Re: Why does Sprint have address filters again?

| I think either I am missing the point or others are. We plan on | sending traffic through each others backbones. In essence we will be | one huge network. Sharing traffic. I can do this with private as | numbers? As long as your AS numbers are unique within a limited scope, they can be any number. The "limited scope" part is important, and requires care to avoid accidentally leaking the advertisements beyond the scope (especially into another limited scope where the same AS numbers are in use). If you are providing the announcements learned at an exchange point (or more precisely, within the limited scope) to nth parties (or more precisely, ASes not within the limited scope), it would suffice to remove the private-use AS(es) from the AS path and prepend one own's AS (maybe multiple times) to keep the path length consistent. A twisty way to think about it is that if you are one huge network, in your words, you can be an AS confederation of sorts. Sean.
participants (1)
Sean M. Doran