Steve Riley (MCS) <steriley@microsoft.com> wrote:
Nice to see that I'm not the only one believing in the foolishness of QoS hype.
Er... me, agreeing with someone from Microsoft? Yeech! (just kidding :)
Allow me to point you to an interesting paper called "Rise of the Stupid Network."
Unfortunately that paper oversimplifies the whole congestion control issue by completely ignoring the fact that data traffic has a heavy-tailed distribution. Which pretty much means that no matter how much capacity is there, as long as there's oversubscription there will be at least transient traffic jams. Which means that the issue of what to do with different types of traffic when there's a congestion cannot be just pooh-poohed. The big problem with G.711 and its progeny is the lack of effective cooperative congestion control which would guarantee network stability (like TCP does). Fortunately, the bulk of network traffic is "canned" content, which can (and should) be transmitted with TCP. --vadim
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Vadim Antonov