Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database

The following additions have been made to the NSFNET policy-based routing database and will be installed on the T3 backbone by 08:00 EST: Total configured T3 networks: 9203 IP address Net name Country Date Priority:AS ---------- -------- ------- ---- ----------- 139.126 ADP C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 152.157 WSIPC-NET C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 155.95 GTE-NEEDHAM C:US D:02/04/93 1:86 2:279 3:209 4:210 156.41 WASTE C:US D:02/03/93 1:200 2:201 157.89 EKU C:US D:02/03/93 1:279 2:86 158.65 KEENE C:US D:02/03/93 1:560 2:281 5:701 161.119 UTAH-GOV C:US D:02/04/93 1:210 2:209 192.16.187 CAN-NET C:NL D:02/04/93 1:701 2:1800 192.22.17 CALIPER C:US D:02/04/93 1:560 2:281 5:701 192.58.220 PELE C:US D:02/03/93 1:200 2:201 192.68.202 ORINET C:US D:02/03/93 1:685 2:73 3:101 192.83.199 LAMBDA C:US D:02/04/93 1:200 2:201 192.104.140 CPB C:NL D:02/04/93 1:513 2:1800 192.119.1 LOIHI C:US D:02/03/93 1:200 2:201 192.149.217 DNA-GOV4 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1740 192.149.236 HTAC C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.154.80 FSUFAY2-NET C:US D:02/03/93 1:81 2:1327 192.203.239 WEDNET12 C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 192.206.202 WEDNET2 C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 192.217.1 CICNET-BLOCK1 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.2 CICNET-BLOCK2 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.3 CICNET-BLOCK3 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.5 CICNET-BLOCK5 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.6 CICNET-BLOCK6 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.7 CICNET-BLOCK7 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.9 CICNET-BLOCK9 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.17 CICNET-BLOCK17 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.18 CICNET-BLOCK18 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.19 CICNET-BLOCK19 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.20 CICNET-BLOCK20 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.21 CICNET-BLOCK21 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.22 CICNET-BLOCK22 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.23 CICNET-BLOCK23 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.25 CICNET-BLOCK25 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.26 CICNET-BLOCK26 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.27 CICNET-BLOCK27 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.28 CICNET-BLOCK28 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.29 CICNET-BLOCK29 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.30 CICNET-BLOCK30 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.31 CICNET-BLOCK31 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.41 CICNET-BLOCK41 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.42 CICNET-BLOCK42 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.89 CICNET-BLOCK89 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.129 CICNET-BLOCK129 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.130 CICNET-BLOCK130 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.131 CICNET-BLOCK131 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.217.133 CICNET-BLOCK133 C:US D:02/04/93 1:1225 2:267 3:266 192.231.213 SAUMAG C:US D:02/04/93 1:93 192.231.249 WEDNET9 C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 192.234.118 WEDNET5 C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 192.234.120 WEDNET7 C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 192.234.121 WEDNET8 C:US D:02/03/93 1:1331 192.245.174 PUBLICDISC C:US D:02/04/93 1:200 2:201 192.246.49 PSINET-C2-49 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.50 PSINET-C2-50 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.51 PSINET-C2-51 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.52 PSINET-C2-52 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.53 PSINET-C2-53 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.54 PSINET-C2-54 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.55 PSINET-C2-55 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.56 PSINET-C2-56 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.57 PSINET-C2-57 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.58 PSINET-C2-58 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.59 PSINET-C2-59 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.60 PSINET-C2-60 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.61 PSINET-C2-61 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.62 PSINET-C2-62 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.63 PSINET-C2-63 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.246.64 PSINET-C2-64 C:US D:02/04/93 1:174 192.254.15 NTC C:US D:02/04/93 1:274 2:60 193.80.21 FOCUS-NET C:AT D:02/04/93 1:701 2:1800 193.112.244 BRAZIER C:GB D:02/04/93 1:701 2:1800 198.6.128 GPORT128 C:US D:02/03/93 1:701 2:702 3:279 198.17.69 NISEVAL C:US D:02/02/93 1:22 2:568 3:19 198.17.223 CAMERON C:US D:02/04/93 1:93 198.17.247 ACCESS-DOM C:US D:02/04/93 1:209 2:210 198.29.32 NAVELEXCHASN1 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.33 NAVELEXCHASN2 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.34 NAVELEXCHASN3 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.35 NAVELEXCHASN4 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.36 NAVELEXCHASN5 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.37 NAVELEXCHASN6 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.38 NAVELEXCHASN7 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.39 NAVELEXCHASN8 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.40 NAVELEXCHASN9 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.29.41 NAVELEXCHASN10 C:US D:02/04/93 1:19 2:568 198.35.1 SUB-PPPL0 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.2 SUB-PPPL1 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.3 SUB-PPPL2 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.4 SUB-PPPL3 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.5 SUB-PPPL4 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.6 SUB-PPPL5 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.7 SUB-PPPL6 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.8 SUB-PPPL7 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.9 SUB-PPPL8 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.10 SUB-PPP9 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.11 SUB-PPP10 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.35.12 SUB-PPP11 C:US D:02/04/93 1:293 2:291 198.51.93 NTLP-NET1 C:US D:02/03/93 1:209 2:210 198.51.94 NTLP-NET2 C:US D:02/03/93 1:209 2:210 Network IP: 139.126 Network Name: ADP Location: Automatic Data Processing, 2525 SW First Avenue, Portland, OR 97201, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 152.157 Network Name: WSIPC-NET Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 155.95 Network Name: GTE-NEEDHAM Location: GTE Government Systems, Building 7, 77 A Street, Needham Heights, MA 02194, USA Country Code: US 1:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) 2:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 3:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 4:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 156.41 Network Name: WASTE Location: California Integrated Waste Management Board, 8800 Cal Center Drive, Sacramento, CA 95826, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 157.89 Network Name: EKU Location: Eastern Kentucky University, Academic Computing Services, 3.395219E-313astern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY 40475-3111, USA Country Code: US 1:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) 2:86 SURANET Regional Network (College Park) Network IP: 158.65 Network Name: KEENE Location: Keene State College, 229 Main Street, Keene, NH 03431, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network 5:701 Alternet Network IP: 161.119 Network Name: UTAH-GOV Location: State of Utah, Division of Information Technology Services, 6000 State Office Building, Salt Lake City, UT 84114, USA Country Code: US 1:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 2:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 Network IP: 192.16.187 Network Name: CAN-NET Location: Stichting CAN, c/o CWI, Kruislaan 413, NL-1098 SJ Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS Country Code: NL 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.22.17 Network Name: CALIPER Location: Caliper Corporation, 1172 Beacon Street, Newton, MA 02161, USA Country Code: US 1:560 NEARnet Regional Network 2:281 NEARnet Regional Network 5:701 Alternet Network IP: 192.58.220 Network Name: PELE Location: Pele, 3045 Alma Street, Palo Alto, CA 94306-2324, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.68.202 Network Name: ORINET Location: Oregon Research Institute, 1899 Willamette, Eugene, OR 97401, USA Country Code: US 1:685 NorthWestNet Regional Network 2:73 NorthWestNet Regional Network 3:101 NorthWestNet Regional Network Network IP: 192.83.199 Network Name: LAMBDA Location: Lambda Telecommunications, 3585 Altadena Avenue, San Diego, CA 92105, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.104.140 Network Name: CPB Location: Centraal Planburo, Van Stolkweg 14, NL-2585 JR Den Haag, NETHERLANDS Country Code: NL 1:513 EASInet / CERN 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 192.119.1 Network Name: LOIHI Location: Steven Bjork, 3045 Alma Street, Palo Alto, CA 94306-2324, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.149.217 Network Name: DNA-GOV4 Location: DNA/Los Alamos, Los Alamos National Laboratory, MS B254, Los Alamos, MN 87545, USA Country Code: US 1:1740 CERFnet Network IP: 192.149.236 Network Name: HTAC Location: Heath Tecna Aerospace Co., 19819 84th Ave. South, Kent, WA 98032-1298, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.154.80 Network Name: FSUFAY2-NET Location: Fayetteville State University, 1200 Murchison Road, Fayetteville, NC 28301-4298, USA Country Code: US 1:81 CONCERT 2:1327 ANS Washington D.C. - DNSS 59 Network IP: 192.203.239 Network Name: WEDNET12 Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.206.202 Network Name: WEDNET2 Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.217.1 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK1 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.2 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK2 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.3 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK3 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.5 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK5 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.6 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK6 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.7 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK7 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.9 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK9 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.17 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK17 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.18 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK18 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.19 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK19 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.20 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK20 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.21 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK21 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.22 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK22 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.23 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK23 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.25 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK25 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.26 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK26 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.27 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK27 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.28 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK28 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.29 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK29 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.30 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK30 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.31 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK31 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.41 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK41 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.42 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK42 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.89 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK89 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.129 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK129 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.130 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK130 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.131 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK131 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.217.133 Network Name: CICNET-BLOCK133 Location: CICNet, Inc., 2901 Hubbard Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA Country Code: US 1:1225 CICNET at Argonne Labs 2:267 CICNET at UIUC 3:266 CICNET at MERIT Network IP: 192.231.213 Network Name: SAUMAG Location: Southern Arkansas University, SAU Computer Services, SAU Box 1266, Magnolia, AR 71753, USA Country Code: US 1:93 MIDnet Network IP: 192.231.249 Network Name: WEDNET9 Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.234.118 Network Name: WEDNET5 Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.234.120 Network Name: WEDNET7 Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.234.121 Network Name: WEDNET8 Location: Washington Schools Information Processing Cooperative, 2000 - 200th Place, SW, Lynnwood, WA 98036, USA Country Code: US 1:1331 ANS Seattle - DNSS 91 Network IP: 192.245.174 Network Name: PUBLICDISC Location: Public Disc, 459 Hamilton Ave., Suite 100, Palo Alto, CA 94301, USA Country Code: US 1:200 BARRNet 2:201 BARRNet Network IP: 192.246.49 Network Name: PSINET-C2-49 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.50 Network Name: PSINET-C2-50 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.51 Network Name: PSINET-C2-51 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.52 Network Name: PSINET-C2-52 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.53 Network Name: PSINET-C2-53 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.54 Network Name: PSINET-C2-54 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.55 Network Name: PSINET-C2-55 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.56 Network Name: PSINET-C2-56 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.57 Network Name: PSINET-C2-57 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.58 Network Name: PSINET-C2-58 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.59 Network Name: PSINET-C2-59 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.60 Network Name: PSINET-C2-60 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.61 Network Name: PSINET-C2-61 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.62 Network Name: PSINET-C2-62 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.63 Network Name: PSINET-C2-63 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.246.64 Network Name: PSINET-C2-64 Location: PSI, Inc., 165 Jordan Road, Troy, NY, 12180, USA Country Code: US 1:174 NYSERNet Regional Network / PSI Network IP: 192.254.15 Network Name: NTC Location: SRI International, PO Box 10034, Fort Irwin, CA 92310, USA Country Code: US 1:274 TWBNET (FIX-East) 2:60 TWBNET (FIX-West) Network IP: 193.80.21 Network Name: FOCUS-NET Location: Focus EDV GmbH, Erzherzog Johann Strasse 28, A-8054 Seiersberg, AUSTRIA Country Code: AT 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 193.112.244 Network Name: BRAZIER Location: Brazier Systems & Consultants Ltd, 240 Bridge Road, Sarisbury Green, Southampton SO3 7ED, UNITED KINGDOM Country Code: GB 1:701 Alternet 2:1800 ICM (FIX-East) Network IP: 198.6.128 Network Name: GPORT128 Location: Graphport, Inc., 355 W. 56th Street, New York, NY 10019, USA Country Code: US 1:701 Alternet 2:702 Alternet 3:279 SURANET Regional Network (Georgia Tech) Network IP: 198.17.69 Network Name: NISEVAL Location: NISE West Vallejo Det., NISE West, Bldg 509, Code 142, Vallejo, CA 94592, USA Country Code: US 1:22 NOSC (Naval Ocean Systems Center) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) 3:19 Milnet (FIX-East) Network IP: 198.17.223 Network Name: CAMERON Location: Cameron University, 2800 West Gore, Lawton, OK 73505, USA Country Code: US 1:93 MIDnet Network IP: 198.17.247 Network Name: ACCESS-DOM Location: Access Graphics, Inc., 1426 Pearl Street, Boulder, CO 80302, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.29.32 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN1 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.33 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN2 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.34 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN3 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.35 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN4 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.36 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN5 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.37 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN6 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.38 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN7 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.39 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN8 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.40 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN9 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.29.41 Network Name: NAVELEXCHASN10 Location: Naval Electronic Systems Engineering Center, Code 103, NAVELEXCEN, Charleston, 4600 Marriott Drive, Charleston, SC 29418-6504, USA Country Code: US 1:19 Milnet (FIX-East) 2:568 Milnet (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.1 Network Name: SUB-PPPL0 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.2 Network Name: SUB-PPPL1 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.3 Network Name: SUB-PPPL2 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.4 Network Name: SUB-PPPL3 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.5 Network Name: SUB-PPPL4 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.6 Network Name: SUB-PPPL5 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.7 Network Name: SUB-PPPL6 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.8 Network Name: SUB-PPPL7 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.9 Network Name: SUB-PPPL8 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.10 Network Name: SUB-PPP9 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.11 Network Name: SUB-PPP10 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.35.12 Network Name: SUB-PPP11 Location: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, Forrestal Research Center, P.O. Box 451, Princeton, NJ 08543, USA Country Code: US 1:293 Energy Science Network (FIX-East) 2:291 Energy Science Network (FIX-West) Network IP: 198.51.93 Network Name: NTLP-NET1 Location: Northfield Trading Limited Partners, 3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Ste. D318, Lakewood, CO 80227, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 Network IP: 198.51.94 Network Name: NTLP-NET2 Location: Northfield Trading Limited Partners, 3333 S. Wadsworth Blvd., Ste. D318, Lakewood, CO 80227, USA Country Code: US 1:209 Westnet Regional Network (Colorado Attachment) - ENSS 141 2:210 Westnet Regional Network (Utah Attachment) - ENSS 142 ***************************************************************** The configuration reports which reflect today's update will be available for anonymous ftp on by 08:00 EST: configuration reports -- networks sorted by AS -- nets.as_<AS number> NSS routing software configuration files -- nss<NSS number>.t3p Please send all requests for configuration changes to using the NSFNET configuration forms. The forms are available on-line from the machine. Use ftp and the anonymous login to get on the machine. Do a "cd nsfnet/announced.networks" and get the files, template.gate, and ******************************* --Steve Widmayer Merit/NSFNET --Riaz Taherzadeh-Yazdian NSFNET/ANSNET
participants (1)
Steven K. Widmayer