The APT is the new game. Old rules, new game. -------------------------- Marcus H. Sachs Verizon +1 202 515 2463 Sent from my Verizon BlackBerry Storm http://www.verizonwireless.com/storm ----- Original Message ----- From: Gadi Evron <ge@linuxbox.org> To: nanog@nanog.org <nanog@nanog.org> Sent: Fri Jan 15 09:21:15 2010 Subject: Re: Anyone see a game changer here? On 1/15/10 4:07 PM, Bruce Williams wrote:
As if the old threat models weren't bad enough...
The old threat models were simply not up to date. Gadi.
-- Gadi Evron, ge@linuxbox.org. Blog: http://gevron.livejournal.com/

On 1/15/10 4:32 PM, Sachs, Marcus Hans (Marc) wrote:
The APT is the new game. Old rules, new game.
I don't see why it's new just because suddenly people know what's going on around them. A bit like with botnets before 2004. Gadi. -- Gadi Evron, ge@linuxbox.org. Blog: http://gevron.livejournal.com/
participants (2)
Gadi Evron
Sachs, Marcus Hans (Marc)