Gov't drug money that could fund Web site development

We've become aware of a government program that could fund new media/Web site development. The Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP) in the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has announced the availability of funds to demonstrate that alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) problems can be reduced by effective communications strategies. Three selected populations have been targeted: Adolecent females ages 12-20; Native Americans; field-selected and justified populations at high risk. Approximately a dozen awards will be made from a total award fund of $2.3M. Support may be requested for a period of up to three years. Applications must be completed and delivered by 10 May 1995. CSAP is seeking to learn more about how to communicate through mass media and multimedia and the effectiveness of specific communications products, materials, or tools. CSAP will fund projects designed to develop and disseminate targeted ATOD public information and education. Awards will be made as cooperative agreements, a type of assistance award which involves substantial participation by Federal staff in the conduct of the projects. CSAP's objectives are to demonstrate that effective communication strategies can increase awareness and knowledge about ATOD and the consequences of their use/abuse; increase perception of harm associated with the use/abuse of ATOD; decrease intent to use; increase knowledge of the benefits of behavior change; increase skills or knowledge of actions an individual can take to resist pro-use media messages and peer pressure; decrease the myths and misconceptions with regard to ATOD problems; and/or change laws, policies, and behavioral norms. To be effective, a comprehensive prevention effort must include a broad communications program that includes public information and education. Emphasis should be placed on collaborative efforts so that the communications service is linked to those organizations already working with the targeted populations and, who, therefore help increase credibility and utlity of the messages. How to learn more and how to apply: The National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information runs an online service called PREVline. The Web address is and the direct dial BBS number is 301-770-0850. Applications may also be requested over the telephone from CSAP at 301-443-0373. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= David Lytel Office of Science and Technology Policy +1 202.456.6037 The White House fax 456.6023 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

I am recently returned from Sweden, where I have been enormously impressed by the drug education materials developed by the Swedish Carnegie Institute, many in the English language for international distribution. NOT a Web site, but probably readily available in soft copy for transfer. Whoever applies for such funding, should consider the ready free availability of useful information from such sources. Point of contact is Jonas Hartelius, Secretary General, at voice +(46 8) 215-288, fax +(46 8) 211-098.
participants (2)
David Lytel
Robert D. Steele