IEEE CNS (co-located w/ NANOG) and lectures/notes on cyber-sec, routing

Hi NANOG, two activities I'm involved in which may be of some interest/use to some of you: 1. IEEE CNS - Wash. DC, June 10-12 (yes, co-located with NANOG'76 - unfortunately, completely uncoordinated, and being TPC co-chair for CNS, this lack of coordination is frustrating and hard to justify). But maybe some of us will find ways to benefit from the co-location anyway (e.g., drop by to some CNS session, e.g., the session on Internet Infrastructure security - June 10 afternoon). Or organize joint dinner of interested people... or something. 2. While already announcing stuff let me mention that I'm working on pretty extensive text and set of lectures on `foundations of cyber-security' with emphasis on the network-security and crypto aspects. Part I is crypto and much of it is already usable, part II is on network security and currently mainly contains questions/exercises (a fair number and quite challenging). But lectures (pptx) are already available on most topics, incl. routing security. Hope some of you may find these of some use; feedback welcome (probably by private mail would be better). Best, Amir -- Amir Herzberg Comcast professor for security innovation Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Connecticut Foundations of Cybersecurity: Homepage:
participants (1)
Amir Herzberg