better now than a few years back.
Is there any evidence that Internet packet losses are trending up or down?
Losses are on the rise again (past few months), but there was a downward trend during 1996 for my own connections. I specifically saw MCI and Sprint put in faster links last year, and add more private interconnects. Improved my life immensely.
Were Merit's data correct, what would be the impact of 30% packet losses on opening up TCP connections?
TCP will keep working. It's much harder on UDP, as the UDP applications often aren't very good on recovery. Lots of applications use UDP that should have used TCP. TCP is very robust.
On TCP throughput, say through a 28.8Kbps modem?
Compared to what? I remember using TCP pretty well over 300 bps and 1200 bps modems. Even at 28.8 Kbps, the delay in the modem swamps the delay of the net.
On Web throughput, since so many TCP connections are involved?
The Web is actually a major source of the problem. It was not very well designed, protocol-wise. It causes rapid transient congestion.
On DNS look-ups?
Yes, DNS uses UDP, and fails a lot more often. So, I just try again.
On email transport?
SMTP uses TCP, and still works great. Neither delay nor packet loss are an issue.
How big a problem is HTTP's opening of so many TCP connections?
It is a terrible problem. There is no time for the congestion and round trip estimation algorithms to kick in, as each connection is so short. But, HTTP is being fixed.
Does TCP need to operate differently than it does now when confronted routinely with 30% packet losses and quarter-second transit delays?
No. It works fine. BTW, 1/4 second delays are not a problem; as I said earlier, this is actually better than we had when we developed the code, 2 second delays were typical in modems (576 byte payloads at 2400 bps).
What is the proper response of an IP-based protocol, like TCP, as packet losses climb? Try harder or back off or what?
Exponential backoff. This is all well described by Van Jacobson nearly a decade ago. This kind of question is what makes folks think you haven't done your homework, Bob.
How robust are various widespread TCP/IP implementations in the face of 30% packet loss and quarter-second transit delays?
BSD 4.4 and derivatives work fine. Newer implementations with Sack work a bit better. Karn's KA9Q stack (used in many small enterprise routers and some MS-DOS hosts) is even more robust, as it was developed for amateur radio. High losses and high delay are typical in radio. FTP Software's stack seems to perform very well, and they update it regularly. MacTCP is terrible. And many early WWW servers and clients were Mac based, so they have terrible TCP characteristics. But, they still actually worked! But Apple replaced MacTCP last year with Open Transport, which works much better. Everyone should upgrade to MacOS 7.6. I've also had some problems with Win'95, and actually removed it and went back to Win 3.1. Since I gave up on it, I never really got to the bottom of why it was performing so badly. As an ISP, we actually charge more to setup folks with Win'95, while we charge nothing for Macs with Open Transport. Amazing difference in user support costs. I've noticed that there are a rather a lot of old SunOS systems out there. They don't have modern versions of TCP/IP, with MTU Discovery et cetera. But they should have been upgraded years ago, and are probably about to fall over anyway.
Is the Internet's sometimes bogging down due mainly to packet losses or busy servers or what, or does the Internet not bog down?
Busy servers is the worst problem I've had in the past year. Much worse (more frequent) than the packet losses.
What fraction of Internet traffic still goes through public exchange points and therefore sees these kinds of packet losses? What fraction of Internet traffic originates and terminates within a single ISP?
From personal experience at my clients, virtually all traffic is distributed across multiple providers. Hardly any is local. This has always been true of email, and is also true of WWW traffic.
But as far as I know, there is no serious data available on internal versus external traffic of ISPs. In the ISP I partly own, most of the traffic is external. Where dial-up users POP their email from the server locally, the email still came via other providers to the server.
Where is the data on packet losses experienced by traffic that does not go through public exchange points?
As far as I know, there is no data on how much traffic goes through public versus private exchange points. But, we should encourage more exchange points of every kind.
If 30% loss impacts are noticeable, what should be done to eliminate the losses or reduce their impacts on Web performance and reliability?
The losses are noticable. What _should_ be done is fairly well known. We've been talking about it for years. I've been fairly active on the topic. Link speeds do not increase at the rate of Internet traffic. Merely making the links faster is doomed to fail. Routing performance will not increase at the rate of Internet traffic. Merely adding links between the same places is doomed to fail. Resource reservation on already congested links is doomed to fail. Resource reservation on many short flows is doomed to fail. We need providers to share faster links, such as inter-continental. By the very nature of Internet traffic multiplexing, it is better to share one bigger link than many smaller ones. Traffic shaping would ensure each provider getting their "fair share". We need more exchanges, both public and private. There should be one or more major public exchanges in every metropolitan area. Massive parallel inter-connections. More robust in the case of link failure and as backhoe protection. It's the only way we can scale at the rate of Internet traffic. Unfortunately, both these solutions require cooperation, which is in short supply.
Are packet losses due mainly to transient queue buffer overflows of user traffic or to discards by overburdened routing processors or something else?
Most of the packet losses I see and have verified are _link_ underprovisioning! That is, providers have sold more subscriber connections than they can carry to other providers, and subscribers have bought links that are too small for the amount of traffic they generate. I've seen the provider version of the problem a lot more often than I've seen the subscriber problem.
What does Merit mean when they say that some of these losses are intentional because of settlement issues?
In some cases, the decision to keep the small congested link to other providers appears to be political and deliberate.
Are ISPs cooperating intelligently in the carriage of Internet traffic, or are ISPs competing destructively, to the detriment of them and their customers?
Major ISPs are not cooperating very well. Regional ISPs are doing a better job of cooperating. There are plenty of examples of both. Key fingerprint = 17 40 5E 67 15 6F 31 26 DD 0D B9 9B 6A 15 2C 32 Key fingerprint = 2E 07 23 03 C5 62 70 D3 59 B1 4F 5E 1D C2 C1 A2

On Tue, 14 Jan 1997, William Allen Simpson wrote:
On Web throughput, since so many TCP connections are involved?
The Web is actually a major source of the problem. It was not very well designed, protocol-wise. It causes rapid transient congestion.
How big a problem is HTTP's opening of so many TCP connections?
It is a terrible problem. There is no time for the congestion and round trip estimation algorithms to kick in, as each connection is so short.
But, HTTP is being fixed.
Assuming HTTP traffic is 50%-60% of data traffic on the Internet, how much of a win will we get once streaming HTTP comes along? Hank Nussbacher

Let me get this straight: Spammers are now sending millions upon millions of unsolicited, for all intents and purposes unpaid for, junk email &c ads daily, growing at a phenomenal rate as they perfect their 24 by 7 mass mailing robots, unchecked, and the concern here is that relatively minor vendor implementation details in TCP stacks are contributing to congestion on the net? Talk about re-arranging deck chairs on the Titanic, this really is just a morbid, shuddering case of denial, right? Hey, why build an ark, Noah, when we can have such productive discussions about sponge technology!? I suppose the reasoning is that the vendors we can whine at to fix poorly chosen default MTUs, but spammers, well, if they want to show up at these all you can eat buffets with 18-wheel semis and payloaders that's their business, we'll just have to spend our time building more stuff and socking the costs to the legitimate customers, perhaps we can improve the gas mileage on those semis, yeah that should help. This party really is going downhill fast, it's astounding to watch, like boy scouts dropped off in Somalia proceeding to organize litter policing... -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | | Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 617-739-0202 | Login: 617-739-WRLD The World | Public Access Internet | Since 1989

From the looks here, NANOG gets further along in other areas because
I'm not sure the people at the ISP NOCs ever got their jobs by engaging in the business or political side of the net. As a survival issue, they will most likely side-step issues which pit person against person. the organization does not become pro or anti spam or pro or anti whatever. If NANOG does gather heavy consensus, like it does with technical issues, watch out -- because they will slay whatever spammaster or protocol-adulterer they find. Then they would become essentially like Vatican City is for the Virtual Catholic State. I hate spam and will shut it down as fast as possible. I hope it gets treated like fax-junk-stuff rather than postal junk stuff. I'd like to organize with folk to oppose and shut down spam, but there is already one heck of a motivated group of us out there, we just don't quite have the cooperation thing going yet. I don't think NANOG will help, even though you might find many NANOG folk fighting spam with you.
This party really is going downhill fast, it's astounding to watch, like boy scouts dropped off in Somalia proceeding to organize litter policing...
I don't neccessarily agree with the above statement but it is one helluvan image! Cheers!
participants (4)
Barry Shein
Craig Nordin
Hank Nussbacher
William Allen Simpson