I know that there must be others of you out there doing this. What would your use to get an ipx and ip network up on the internet. They are running the novell client (not windows for workgroups client) on win 3.1.1. We have tried Cisco (until they cancelled support for their ipx gateway) and we have tried putting the tcp-ip stack on, but it won't install without the workgroups client. -- Stephen Dolloff (Systems Administrator - McHenryCom)

Stephen Dolloff writes:
I know that there must be others of you out there doing this. What would your use to get an ipx and ip network up on the internet. They are running the novell client (not windows for workgroups client) on win 3.1.1. We have tried Cisco (until they cancelled support for their ipx gateway) and we have tried putting the tcp-ip stack on, but it won't install without the workgroups client.
This *really* doesn't belong on NANOG. Next time, you might try the inet-access@earth.com list for questions like this. For the rest of NANOG, hit the delete key now if you don't care about Netware and TCP/IP ... And the answer is: "Install a TCP/IP stack on your Windows PCs". You can do this as follows: Configure your Windows for Workgroups clients to use the Novell ODI drivers (on WfWG you do this in the Network Group/Network Setup/Drivers/ Netware ODI Drivers -- on Windows 3.1x you just make sure Windows knows about the Netware drivers in setup.exe). Then in your autoexec.bat file, make sure you load your ODI driver stack as follows: lsl.com ne2000.com (or whatever MLID driver your ethernet card requires) odipkt.com 1 96 ipxodi.com winpkt.com 0x60 vlm.exe (or netx.exe) Note that if you had a Windows for Work Groups network using IPX/SPX without a NetWare server, you would use the same technique except that you would not need to load vlm.exe (or netx.exe). Then you will need to modify your net.cfg file to support ethernet_II frames. A sample net.cfg file is as follows: Link Support Buffers 8 1600 Mempool 4096 Link Driver NE2000 Frame Ethernet_802.2 Frame Ethernet_II Protocol IPX 0 Ethernet_802.2 You may need statements for Port or IRQ also, but this works for most. If you are running a pre-3.12 version of Netware, it is likely you are using Ethernet_802.3 instead of Ethernet_802.2 frames -- you will need to change this accordingly. The ordering of the Frame statements is dependent on the value of the first parameter on the odipkt.com line. Because some versions of ipxodi.com will grab the first frame slot (slot 0) regardless of what is in net.cfg, I strongly recommend that the TCP/IP frame (ethernet_ii) be the second frame in the file (slot 1 when odipkt loads). Finally, you will need a copy of Trumpet Winsock to load in the Start group on each Windows PC. Configure the packet vector in TCPMAN.EXE to use "60" (the same value used in winpkt.com, but without the 0x prefix). See ftp://ftp.us.net/pub/drivers/novell for more info. The README.CFG discusses this in greater detail, and the winpkt.com and odipkt.com drivers can be found there. Trumpet Winsock is shareware and can be found everywhere on the Internet. Dave Stoddard (disappearing for vacation in four hours ...) US Net Incorporated 301-572-5926 dgs@us.net
participants (2)
David Stoddard
Stephen Dolloff