and now what?? /jdp ----- Forwarded message from Simon Higgs ----- Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 14:38:21 -0700 Reply-To: Simon Higgs <simon@HIGGS.COM> Sender: Owner-Domain-Policy <owner-domain-policy@internic.net> Subject: DNRC Press Release | X-Sender: amr@fractal.chaos.com | Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 17:03:07 -0400 | To: dns-law@wia.org | From: KathrynKL@aol.com (by way of Tony Rutkowski <amr@chaos.com>) | Subject: DNRC Press Release | | Press Release | May 1, 1997 | | The Domain Name Rights Coalition | Opposes ITU Internet Action | | Today, rights on the Internet will be lost. The International | Telecommunication Union (ITU), a handful of private companies, and the | Internet Society (a small, membership organization in Reston, VA), will sign | a Memorandum of Understanding in Geneva that closes the doors to open and | public governance of domain names. The Domain Name Rights Coalition, a group | representing entrepreneurs, small businesses and individuals on the Internet, | opposes the action: | | "It is an international coup d'etat with the ITU seizing power over Internet | domain names," says Kathryn A. Kleiman, President of the Domain Name Rights | Coalition and attorney with Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, P.L.C. in Rosslyn, | VA. "The Memorandum of Understanding is an attempt to make an unauthorized | and unapproved power grab seem legitimate and official." | | The Memorandum of Understanding codifies the recommendations of a small, | private group. Calling themselves the "International Ad Hoc Committee," the | group represented small portions of the Internet community (mainly the ITU, | WIPO and large companies), met privately, circulated draft recommendations to | a small group, held private off-the-record meetings and created a final | report which differed significantly from original proposals. The DNRC | submits that the IAHC's grant of authority to ITU and the World Intellectual | Property Organization: | | - exceeds any authority from members of the Internet Society (organizer of | the IAHC) whose members never voted on the IAHC proposals or approved its | recommendations; | - ignores the great disagreement among the Internet community which | questioned and contested the IAHC recommendations; and | - bypasses the approval of ITU and WIPO member countries. | | To cope with growth, millions of new users, and new situations, the Internet | needs new rules, but the process for creating them must be open, public and | accountable. The DNRC supports: | - selection of decision makers who represent all major groups on the | Internet, including individuals, small businesses and entrepreneurs, | political and community organizations, and large companies; | - wide distribution of proposed rules; | - adequate time to respond to new rules and to views of other commenters; | - timely issuance of new rules with reports outlining the reasons for | decisions and the reliance on comments; and | - an appeals process when participants feel new rules violate existing | rights. | | Created by a few companies and organizations, today's actions of the ITU and | IAHC make entrepreneurs, Internet Service Providers, small businesses and | individuals and other domain name owners into second-class citizens of the | Internet. | | About the Domain Name Rights Coalition: | | The Domain Name Rights Coalition represents the interests and views of | entrepreneurs, small businesses and individuals on the Internet. The DNRC | works for equitable, consistent and responsible domain name policies from the | National Science Foundation, Network Solutions, Inc., and all entities who | control portions of the Internet. Its representatives served on the State | Department's Working Group on Domain Names. | | Information about the DNRC and DNRC comments to the IAHC draft proposals can | be found on its website at http://www.domain-name.org. | | Contact: | Kathryn A. Kleiman, President, Domain Name Rights Coalition | c/o Fletcher, Heald & Hildreth, 1300 North 17th Street, Floor 11 | Rosslyn, VA 22209 | (703) 812-0400, Fax (703) 812-0486 | Email: kathryn@domain-name.org | --- end forwarded text --- ----- End of forwarded message from Simon Higgs ----- -- Janet Pippin * CyberRamp Internet Services Network Administrator *** 11350 Hillguard Road jdp@cyberramp.net * Dallas, Texas 75243-8311 http://www.cyberramp.net * (214) 340-2020 (817) 226-2020 ----- End of forwarded message from Janet Pippin ----- -- Janet Pippin * CyberRamp Internet Services Network Administrator *** 11350 Hillguard Road jdp@cyberramp.net * Dallas, Texas 75243-8311 http://www.cyberramp.net * (214) 340-2020 (817) 226-2020

I'm fairy sure that DNRC stands for "Dogbert's New Ruling Class". As such, I think these people are now in deep trouble. I think it is time for the real DNRC to sound off about domain names, everyone else with or without a clue has. Jerry
and now what??
----- Forwarded message from Simon Higgs ----- Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 14:38:21 -0700 Reply-To: Simon Higgs <simon@HIGGS.COM> Sender: Owner-Domain-Policy <owner-domain-policy@internic.net> Subject: DNRC Press Release
| X-Sender: amr@fractal.chaos.com | Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 17:03:07 -0400 | To: dns-law@wia.org | From: KathrynKL@aol.com (by way of Tony Rutkowski <amr@chaos.com>) | Subject: DNRC Press Release | | Press Release | May 1, 1997 | | The Domain Name Rights Coalition | Opposes ITU Internet Action ...

Well, I just couldn't resist.. hehe.. -janet Jerry Scharf wrote:
I'm fairy sure that DNRC stands for "Dogbert's New Ruling Class". As such, I think these people are now in deep trouble. I think it is time for the real DNRC to sound off about domain names, everyone else with or without a clue has.
and now what??
----- Forwarded message from Simon Higgs ----- Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 14:38:21 -0700 Reply-To: Simon Higgs <simon@HIGGS.COM> Sender: Owner-Domain-Policy <owner-domain-policy@internic.net> Subject: DNRC Press Release
| X-Sender: amr@fractal.chaos.com | Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 17:03:07 -0400 | To: dns-law@wia.org | From: KathrynKL@aol.com (by way of Tony Rutkowski <amr@chaos.com>) | Subject: DNRC Press Release | | Press Release | May 1, 1997 | | The Domain Name Rights Coalition | Opposes ITU Internet Action ...
-- Janet Pippin * CyberRamp Internet Services Network Administrator *** 11350 Hillguard Road jdp@cyberramp.net * Dallas, Texas 75243-8311 http://www.cyberramp.net * (214) 340-2020 (817) 226-2020

Ohh! I read this right away expecting a note about Dogbert's new ruling class!! Daniel
and now what??
----- Forwarded message from Simon Higgs ----- Date: Thu, 1 May 1997 14:38:21 -0700 Reply-To: Simon Higgs <simon@HIGGS.COM> Sender: Owner-Domain-Policy <owner-domain-policy@internic.net> Subject: DNRC Press Release
| X-Sender: amr@fractal.chaos.com | Date: Thu, 01 May 1997 17:03:07 -0400 | To: dns-law@wia.org | From: KathrynKL@aol.com (by way of Tony Rutkowski <amr@chaos.com>) | Subject: DNRC Press Release | | Press Release | May 1, 1997 | | The Domain Name Rights Coalition | Opposes ITU Internet Action | [SNIP]
-- Daniel Baker -- Network Operations Administrator - NeoSoft, Inc. dbaker@neosoft.com dbaker@neo.net Phone: +1 713 968 5800 Fax: +1 713 968 5801 Powered by Coca Cola Classic

| Today, rights on the Internet will be lost. The International | Telecommunication Union (ITU), a handful of private companies, and the | Internet Society (a small, membership organization in Reston, VA), will sign | a Memorandum of Understanding in Geneva that closes the doors to open and | public governance of domain names. The Domain Name Rights Coalition, a group
Exactly the opposite. Finally, the entire DNS area is open to public governance. DNRC can be part of it by simply signing the MoU as have about 60 and 20 more signatures are on the way.
| The Memorandum of Understanding codifies the recommendations of a small, | private group. Calling themselves the "International Ad Hoc Committee," the | group represented small portions of the Internet community (mainly the ITU, | WIPO and large companies), met privately, circulated draft recommendations to | a small group, held private off-the-record meetings and created a final | report which differed significantly from original proposals. The DNRC | submits that the IAHC's grant of authority to ITU and the World Intellectual | Property Organization:
Small private group? The Internet has been run for about 20 years by IANA and IAB. When exactly did the DNRC become an NGO? ITU has been around for about 100 years handing out international country dialing prefixes. The IAHC (no longer in existance) held a completely open discussion. 4,000 emails can't be wrong. I think you must have made a mistake and meant NSI which "met privately,... held private off-the-record meetings". We do appreciate your mentioning that our final draft differed from the original. It merely shows that we were listening to community feedback. That is the purpose of open discussion, is it not?
| Created by a few companies and organizations, today's actions of the ITU and | IAHC make entrepreneurs, Internet Service Providers, small businesses and | individuals and other domain name owners into second-class citizens of the | Internet.
A large number of small entrepreneurs and small businesses came to Geneva and signed the MoU, thereby having the same weight as an MCI or Digital. We still invite all organizations to come and join the Policy Advisory Body which is now forming. Hank Nussbacher IAHC member [the views expressed above belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the other IAHC members]
participants (4)
Daniel Baker
Hank Nussbacher
Janet Pippin
Jerry Scharf