From 21:15 EDT the RTT from ATL to IAD jumped from 15ms to 80ms. Is there any maintenance going on?
6 xe-1-0-0.mpr3.atl6.us.above.net ( 22.813 ms 16.716 ms 16.679 ms 7 xe-2-1-0.cr2.iah1.us.above.net ( 91.618 ms 66.028 ms 66.042 ms 8 xe-0-0-0.cr1.iah1.us.above.net ( 66.036 ms 66.039 ms 66.015 ms 9 xe-1-2-0.cr1.dfw2.us.above.net ( 66.528 ms 66.542 ms 66.523 ms 10 xe-2-1-0.cr1.ord2.us.above.net ( 72.045 ms 72.059 ms 72.058 ms 11 xe-3-0-0.cr1.lga5.us.above.net ( 83.509 ms 83.520 ms 83.480 ms 12 xe-1-1-0.mpr3.phl2.us.above.net ( 156.272 ms 121.225 ms 89.677 ms 13 xe-1-0-0.mpr4.phl2.us.above.net ( 80.308 ms 80.003 ms 80.470 ms 14 xe-0-2-0.cr2.dca2.us.above.net ( 79.252 ms 79.252 ms * 15 xe-1-0-1.er2.iad10.us.above.net ( 111.178 ms 79.919 ms 80.016 ms 16 xe-1-0-1.er5.iad10.us.above.net ( 79.647 ms 78.290 ms 78.253 ms AboveNet LG Router: mpr3.atl6.us.above.net Command: show route protocol bgp table inet.0 terse inet.0: 450455 destinations, 1696045 routes (450337 active, 104 holddown, 327 hidden) Restart Complete + = Active Route, - = Last Active, * = Both A Destination P Prf Metric 1 Metric 2 Next hop AS path B 170 230 I > B 170 230 I >
participants (1)
Yang Yu