Fwd: Call for Nominations to the Public Interest

I usually try not to cross-post, but only do so here because I thought this would be of interest to the NANOG community at-large. FYI, - ferg ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- February 21, 2005: Call for Nominations to the Public Interest Registry .ORG Advisory Council The .ORG Advisory Council has been a valuable global resource for the Public Interest Registry ('PIR') management in the areas of policy, outreach, new services and support. The Council continues to provide PIR with beneficial recommendations to improve registry operations and support the non-commercial .ORG community. Eight of the twenty one Advisory Council seats are open to be filled on April 15th. Seven of the seats are for three year terms; one seat is for a two year term. We would like your help in soliciting the best possible nominees for the open seats. We are seeking individuals with significant Internet leadership experience within the Non-profit, NGO, Civil Society and Domain Name arenas who represent the broad and geographically diverse spectrum of the global noncommercial community. Interested individuals are encouraged to submit nominations, including self-nominations. A nomination statement of approximately 400 words should include details of the nominees experience within the Internet, commitment to promoting the noncommercial use of the Internet, understanding of the technical or policy issues facing the .ORG registry and perspectives regarding the needs of the .ORG community. A current biography and digital photograph are also requested. The Council consists of twenty-one members selected by the PIR Board of Directors in accordance with the Charter of the Council, <http://www.pir.org/about_pir/a_c/pir_ac_charter.pdf>. New Council members will be announced on April 15, 2005. Nominations must be submitted by Wednesday, March 23, 2005. Please submit nominations to nominations@pir.org. For complete information on the PIR .ORG Advisory Council, go to <www.pir.org/about_pir/a_c/>. Warmest Regards, Edward G. Viltz President & CEO Public Interest Registry "Serving the Public Interest" _______________________________________________ ISOC-members-announce mailing list ISOC-members-announce@mailman.isoc.org http://mailman.isoc.org/mailman/listinfo/isoc-members-announce To unsubscribe, send a blank message to: isoc-members-announce-leave@isoc.org Please note that by leaving this membership list you will also be resigning ISOC membership. -- "Fergie", a.k.a. Paul Ferguson Engineering Architecture for the Internet fergdawg@netzero.net or fergdawg@sbcglobal.net
participants (1)
Fergie (Paul Ferguson)