Hi all, A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.

On Tue, 27 Jan 2009, wingying wrote: : :Hi all, :A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? :Thanks. That would depend on what your OOB uses for an interface (cli/gui), or what bandwidth you have to spare. Not necessarily in any given order. Overprovisioning alleviates most concerns, and bw, whether clear-channel in-house, or otherwise is cheap these days :)

Michael K. Smith - Adhost expunged (mksmith@adhost.com):
Hi all, A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.
In the optical world it's often 192 Kb/sec.
I think that was common circa late 90's, I've seen at least two optical providers that use 10Mb/s optical overhead channels on recent technology. -Steve

Given the recent DNS amplification attacks, I've audit and updated our authoritative servers. We are using 9.6.0-P1 now. I've been using the cyrmu templates, but one thing I see is that the dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example: 27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + 27-Jan-2009 15:00:23.118 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + the named.conf has: ... ... ... view "external-in" in { match-clients { any; }; recursion no; additional-from-auth no; additional-from-cache no; zone "." in { type hint; file "db.cache"; }; ... ... since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I do to deny the query to the . zone file? ---- Matthew Huff | One Manhattanville Rd OTA Management LLC | Purchase, NY 10577 http://www.ox.com | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-460-4139

On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 03:04:19PM -0500, Matthew Huff wrote:
< ... snip ... > dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example: 27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + < ... snip ... > since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I do to deny the query to the . zone file?
AFAIK, that's about the best you can do with the DNS configuration. You've mitigated the amplification value, so hopefully the perpetrator(s) will drop you. If you're willing to keep up with the moving targets, the next level is an inbound packet filter. Add to your inbound ACL: deny udp host neq 53 any eq 53 Also on this topic: Coincident with this DNS DOS, I started seeing inbound PTR queries from various hosts on (which are blackholed by my DNS servers). They receive no response, yet they persist. Anyone have thoughts on their part in the scheme? Best wishes, Nate Itkin

In message <200901272116.n0RLGiJA002250@ns1.konadogs.net>, Nate Itkin writes:
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 03:04:19PM -0500, Matthew Huff wrote:
< ... snip ... > dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example: 27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + < ... snip ... > since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I d o to deny the query to the . zone file?
AFAIK, that's about the best you can do with the DNS configuration. You've mitigated the amplification value, so hopefully the perpetrator(s) will drop you. If you're willing to keep up with the moving targets, the next level is an inbound packet filter. Add to your inbound ACL:
deny udp host neq 53 any eq 53
Which pre-supposes that os not emitting queries of its own. BCP 140 looked at this problem and concluded that sending REFUSED was the best general guidance that can be given. While BCP 140 applies to recursive servers, returning REFUSED to queries which are not within the namespace served by authoritative servers is entirely consistant with BCP 140.
Also on this topic: Coincident with this DNS DOS, I started seeing inbound PTR queries from various hosts on (which are blackholed by my DNS servers). They receive no response, yet they persist. Anyone have thoughts on their part in the scheme?
If you don't implement BCP 38 you don't block bogus traffic. Unless you are using then you aren't implementing BCP 38 either. If you were you wouldn't be seeing queries from Mark
Best wishes, Nate Itkin
-- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews@isc.org

On Wed, Jan 28, 2009 at 10:36:29AM +1100, Mark Andrews wrote:
< ... snip ... >
deny udp host neq 53 any eq 53
Which pre-supposes that os not emitting queries of its own. BCP 140 looked at this problem and concluded that sending REFUSED was the best general guidance that can be given. While BCP 140 applies to recursive servers, returning REFUSED to queries which are not within the namespace served by authoritative servers is entirely consistant with BCP 140.
Agree. Thank you for catching that. I should have elaborated that one must be very judicious about adding ACLs for the reasons you mentioned. One of the DOS victims had explicitly said not to expect queries from two of the recent targets, but yeah, not necessarily a good plan in the general case. Best wishes, Nate Itkin

At 03:16 PM 1/27/2009, Nate Itkin wrote:
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 03:04:19PM -0500, Matthew Huff wrote:
< ... snip ... > dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example: 27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + < ... snip ... > since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I do to deny the query to the . zone file?
AFAIK, that's about the best you can do with the DNS configuration. You've mitigated the amplification value, so hopefully the perpetrator(s) will drop you. If you're willing to keep up with the moving targets, the next level is an inbound packet filter. Add to your inbound ACL:
deny udp host neq 53 any eq 53
Also on this topic: Coincident with this DNS DOS, I started seeing inbound PTR queries from various hosts on (which are blackholed by my DNS servers). They receive no response, yet they persist. Anyone have thoughts on their part in the scheme?
Best wishes, Nate Itkin
I'm not seeing those PTR queries for, but then my perimeter ingress/egress filters (BCP 38) toss most of that kind of junk before my DNS servers ever see it. I agree that is as far as one can go with BIND, right now. However, that isn't making the perpetrators cease and desist. I am seeing ongoing query attempts coming in and refusal packets going back out, and the targets don't seem to change until I do something to block them. So mitigating the amplification factor does not seem of interest to these perpetrators. On the contrary, even REFUSED responses can aggregate with some amplified responses to enhance the apparent DoS goal. Thus BCP 140 seems to be less than completely effective because it is less than universally applied (i.e., older versions of BIND or misconfigured BIND.) I think the same situation is true with BCP 38: less than universally applied. So do I wait for universal application of these BCPs, or do I take responsibility for doing what I can to make my network resources less appealing for abuse? I choose the latter, and that is why went to the effort of blocking this abusive traffic before it reaches my authoritative-only DNS servers. Nevertheless, I also agree with a point made last week that trying to keep up with the changing targets is a game of whack-a-mole that is and will continue to be a drain on network management resources -- if the detection and response continues to be deployed manually. This is why I wrote some Perl for my authoritative-only servers to automate detection and response at the server level. Granted it isn't a permanent solution, but at least it is a place to start. I appended that code below for those who are interested in it. Notes ----- * Does not blindly block all queries from an IP address, as would be the case with an ACL. * Assumes BIND 9.4+ configured for authoritative-only role and configured to respond with REFUSE for queries to zones for which it is not authoritative. * Uses BIND 9.4+ syslog messages and a state table as inputs. * Alters IPtables rules and a state table as outputs. * Runs as a periodic cron job (currently every 10 minutes). * Performs a logtail on BIND 9.4+ syslog messages to detect abusive queries matching a pattern. * Implements a minimum detection threshold to reduce the false positive rate (currently 1/minute a.k.a. 10/cycle) * Implements a state table with last-seen timestamps to maintain state between job runs. * Implements an expiry mechanism (currently 24 hours) which is extended each time a source is re-detected. Dependencies ------------ * Linux 2.4+ kernel * BIND 9.4+ * An account sufficiently privileged to read local syslog and modify IPtables rules. * Logtail * Cron */10 * * * * /usr/local/sbin/dns-reflecter-finder * IPtables key rules: iptables -N dns-reflecter iptables -A {INPUT} -p udp --sport ! 53 --dport 53 -j dns-reflecter (place this above your general ALLOW rules for DNS) #!/usr/bin/perl # use strict; use Data::Dumper; my $BASENAME = "/bin/basename"; my $LN = "/bin/ln"; my $LOGTAIL = "/usr/sbin/logtail"; my $IPTABLES = "/sbin/iptables"; my $LOGDIR = "/var/log"; my $RUNDIR = "/var/run"; my $Progname = $0; $Progname = `$BASENAME $Progname`; chomp ($Progname); my $IPtablesChain = "dns-reflecter"; my $RealLogFile = "$LOGDIR/messages"; my $LogFile = "$LOGDIR/$Progname.log"; my $DBfile = "$RUNDIR/$Progname.dat"; my $DetectPeriod = 600; # This should match the cron period my $DetectThold = $DetectPeriod / 60; my $ExpiryPeriod = 60 * 60 * 24; my $Now = time(); my $Debug = 0; if ($#ARGV >= 0 && $ARGV[0] eq "-debug") { $Debug++; } # # Set up the symlink to the real log file. # unless (-l $LogFile) { if ($Debug) { print "$LN -s $RealLogFile $LogFile\n"; } else { system ($LN, "-s", $RealLogFile, $LogFile); } } # # Find all unread log entries that are refused ". IN NS" queries with # source port number != 53; # my %IPaddrsMatched = (); my $ipaddr = ""; my $portnum = ""; if (open (LOGS, "$LOGTAIL $LogFile|")) { while (<LOGS>) { chomp; if (/named\[\d+\]: client ([\d\.]+)\#(\d+): .* \'\.\/NS\/IN\' denied$/o) { $ipaddr = $1; $portnum = $2; if ($portnum != 53) { $IPaddrsMatched{$ipaddr}++; } } } close (LOGS); } else { die "Cannot logtail $LogFile: $!\n"; } if ($Debug) { print Dumper (\%IPaddrsMatched), "\n"; } # # Delete IP addresses from the running if they hit with # frequency less than the threshold. In this case 1 every # 60 seconds. # foreach $ipaddr (keys %IPaddrsMatched) { if ($IPaddrsMatched{$ipaddr} < $DetectThold) { delete ($IPaddrsMatched{$ipaddr}); } } # # If our db file exists, read it into a hash. # my %IPaddrsCached = (); my $when = 0; if (-f $DBfile) { if (open (DB, $DBfile)) { while (<DB>) { chomp; # # Decode the IP address and the Unix epoch timestamp # when it was last found in logs. # ($ipaddr, $when) = split (/\s+/o); # # If the entry has been quiescent for less than the # expire time, retain it. If not, skip it. # if ($Now - $when <= $ExpiryPeriod) { $IPaddrsCached{$ipaddr} = $when; } } close (DB); } else { die "Cannot read from $DBfile: $!\n"; } } if ($Debug) { print Dumper (\%IPaddrsCached), "\n"; } # # Refresh last-seen timestamps for IP addresses detected # during this run, and add new entries for IP addresses # not previously seen (i.e., never before seen, or # previously seen and expired). # foreach $ipaddr (keys %IPaddrsMatched) { $IPaddrsCached{$ipaddr} = $Now; } # # Write out the updated db file. Overwrite if # previously existed. # if (open (DB, ">$DBfile")) { foreach $ipaddr (sort keys %IPaddrsCached) { print DB "$ipaddr\t$IPaddrsCached{$ipaddr}\n"; } close (DB); } else { die "Cannot write to $DBfile: $!\n"; } # # Flush the dedicated IPtables rule chain. # if ($Debug) { print "$IPTABLES -F $IPtablesChain\n"; } else { system ($IPTABLES, "-F", $IPtablesChain); } # # Add to the dedicated IPtables rule chain all the entries # just written to the db as DROP rules. # foreach $ipaddr (sort keys %IPaddrsCached) { if ($Debug) { print "$IPTABLES -A $IPtablesChain -s $ipaddr -j DROP\n"; } else { system ($IPTABLES, "-A", $IPtablesChain, "-s", $ipaddr, "-j", "DROP"); } } exit 0; -- Douglas C. Stephens | UNIX/Windows/Email Admin System Support Specialist | Network/DNS Admin Information Systems | Phone: (515) 294-6102 Ames Laboratory, US DOE | Email: stephens@ameslab.gov

In message <>, "Douglas C. St ephens" writes:
At 03:16 PM 1/27/2009, Nate Itkin wrote:
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 03:04:19PM -0500, Matthew Huff wrote:
< ... snip ... > dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example: 27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + < ... snip ... > since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I do to deny the query to the . zone file?
AFAIK, that's about the best you can do with the DNS configuration. You've mitigated the amplification value, so hopefully the perpetrator(s) will drop you. If you're willing to keep up with the moving targets, the next level is an inbound packet filter. Add to your inbound ACL:
deny udp host neq 53 any eq 53
Also on this topic: Coincident with this DNS DOS, I started seeing inbound PTR queries from various hosts on (which are blackholed by my DNS servers). They receive no response, yet they persist. Anyone have thoughts on their part in the scheme?
Best wishes, Nate Itkin
I'm not seeing those PTR queries for, but then my perimeter ingress/egress filters (BCP 38) toss most of that kind of junk before my DNS servers ever see it.
I agree that is as far as one can go with BIND, right now. However, that isn't making the perpetrators cease and desist. I am seeing ongoing query attempts coming in and refusal packets going back out, and the targets don't seem to change until I do something to block them. So mitigating the amplification factor does not seem of interest to these perpetrators. On the contrary, even REFUSED responses can aggregate with some amplified responses to enhance the apparent DoS goal. Thus BCP 140 seems to be less than completely effective because it is less than universally applied (i.e., older versions of BIND or misconfigured BIND.) I think the same situation is true with BCP 38: less than universally applied. So do I wait for universal application of these BCPs, or do I take responsibility for doing what I can to make my network resources less appealing for abuse?
I choose the latter, and that is why went to the effort of blocking this abusive traffic before it reaches my authoritative-only DNS servers. Nevertheless, I also agree with a point made last week that trying to keep up with the changing targets is a game of whack-a-mole that is and will continue to be a drain on network management resources -- if the detection and respons e continues to be deployed manually. This is why I wrote some Perl for my authoritative-only servers to automate detection and response at the server level. Granted it isn't a permanent solution, but at least it is a place to start. I appended that code below for those who are interested in it.
Which will just make the attacks evolve. It's pretty easy to design a amplifing DNS attack which is almost indetectable unless you know which addresses are being targeted. This one is highly visible in the logs. A much more productive task would be to trace back the offending traffic and to put into place policies which require BCP 38 deployment by those you connect to. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews@isc.org

Mark Andrews wrote:
In message <>, "Douglas C. St ephens" writes:
At 03:16 PM 1/27/2009, Nate Itkin wrote:
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 03:04:19PM -0500, Matthew Huff wrote:
< ... snip ... > dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example: 27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + < ... snip ... > since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I do to deny the query to the . zone file?
AFAIK, that's about the best you can do with the DNS configuration. You've mitigated the amplification value, so hopefully the perpetrator(s) will drop you. If you're willing to keep up with the moving targets, the next level is an inbound packet filter. Add to your inbound ACL:
deny udp host neq 53 any eq 53
Also on this topic: Coincident with this DNS DOS, I started seeing inbound PTR queries from various hosts on (which are blackholed by my DNS servers). They receive no response, yet they persist. Anyone have thoughts on their part in the scheme?
Best wishes, Nate Itkin I'm not seeing those PTR queries for, but then my perimeter ingress/egress filters (BCP 38) toss most of that kind of junk before my DNS servers ever see it.
I agree that is as far as one can go with BIND, right now. However, that isn't making the perpetrators cease and desist. I am seeing ongoing query attempts coming in and refusal packets going back out, and the targets don't seem to change until I do something to block them. So mitigating the amplification factor does not seem of interest to these perpetrators. On the contrary, even REFUSED responses can aggregate with some amplified responses to enhance the apparent DoS goal. Thus BCP 140 seems to be less than completely effective because it is less than universally applied (i.e., older versions of BIND or misconfigured BIND.) I think the same situation is true with BCP 38: less than universally applied. So do I wait for universal application of these BCPs, or do I take responsibility for doing what I can to make my network resources less appealing for abuse?
I choose the latter, and that is why went to the effort of blocking this abusive traffic before it reaches my authoritative-only DNS servers. Nevertheless, I also agree with a point made last week that trying to keep up with the changing targets is a game of whack-a-mole that is and will continue to be a drain on network management resources -- if the detection and respons e continues to be deployed manually. This is why I wrote some Perl for my authoritative-only servers to automate detection and response at the server level. Granted it isn't a permanent solution, but at least it is a place to start. I appended that code below for those who are interested in it.
Which will just make the attacks evolve. It's pretty easy to design a amplifing DNS attack which is almost indetectable unless you know which addresses are being targeted. This one is highly visible in the logs.
A much more productive task would be to trace back the offending traffic and to put into place policies which require BCP 38 deployment by those you connect to.
Are we still seeing DNS DDoS attack?

On Wed, 28 Jan 2009, jay@miscreant.org wrote:
Quoting John Martinez <jmartinez@zero11.com>:
Are we still seeing DNS DDoS attack?
Yep. I'm seeing ~2 queries/sec targetting
Also seeing requests from every 1 minute 2 seconds.
I run a small personal nameserver and even I am seeing requests for that address at ~1/sec. How many people have upgraded to the latest version of Bind 9? Reason I ask is that when I do my nightly port scan of my server, I no longer see named listening to udp on a random high order port (for replies I believe?). Almost the next day, I started hearing about/seeing these DNS attacks. Previous nmap scan showed: 53/tcp open domain 53/udp open|filtered domain 33591/udp open|filtered unknown Now nmap shows: 53/tcp open domain 53/udp open|filtered domain The listen port (> 32767 I believe) is no longer there with BIND 9.4.3-P1. The port was bound at startup time and did not change as long as named was still running. -- Steve Equal bytes for women.

In message <Pine.LNX.4.64.0901271739380.27614@mail.pirk.com>, Steve Pirk writes :
On Wed, 28 Jan 2009, jay@miscreant.org wrote:
Quoting John Martinez <jmartinez@zero11.com>:
Are we still seeing DNS DDoS attack?
Yep. I'm seeing ~2 queries/sec targetting
Also seeing requests from every 1 minute 2 seconds.
I run a small personal nameserver and even I am seeing requests for that address at ~1/sec.
How many people have upgraded to the latest version of Bind 9? Reason I ask is that when I do my nightly port scan of my server, I no longer see named listening to udp on a random high order port (for replies I believe?). Almost the next day, I started hearing about/seeing these DNS attacks.
Totally unrelated. Named now creates multiple listening ports on demand. Mark
Previous nmap scan showed: 53/tcp open domain 53/udp open|filtered domain 33591/udp open|filtered unknown
Now nmap shows: 53/tcp open domain 53/udp open|filtered domain
The listen port (> 32767 I believe) is no longer there with BIND 9.4.3-P1. The port was bound at startup time and did not change as long as named was still running. -- Steve Equal bytes for women. -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews@isc.org

I still see a few new ones each day, here is my current bind acl for blocking them: acl blacknet {;;;;;;;; }; These have all been seen in the last few days, verified by hand. DZ -----Original Message----- From: John Martinez [mailto:jmartinez@zero11.com] Sent: Wednesday, 28 January 2009 11:59 AM Cc: nanog@nanog.org Subject: Re: Tightened DNS security question re: DNS amplification attacks. Are we still seeing DNS DDoS attack? If you have received this email in error, please notify the sender immediately and erase all copies of the email and any attachments to it. The information contained in this email and any attachments may be private, confidential and legally privileged or the subject of copyright. If you are not the addressee it may be illegal to review, disclose, use, forward, or distribute this email and/or its contents. Unless otherwise specified, the information in the email and any attachments is intended as a guide only and should not be relied upon as legal or technical advice or regarded as a substitute for legal or technical advice in individual cases. Opinions contained in this email or any of its attachments do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ACMA.

At 12:07:16 local time here in sweden, I saw a new address At 12:09:36 another new address At 12:20:10 the address started to ask for funny domain name like: "pjphcdaaaafwu0000dgaaabaaacboinf". This ended at 12:55:01 when it was back to just ask for the .NS records again. -- //Fredrik Danerklint //Fredan

You all may wish to check your logs for, it could be a new target; although I only saw two requests from it. -- Charles Morris cmorris@cs.odu.edu, cmorris@occs.odu.edu Network Security Administrator, Software Developer Office of Computing and Communications Services, CS Systems Group Old Dominion University http://www.cs.odu.edu/~cmorris

Hi On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 13:16 +0100, fredrik danerklint wrote:
At 12:07:16 local time here in sweden, I saw a new address At 12:09:36 another new address At 12:20:10 the address started to ask for funny domain name like: "pjphcdaaaafwu0000dgaaabaaacboinf". This ended at 12:55:01 when it was back to just ask for the .NS records again.
Same here - times different, though, in that it appeared at 1120 UTC and disappeared at 1159 UTC. There were 194 entries. Every query was the same format - a 32-byte lower case alphanumeric string, differing at the following positions marked with a period: ......aaaafw.0000d.aaabaaa...... I expect that others will have seen similar patterns with differing fixed strings. I'm also starting to wonder if this is something to with the downadup/conficker worm, or another botnet. Graeme

"Douglas C. Stephens" <stephens@ameslab.gov> writes:
... I choose the latter, and that is why went to the effort of blocking this abusive traffic before it reaches my authoritative-only DNS servers.
this is an odd implementation choice. the 1PPS query stream is still using your line even with this defense in place. the 1PPS response stream and the CPU cycles it takes to generate that stream isn't a burden on you (compared to the 1PPS query stream that you can't stop anyway). so the only reason to block these appears to be so that you don't participate in the attack, or in other words to cut down the burden on the victim. with me so far? the burden on the victim isn't going to drop materially by what you did since hundreds of thousands of other servers are not going to block it. but if the victim is a recursive nameserver, then your blocking them will mean that they cannot access the zones you're authoritative for. so, no positive, but some negative, for the only person in the whole equation who can be affected by the blocking you're doing. i don't get it. with a cost:benefit matrix like that one, why is anybody blocking this traffic? (i note with some alarm that ten years after i shot it down, i still get queries to rbl.maps.vix.com, so the possibility that the blocks some folks might put in place to ...manage?... this attack will have a long term bad effect on our heirs and assigns. i know your perl script will expire things 60 seconds after they stop spewing, but i fear that others are blocking these in hardcode. (looking for ". IN NS" as the q-tuple pattern is not a solution, since the bad guys can pretty trivially change the question they ask into one you're willing to answer.) (REFUSED is nice because it's small, but the bad guys aren't lacking for bots to transmit spoofed packets from, they Do Not Need amplification, and all forms of error rate limiting are also new attack vectors.) (is there a name-and-shame registry for networks that do/don't implement BCP38? if not i guess i'll start one and hope that various auditors will use google and notice me.) -- Paul Vixie

On Jan 27, 2009, at 10:21 PM, Paul Vixie wrote:
(looking for ". IN NS" as the q-tuple pattern is not a solution, since the bad guys can pretty trivially change the question they ask into one you're willing to answer.)
Actually, ". IN NS" is a particularly useful thing for them to do, because it's an almost globally guaranteed response that will get a large response and be in cache. One can get similar effects with "<tld>. IN NS", of course, but the set of things that work well for such an attack are relatively limited. One thing that's fairly straightforward with the current attack is to block 00600 deny udp from to me 53 iplen 45 (foreach victim host) (If you tcpdump the traffic, because of the . IN NS, the packets are all the same length - 45 IP bytes.) Very easy to filter at the current time with almost no collateral damage. I realize this is just a cat-and-mouse game, but forcing the attacker to use larger query packets that have smaller cached replies isn't a bad thing. ". NS" -> 45 byte query, 245 byte response "COM. NS" -> 48 byte query, 245 byte response "NET. NS" -> 242 byte response, "ORG. NS" -> 159 byte response, This masking is mostly effective for people whose nameservers are set to deny recursive but are still serving from cache. YMMV. -Dave

Once upon a time, David Andersen <dga@cs.cmu.edu> said:
Actually, ". IN NS" is a particularly useful thing for them to do, because it's an almost globally guaranteed response that will get a large response and be in cache.
That's only true on servers that aren't well-configured.
"<tld>. IN NS", of course, but the set of things that work well for such an attack are relatively limited.
Try "aol.com. MX", "hotmail.com. MX", any domain with a big SPF TXT record, etc. There's nothing really special about ". NS". If somebody is serving cached data to the world (even if they aren't recursing for the world), there are any number of things that are likely in the cache. And, since most people have SMTP servers, it is often easy to "prime" somebody's cache, since the SMTP servers often use the same DNS servers. -- Chris Adams <cmadams@hiwaay.net> Systems and Network Administrator - HiWAAY Internet Services I don't speak for anybody but myself - that's enough trouble.

Pretty soon we need an RBL for DNS-oriented DDoS attacks. =) -----Original Message----- From: Paul Vixie [mailto:vixie@isc.org] Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 9:21 PM To: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Tightened DNS security question re: DNS amplification attacks. "Douglas C. Stephens" <stephens@ameslab.gov> writes:
... I choose the latter, and that is why went to the effort of blocking this abusive traffic before it reaches my authoritative-only DNS servers.
this is an odd implementation choice. the 1PPS query stream is still using your line even with this defense in place. the 1PPS response stream and the CPU cycles it takes to generate that stream isn't a burden on you (compared to the 1PPS query stream that you can't stop anyway). so the only reason to block these appears to be so that you don't participate in the attack, or in other words to cut down the burden on the victim. with me so far? the burden on the victim isn't going to drop materially by what you did since hundreds of thousands of other servers are not going to block it. but if the victim is a recursive nameserver, then your blocking them will mean that they cannot access the zones you're authoritative for. so, no positive, but some negative, for the only person in the whole equation who can be affected by the blocking you're doing. i don't get it. with a cost:benefit matrix like that one, why is anybody blocking this traffic? (i note with some alarm that ten years after i shot it down, i still get queries to rbl.maps.vix.com, so the possibility that the blocks some folks might put in place to ...manage?... this attack will have a long term bad effect on our heirs and assigns. i know your perl script will expire things 60 seconds after they stop spewing, but i fear that others are blocking these in hardcode. (looking for ". IN NS" as the q-tuple pattern is not a solution, since the bad guys can pretty trivially change the question they ask into one you're willing to answer.) (REFUSED is nice because it's small, but the bad guys aren't lacking for bots to transmit spoofed packets from, they Do Not Need amplification, and all forms of error rate limiting are also new attack vectors.) (is there a name-and-shame registry for networks that do/don't implement BCP38? if not i guess i'll start one and hope that various auditors will use google and notice me.) -- Paul Vixie

Pretty soon we need an RBL for DNS-oriented DDoS attacks. =)
in the classic sense, you're wrong. in a neoclassic sense: "maybe". let me explain. the original RBL was designed to reject TCP/25 (SMTP) transactions based on source address reputation. we had a false start where we blackholed these addresses as destinations, figuring that if they couldn't hear our ACK then we would never get into TCP with them. then we decided to reject inside the SMTP server and that's what the world has settled on. but throughout, we have been able to bind a reputation to an IP address and act in some way based on that reputation because TCP more or less requires that a real IP address be used. we're seeing cracks at the edges of this model now, because so many core routers have login: cisco; password: cisco, and it's now trivial for any spammer to inject BGP that either lights up unallocated space or cuts out a piece of somebody else's allocated block. this makes it possible to very temporarily and untraceably speak TCP from addresses that have no reputation (if they're unallocated) or that have a good reputation (if they're cutouts). DNS-oriented attacks are of a completely different kind. today's attacks were precisely described in <http://www.icann.org/en/committees/security/sac004.txt> (which wasn't news in october 2002 but somebody had to write it down so i did). the important statement out of that 4-page document is: "Source addresses that appear at Border or Interior connections are nonrepudiable by nature..." and that statement bears on the question of RBL for DNS-oriented DDoS attacks since the address we'd have to assign a reputation to is the victim, so all we can do is make an attack worse (by denying service to the victim's real traffic.) i've pondered whether a network reputation service based on morality rather than behaviour could possibly work. in other words an RBL-like entity that did not prevent attacks, but rather, which denied service to collaborators. if someone claims they can't deploy BCP38 and if their network or nameserver is then used as a launch point for spoofed packets toward reflectors and amplifiers, then would anyone be willing to deny service to them -- to paint them as having a negative reputation even though their "sin" is laziness or cluelessness rather than malevolent intent? and if someone claims they can't turn off open recursion and they get used as an amplifier, would anyone here be willing to deny that recursive server access to their authority server, not on the basis that it might attack them, but strictly to pressure an upgrade? note, i'm speaking as a concerned internet citizen here, not as an ARIN trustee or as ISC's president. i really want to know if folks would be willing to shun eachother not on the basis of evil but rather complacency.

Paul Vixie wrote:
note, i'm speaking as a concerned internet citizen here, not as an ARIN trustee or as ISC's president. i really want to know if folks would be willing to shun eachother not on the basis of evil but rather complacency.
The real question is, would the endpoints be willing to shun each other not based on the other endpoint, but complacency of the endpoint's provider. I believe such traffic changes would quickly find themselves to "net-neutrality" lawsuits. From things I've seen in the past, it is appropriate to say "my server, my rules" but not appropriate to say "my network, my rules". ie, if I wanted to shape/block/alter p2p, block vontage, etc. Jack

On 1/28/09, John Martinez <jmartinez@zero11.com> wrote:
Sent to "outages" a bit ago: Cogent is currently experiencing problems on their backbone in Chicago, manifesting as packet loss and latency. The master ticket # is 853582. -brandon -- Brandon Galbraith Voice: 630.400.6992 Email: brandon.galbraith@gmail.com

From the outages list:
Cogent is currently experiencing problems on their backbone in Chicago, manifesting as packet loss and latency. The master ticket # is 853582. On Wed, 2009-01-28 at 12:27 -0800, John Martinez wrote:
-- "Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future." Niels Bohr -- Ray Sanders Linux Administrator Village Voice Media Office: 602-744-6547 Cell: 602-300-4344

https://puck.nether.net/pipermail/outages/2009-January/001101.html -wil On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, John Martinez wrote:

Wil Schultz wrote:
On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, John Martinez wrote:
Thank you all.

That ticket was opened yesterday, and we have been hit very hard with it. This problem started on Monday night - I don't know what they did, but we lost all of our Toronto sites in the middle of the night for a good bit - so I assume maintenance - Then all h*ll broke loose over the last couple days.
-wil On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, John Martinez wrote:
Ryan Werber Sr. Network Engineer Epik Networks

Ryan Werber wrote:
That ticket was opened yesterday, and we have been hit very hard with it. This problem started on Monday night - I don't know what they did, but we lost all of our Toronto sites in the middle of the night for a good bit - so I assume maintenance - Then all h*ll broke loose over the last couple days.
On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, John Martinez wrote:
Ryan Werber Sr. Network Engineer Epik Networks
We saw the issue starting to show up in our monitors at 8:55 EST.

Ryan Werber wrote:
That ticket was opened yesterday, and we have been hit very hard with it. This problem started on Monday night - I don't know what they did, but we lost all of our Toronto sites in the middle of the night for a good bit - so I assume maintenance - Then all h*ll broke loose over the last couple days.
On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:27 PM, John Martinez wrote:
Ryan Werber Sr. Network Engineer Epik Networks
Seems like that packet loss is decreasing.

On 2009-01-28 at 19:30 +0000, Paul Vixie wrote:
DNS-oriented attacks are of a completely different kind. today's attacks were precisely described in <http://www.icann.org/en/committees/security/sac004.txt> (which wasn't news in october 2002 but somebody had to write it down so i did). the important statement out of that 4-page document is: "Source addresses that appear at Border or Interior connections are nonrepudiable by nature..." and that statement bears on the question of RBL for DNS-oriented DDoS attacks since the address we'd have to assign a reputation to is the victim, so all we can do is make an attack worse (by denying service to the victim's real traffic.)
I'd be willing to drop DNS queries, without even sending back a REFUSED response, if they come in with RD set from an IP in a list X, where X might be an RBL. I'd be perfectly happy to have X list every root server, gTLD server and ccTLD server, as a starting point, on the basis that none of those should ever be sending out RD queries, so refusing to reply to those addresses should have no impact. Perhaps if operators start to do this, anyone still running critical infrastructure authoritative DNS servers which perform recursive queries would finally split roles. Smaller outfits might get away with an auth server which does recursion too, for a finite set of IPs (eg, "localhost"), if they have issues obtaining IP addresses. Anyone providing nameservers for gTLD or ccTLD zones should not have this problem. (My personal nameserver is in the smaller outfit category here). Now, implementing the RBL against only recursive queries is a separate issue; without nameserver support, you're obviously down to packet filtering. bind supports complete blackholes, but not RD blackholes, AFAIK, but you'd be in a better position than me to say what's coming in bind. iptables can apparently perform payload inspection, but pf definitely can't (at this time). By this, I mean filtering on udp[10] & 0xf9 = 1 [1] Regards, -Phil [1] That's from the tcpdump rule I'm using to glance at this traffic; intf=ifname0 # wire ethernet device ipv4= # local IP tcpdump -vvvnpi $intf -Xs 1500 "( (dst host $ipv4 and dst port 53 and (udp[10] & 0xf9 = 1)) or (src host $ipv4 and src port 53 and (udp[10:2] & 0xfc80 = 0x8000)) )" Queries: QR=0, Opcode=0, RD=1 Responses: QR=1, Opcode=0, AA=0 And all assuming that we're only worried about UDP queries, since a TCP query implies the three-way handshake and if that's susceptible to spoofing then there are routing issues too.

Sorry to follow up to myself; a few more moments reviewing before sending were warranted. On 2009-01-28 at 15:11 -0800, Phil Pennock wrote:
I'd be perfectly happy to have X list every root server, gTLD server and ccTLD server, as a starting point, on the basis that none of those should ever be sending out RD queries,
Before I get grilled on this point: it's not strictly true, since obviously things like looking up the IPs of secondary servers to send NOTIFY requests to may use recursive DNS. Okay, unless you're running a nameserver which secondaries from the gTLD/ccTLD/root servers, you have no reason to see RD packets from those servers. Hopefully that's accurate enough to appease people who'll otherwise concentrate on that point and lose sight of what I was trying to show -- that *most* people could easily make use of such an RBL, if the nameservers supported using an external file for ignoring RD queries without dropping all traffic. As people upgrade Bind naturally, the number of reflectors that could participate in an attack would go down. Get the OS vendors to use default configs which set a Bind option to maintain the file automatically and you're getting most of the way there, by sheer number of DNS servers. -Phil

In message <20090128232123.GA66921@redoubt.spodhuis.org>, Phil Pennock writes:
Sorry to follow up to myself; a few more moments reviewing before sending were warranted.
On 2009-01-28 at 15:11 -0800, Phil Pennock wrote:
I'd be perfectly happy to have X list every root server, gTLD server and ccTLD server, as a starting point, on the basis that none of those should ever be sending out RD queries,
Before I get grilled on this point: it's not strictly true, since obviously things like looking up the IPs of secondary servers to send NOTIFY requests to may use recursive DNS.
Only if you have configured a forwarder. Nameserver make non- recursive queries by default.
Okay, unless you're running a nameserver which secondaries from the gTLD/ccTLD/root servers, you have no reason to see RD packets from those servers. Hopefully that's accurate enough to appease people who'll otherwise concentrate on that point and lose sight of what I was trying to show -- that *most* people could easily make use of such an RBL, if the nameservers supported using an external file for ignoring RD queries without dropping all traffic.
As people upgrade Bind naturally, the number of reflectors that could participate in an attack would go down. Get the OS vendors to use default configs which set a Bind option to maintain the file automatically and you're getting most of the way there, by sheer number of DNS servers.
The most common reason for recursive queries to a authoritative server is someone using dig, nslookup or similar and forgeting to disable recursion on the request. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews@isc.org

* Mark Andrews:
The most common reason for recursive queries to a authoritative server is someone using dig, nslookup or similar and forgeting to disable recursion on the request.
dnscache in "forward only" mode also sets the RD bit, and apparently does not restrict itself to the configured forwarders list. (This is based on a public report, not on first-hand knowledge.) -- Florian Weimer <fweimer@bfk.de> BFK edv-consulting GmbH http://www.bfk.de/ Kriegsstraße 100 tel: +49-721-96201-1 D-76133 Karlsruhe fax: +49-721-96201-99

On 2009-01-29 at 14:01 +0100, Florian Weimer wrote:
* Mark Andrews:
The most common reason for recursive queries to a authoritative server is someone using dig, nslookup or similar and forgeting to disable recursion on the request.
Useful to know, thanks. So someone performing diagnostics on one of the root/gTLD/ccTLD servers would need to remember to dig +norec when checking visibility? Are manual diagnostics going out from the source IP of such auth nameservers considered common? In any case, it's a small enough, and hopefully clued enough, sample of admins that it shouldn't be a problem. Any organisation seeking to add their auth nameservers to a public RBL of such IPs will have to accept the same constraint on needing clued staff. No tears shed at that.
dnscache in "forward only" mode also sets the RD bit, and apparently does not restrict itself to the configured forwarders list. (This is based on a public report, not on first-hand knowledge.)
Unless any of the root/gTLD/ccTLD nameservers are also running dnscache, it should be safe to drop UDP RD packets from those source IP addresses, as previously described. -Phil

Paul Vixie wrote:
have been able to bind a reputation to an IP address and act in some way based on that reputation because TCP more or less requires that a real IP address be used. we're seeing cracks at the edges of this model now, because so many core routers have login: cisco; password: cisco, and it's now trivial for any spammer to inject BGP that either lights up unallocated space or cuts out a piece of somebody else's allocated block. this makes it possible to very temporarily and untraceably speak TCP from addresses that have no reputation (if they're unallocated) or that have a good reputation (if they're cutouts). ... i've pondered whether a network reputation service based on morality rather than behaviour could possibly work. ... would anyone be willing to deny service to them -- to paint them as having a negative reputation even though their "sin" is laziness or cluelessness rather than malevolent intent? ... Yes, I've long been an advocate. Heck, the entire community had to take this approach temporarily to slow/stop 2 worms (so far), because the damage was so great that we couldn't operate otherwise.
However, I'd argue semantically that this is "behaviour" as well -- under a negligence or attractive nuisance doctrine. My previous solution involved extensive AUPs, but over time I've found AUPs to be almost entirely unenforcible. Action turns out to be very expensive, courts don't understand them, and are reluctant to support the "outsider" ISP over their small business that belongs to the local chamber. I was pleased by community action for de-peering this last year, although it took several years of mounting evidence and national media exposure. Do we need a law?

At 09:21 PM 1/27/2009, Paul Vixie wrote:
"Douglas C. Stephens" <stephens@ameslab.gov> writes:
... I choose the latter, and that is why went to the effort of blocking this abusive traffic before it reaches my authoritative-only DNS servers.
this is an odd implementation choice. the 1PPS query stream is still using your line even with this defense in place. the 1PPS response stream and the CPU cycles it takes to generate that stream isn't a burden on you (compared to the 1PPS query stream that you can't stop anyway). so the only reason to block these appears to be so that you don't participate in the attack, or in other words to cut down the burden on the victim. with me so far?
the burden on the victim isn't going to drop materially by what you did since hundreds of thousands of other servers are not going to block it. but if the victim is a recursive nameserver, then your blocking them will mean that they cannot access the zones you're authoritative for. so, no positive, but some negative, for the only person in the whole equation who can be affected by the blocking you're doing.
i don't get it. with a cost:benefit matrix like that one, why is anybody blocking this traffic? (i note with some alarm that ten years after i shot it down, i still get queries to rbl.maps.vix.com, so the possibility that the blocks some folks might put in place to ...manage?... this attack will have a long term bad effect on our heirs and assigns. i know your perl script will expire things 60 seconds after they stop spewing, but i fear that others are blocking these in hardcode.
(looking for ". IN NS" as the q-tuple pattern is not a solution, since the bad guys can pretty trivially change the question they ask into one you're willing to answer.)
(REFUSED is nice because it's small, but the bad guys aren't lacking for bots to transmit spoofed packets from, they Do Not Need amplification, and all forms of error rate limiting are also new attack vectors.)
(is there a name-and-shame registry for networks that do/don't implement BCP38? if not i guess i'll start one and hope that various auditors will use google and notice me.) -- Paul Vixie
Paul, Arrrg. I checked and you're right about the ACL blocking potentially legitimate queries from the victim's IP address of authoritative zones served from my authoritative-only DNS servers. This is an issue if the victim is running a recursive DNS server at that IP address. However, is this really an issue if the victim is running a non- recursive DNS server or another kind of server at that IP address? In the latter case, I think not. In the former case, maybe, if it is an authoritative-only DNS server that doesn't call its own system stub resolver, or if it is a forwarding DNS server configured to query my authoritative-only servers (though goodness knows why someone would want to do that). Obviously my code did not vet the detected IP address for these cases, and I don't see any way to do so. The 1 pps query stream is not a burden to my line, nor to my servers. My goal was to make it more difficult for these perpetrators to relay this garbage off my authoritative-only servers, and thus reduce the abusive traffic being reflected towards their target(s). As you said, the "bad guys" aren't lacking for bots, and they don't need, nor seem interested in, amplification. I hadn't noticed BIND having any handles to turn for this. Maybe I'll work on that, or just rebuild my kernels to include the u32 IPtables module. As for why to block near the reflector? Given the cost/benefit you pointed out, and using my tool or other simpler ACLs, you're right, it doesn't make sense. However, using proper DPI tools (which obviously my tool was not), why shouldn't those who are able to block near the reflector? A variation on the IPtables u32 rule I saw posted elsewhere, or a handle to turn in BIND, based on signatures of known abusive query patterns would accomplish for DNS attack vector what anti-virus has been doing for decades for workstation and server systems, would it not? (Yes, yes, I know, signature-based tech is bloated and dying, and behavioral tech is the wave of the future, but right now signatures are all there is for this attack vector.) To address another critique of the posting of my tool, evolution of this form of attack is inevitable. For example, several people have suggested that the next variation will be to change the query data from asking for a root referral to asking for some other zone for which my authoritative-only servers are not authoritative. I'm not so sure, though, about the "bad guys" changing their query into something my authoritative-only servers should answer and not REFUSE. I think changing to querying for a zone my servers are authoritative for would come after simple permutations of their initial static query signature. Though it may be a recent innovation to use a botnet to carry out these attacks, the vector itself is not new, and they started with a simple static query signature. Their botnet CinC channels seem sophisticated enough to divide labor to send out spam, but are they sophisticated enough to determine which zones I host authoritative-only and then hammer out spoofed-source-address queries for only those zones? If not, then a signature-based DPI blocking tool would likely have an appreciable dampening effect. If so, then at least it would raise the bar, as has most other anti-virus and anti-spyware tech. Anyway, I think the "bad guys", if they cared at all, will already be aware of the fact that the community has identified their attack signature. This is because either they are monitoring the down-ness of their targets, or because folks on this list and others have been posting details about identified targets since last week. In some way they must be aware when targets are identified by the community, since the targets keep changing as they are found and dealt with. Finally, I agree with Mark Andrews that BCP 38 is the ultimate best response, right now, and that a cooperative community of network operators working together is the best way to track down from where this garbage is coming. At least that is when said community is small enough and clueful enough. I should wonder, though, (as have others on this list) if the operators of the network(s) where these spoofed query packets originate are complying with BCP 38? Or if the operators of the networks upstream are complying with it? Also, that is assuming that the packets are originating from sufficiently stubby networks where BCP 38 can be applied. Yep, I'm full of cheery thoughts like these. -- Douglas C. Stephens | UNIX/Windows/Email Admin System Support Specialist | Network/DNS Admin Information Systems | Phone: (515) 294-6102 Ames Laboratory, US DOE | Email: stephens@ameslab.gov

The bad guys want amplification but will take obscuring if that's all they can get. RD=1 is only the signature of the current attack. RD=0 is equally viable. Can you cope with "RD=0 NS ." directed to the root servers from forged addresses? This is exactly the query name servers use to prime their caches with. Stop trying to figure out how to stop the attack of the day as it really is a waste of time and start trying to figure out how to get near universal BCP 38 deployment. Let the world know you are a good you if are deploying BCP 38. Put up on your front web page what percentage of address space / links are convered by BCP 38 compliance, where compliance is defined as "traffic sourced from a arbitary address will not be passed". This should be auditable. Mark -- Mark Andrews, ISC 1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews@isc.org

Quoting Matthew Huff <mhuff@ox.com>:
Given the recent DNS amplification attacks, I've audit and updated our authoritative servers. We are using 9.6.0-P1 now. I've been using the cyrmu templates, but one thing I see is that the dns queries to the . hint file are still occuring and are not being denied by our servers. For example:
27-Jan-2009 15:00:22.963 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS + 27-Jan-2009 15:00:23.118 queries: client view external-in: query: . IN NS +
the named.conf has:
... ... ...
view "external-in" in { match-clients { any; }; recursion no; additional-from-auth no; additional-from-cache no;
zone "." in { type hint; file "db.cache"; }; ... ...
since you can't put a "allow-query { none; };" in a hint zone, what can I do to deny the query to the . zone file?
---- Matthew Huff | One Manhattanville Rd OTA Management LLC | Purchase, NY 10577 http://www.ox.com | Phone: 914-460-4039 aim: matthewbhuff | Fax: 914-460-4139
Hi Matthew, I'm using the following with 9.5.1: view "external" { recursion no; allow-query-cache { none; }; zone "." IN { type hint; file "/var/named/named.ca"; And my logs indicate that the requests for . IN NS are being denied: Jan 28 08:40:38 web1 named[12337]: client view external: query (cache) './NS/IN' denied Jan 28 08:40:39 web1 named[12337]: client view external: query (cache) './NS/IN' denied Cheers, Jay

-----Original Message----- From: wingying [mailto:wingying@umich.edu] Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 1:54 PM To: nanog@nanog.org Cc: Xu (Simon) Chen Subject: out-of-band access bandwidth
Hi all, A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.
Probably depends if you use in-band management primarily. If your code pushes etc normally happen only inband, and out of band is reserved for console/CLI access only in emergencies, then small (9.6 to 64kb) is probably fine.

We used a 3rd party Frame Relay network for out of band access. On 27/1/09 19:37, "chuck goolsbee" <chucklist@forest.net> wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:54:10 -0500, wingying wrote:
A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.
Clearwire + POTS as a backup.

chuck goolsbee wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:54:10 -0500, wingying wrote:
A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.
Clearwire + POTS as a backup.
POTS + CDMA cellular for me. There's a lot of ways to do it. It really depends on what you want to do, what's available, what's reliable, and what you can afford. Like your primary circuits, if you need reliable OOB access pick more than one method just in case. ~Seth

And be careful.. It's easy to have simple local passwords, a dial-in modem and then get pwned.. Were I used to be, we had encrypted modems for POP dialin. -- Leigh Porter On 27/1/09 21:43, "Seth Mattinen" <sethm@rollernet.us> wrote:
chuck goolsbee wrote:
On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 13:54:10 -0500, wingying wrote:
A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.
Clearwire + POTS as a backup.
POTS + CDMA cellular for me. There's a lot of ways to do it. It really depends on what you want to do, what's available, what's reliable, and what you can afford. Like your primary circuits, if you need reliable OOB access pick more than one method just in case.

Leigh Porter wrote:
And be careful.. It's easy to have simple local passwords, a dial-in modem and then get pwned.. Were I used to be, we had encrypted modems for POP dialin.
I have my POTS modem set up to accept PPP too so there's the option of being a little more secure than a plain text terminal, assuming the world didn't completely blow up. ~Seth

Many times I've used 9600 or 2400 baud over dail-up for OOB of routers. On the other hand some enterprises use a seperate 1Gbps Vlan for management. Again it depends on the type of traffic (i.e. snmp(traps), telnet, ssh, graphical, web, syslog, netflow etc..). For ssh/telnet without the need for filetransfer a dial-ip modem should work fine. ---------------------- Brian Raaen Network Engineer braaen@zcorum.com On Tuesday 27 January 2009, wingying wrote:
Hi all, A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access? Thanks.

1:54pm wingying said:
A quick question, what is the common bandwidth for out-of-band access?
If you administer the metro MPLS for a large city, apparently about "1,100...modems hidden away in locked filing cabinets in public buildings around the city." http://weblog.infoworld.com/venezia/archives/017935.html :-p Couldn't resist. ../C
participants (33)
Brandon Galbraith
Brian Raaen
Brian Wallingford
Charles Morris
Chris Adams
chuck goolsbee
Church, Charles
Curtis Doty
David Andersen
David Zielezna
Douglas C. Stephens
Florian Weimer
Frank Bulk
fredrik danerklint
Graeme Fowler
Jack Bates
John Martinez
Leigh Porter
Mark Andrews
Matthew Huff
Michael K. Smith - Adhost
Nate Itkin
Paul Vixie
Phil Pennock
Ray Sanders
Ryan Werber
Seth Mattinen
Steve Meuse
Steve Pirk
Wil Schultz
William Allen Simpson