Hi All - At the Peering BOF Monday evening, so far I have Peering Coordinators lined up from Adelphia, CableVision, Comcast, Cox, DACOM Korea, Equinix, GNAPs, ICG, ISC, Japan Telecom, Merit, Powered, Shaw, TELUS, T-Systems, Videotron, Yahoo! and C&W. We can take another 5-7 folks on the agenda, so... If you are a peering coordinator and would like to introduce yourself to the other Peering Coordinators, please fill out and e-mail the RSVP form below to wbn@equinix.com. We had a lot of walk-ons last time and we will do that again this time, but if you RSVP I will have your contact info and RSVP info in the screen behind you as you introduce yourself, so it works better if you RSVP. A couple suggestions came from the field as well: Bring plenty of cards, network maps showing relevant info (peering points, backbone topology and size of pipes, etc). After the BOF we will break to the bar where the real work happens ;-) See you in Richmond Hill ! Bill --------------------------------------------- Previous Call for Participants ------------------------------------------ Hi all - NANOG is only three weeks away and Monday evening at NANOG there will be another Peering BOF ; thanks to those that suggested this on the survey forms! We'll do this the same way as last time / the same way the Peering Personals ran at the last GPF: *Peering Coordinators*: Send me the completed RSVP form below. I'll assemble these into logos, icons, AS#s and contact info With this backdrop, each of you in turn get a chance to stand up and a) introduce yourself, your network, b) what you are looking for in a peer, c) why folks should want to peer with you, and d) which locations you currently or plan to peer. Making the initial contact with the potential peer is (oddly enough) the most difficult parts of peering, and the Peering Personals has proven to be an effective (and lively!) way to make those initial contacts. So *Peering Coordinators* - send me those RSVPs ! Since we only have 90 minutes I'm going to limit the number of Peering Coordinators to 25 or so. If there is time remaining we'll use the rest of the time for ad hoc Peering Personals as we did last time. A couple comments: I noticed on the thread "Interconnects" folks were talking about willingness to peer and MLPAs. At least from the conversations I had during my research on Peering, I found relatively little interest in MLPAs. For those using contracts for peering, folks preferred to control peering using their own contracts written by their lawyers, stating their evolving peering terms and conditions, and generally felt somewhat like they were losing control by signing up to a MLPA document. At the same time, I have found from running these Peering Personals and talking with these Peering Coordinators, that maybe 80% of all Peering Coordinators had a relatively open peering policy. By "Relatively Open" I mean that they would peer in any single location or multiple location with companies that they would not consider to be a prospective customer. This openness was surprising given all the huff and puff on mailing lists over the years about *not* being able to get peering. We'll see if my 80% figure rings true at the Peering BOF, and I'll share a couple anecdotes about an emerging set of significant traffic open peers at the Peering BOF. Bill ------------------ RSVP FORM ------------------------------ Clip Here --------------------------- Please Fill out and e-mail to wbn@equinix.com with Subject: Peering BOF V Name: ______________________ Email: ______________________ Title: ______________________ Company: ___________________ AS#(s): _____________________ Check each that applies: ___ We are an ISP (sell access to the Internet) -- OR -- ___ We are a Non-ISP (content company, etc.) ___ We are Content-Heavy -- OR -- ___ We are Access-Heavy ___ We generally require peering in multiple locations -- OR -- ___ We will peer with anyone in any single location ___Peering with Content Players or Content Heavy ISPs is OK by us ___ We have huge volumes of traffic (lots of users and/or lots of content) (Huge: > 1 Gbps total outbound traffic to peers and transit providers) ___ We have a global network ___ We require written contracts for peering ___ We have a U.S. Nation-Wide Backbone (East Coast, West Coast, and at least one location in the middle) ------------------------------------------- snip ------------------------------------------------

Anyone driving over to the docks from the Sheraton hotel tomorrow AM? Willing to split a cab otherwise. -- David Diaz dave@smoton.net [Email] pagedave@smoton.net [Pager] Smotons (Smart Photons) trump dumb photons

On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 11:56:02PM -0400, David Diaz wrote:
Anyone driving over to the docks from the Sheraton hotel tomorrow AM? Willing to split a cab otherwise.
I was supposed to have sent out mail about this, but I forgot. Then Joe Provo & Ren were supposed to, but I guess they forgot too... We've got a group of taxis standing by at 8:15am to get us down to the docks... -jeff
participants (3)
David Diaz
Jeff Wasilko
William B. Norton