Great, so you're suggesting punishing good locksmiths or windowmen. -Mat Butler -----Original Message----- From: Christian Kuhtz [mailto:ck@arch.bellsouth.net] Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2000 4:35 PM To: mdevney@teamsphere.com Cc: nanog@merit.edu Subject: Re: Port scanning legal On Tue, Dec 19, 2000 at 04:26:33PM -0800, mdevney@teamsphere.com wrote:
I do not understand why people get so uppity about a scan. Let's be real here, a simple portscan is about equivalent to walking along a sidewalk and checking out the houses for open windows and doors. And about as harmful.
What is harmful is what sometimes comes after that. (Not always; not usually; not even half the time I'd bet.) But the only damage a portscan does is a few packets over your network and maybe 4M of logs (depending on how you're logging). When writing and enforcing laws, it's important to punish what's harmful, not what may be harmful. Or else looking at houses as you walk down the street may be illegal.
I do think there is a difference between looking at houses and windows from the street and walking up to them and rattling the door and windows to see if it they are locked or determining what model lock, door or window is used etc.

Y'all have gotten tedious. -- -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- . . - L. F. (Larry) Sheldon, Jr. - . Unix Systems and Network Administration . - Creighton University Computer Center-Old Gym - . 2500 California Plaza . - Omaha, Nebraska, U.S.A. 68178 Two identifying characteristics - . lsheldon@creighton.edu of System Administrators: . - 402 280-2254 (work) Infallibility, and the ability to - . 402 681-4726 (cellular) learn from their mistakes. . - 402 332-4622 (residence) - . http://www.creighton.edu/~lsheldon Adapted from Stephen Pinker . -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

On 12/19/00, Mathew Butler <mbutler@tonbu.com> wrote:
Great, so you're suggesting punishing good locksmiths or windowmen.
How do I configure my router to punish locksmiths or windowmen? -- J.D. Falk "The Internet isn't just a publishing medium or a Product Manager medium for commerce, it's a social medium." Mail Abuse Prevention System LLC -- Howard Rheingold

"J.D. Falk" wrote:
On 12/19/00, Mathew Butler <mbutler@tonbu.com> wrote:
Great, so you're suggesting punishing good locksmiths or windowmen.
How do I configure my router to punish locksmiths or windowmen?
Good locksmiths and windowmen don't mess around with locks or windows unless asked to do so by the owner of the building (or the tenant thereof, if a rented property), so Mathew's analogy kinda falls apart. -- Steve Sobol, BOFH, President 888.480.4NET 866.DSL.EXPRESS 216.619.2NET North Shore Technologies Corporation http://NorthShoreTechnologies.net JustTheNet/JustTheNet EXPRESS DSL (ISP Services) http://JustThe.net mailto:sjsobol@NorthShoreTechnologies.net Proud resident of Cleveland, Ohio

If you don't want strangers talking to it, get it off the net, or put up appropriate filters. Whether or not port scanning is legal (legal where?) relying on laws for protection from scans is stupid. Even if port scanning were ilegal here, do you think it's going to stop people in the next continent from scanning you? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Jon Lewis *jlewis@lewis.org*| I route System Administrator | therefore you are Atlantic Net | _________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________
participants (5)
J.D. Falk
Larry Sheldon
Mathew Butler
Steve Sobol