delegation glue ?
and how/where did you get your AS & delegation?
Public viewable data will have no verification, and ARIN/NSI/JPNIC/ETC will be in the critical path for timely resolution of said corrected data.
[Seriously -Pregnant- Pause]
ok, ICANN delegates to ARIN. ARIN delegates to BillsBait&Sushi BBS delegates to OnCall OnCall delegates to AviFreedman There is a DNS inverse delegation at every point (granted w/o verification today) where each site publishes a zone file. There is a chain of custody at each delegation point. The owner of each zone may choose to publish relevent data in the zone(s) they control. ARIN has near zero leverage on OnCall for the delegations it makes to Avi. OnCall however does have leverage since there is an existing business relationship w/ Avi. This whole thing gets much tighter when/if we can get DNSSEC deployed at least in the inverse tree. Yes there are interesting scoping issues. Yes there are concerns wrt evil people and tolerent applications. But this tactic clearly puts the onus on the people in control of the useage, not some centralized repository. YMMV. --bill
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