well, at least it's worldnic.com and not thedotorgpeople.com. for .com registrations, network solutions is pushing folks to thedotcompeople.com, at $119 for two years registration. i'm sad to see that all of the paranoia about network solutions abusing their monopoly status were true, and i'm hoping very much that becky burr's presentation tomorrow absolutely guts the network solutions monopoly. -- Paul Vixie La Honda, CA "Many NANOG members have been around <paul@vix.com> longer than most." --Jim Fleming pacbell!vixie!paul (An H.323 GateKeeper for the IPv8 Network)

At 08:46 PM 6/4/98 -0700, Paul Vixie wrote:
well, at least it's worldnic.com and not thedotorgpeople.com. for .com registrations, network solutions is pushing folks to thedotcompeople.com, at $119 for two years registration. i'm sad to see that all of the paranoia about network solutions abusing their monopoly status were true, and i'm hoping very much that becky burr's presentation tomorrow absolutely guts the network solutions monopoly. -- Paul Vixie
What I thought was kinda funny, was that CNBC this morning had a prime time morning rush commercial for TheDotComPeople.com, and yet the website is still down, and if you Email their admin whois contact, it bounces. go figure.... Cheers, -Christopher Knight SparkNET Interactive
participants (2)
Christopher Knight
Paul Vixie