Greetings, While we're on the subject, we've also recently added a traceroute page, this one includes some other goodies too. http://www.atmnet.net/Support/troubleshooting.html -Jay-
At 12:18 PM 12/11/96 -0500, gv wrote:
A traceroute utility has been added to the Cable and Wireless Internet Exchange (CWIX) network. There are links to nodes worldwide; on and off the CWIX network. You are welcome to take advantage of this as the need arises.
traceroute url: http://www.cwix.net/cgi-bin/trace
-- Gary vonErden gv@cwix.net http://www.cwix.net/
-- Paul Ferguson || || Consulting Engineering || || Herndon, Virginia USA |||| |||| tel: +1.703.397.5938 ..:||||||:..:||||||:.. e-mail: pferguso@cisco.com c i s c o S y s t e m s
-------- REPLY, End of original message -------- -- ------------------------------------------------ Jay McCarthy jay@atmnet.net Network Engineer ATMnet 5440 Morehouse Dr. #3700 San Diego, CA 92121 (619)643-1813 voice (619) 643-1801 fax
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Jay McCarthy