IPv6 client adoption slowly going 3% (?)

Hi everyone, I read the IPv4 address space thread and thought this might be of interest to the group: Some months ago I setup a small test to test if users browsing http://www.pool.ntp.org/ supported IPv6: http://www.v6test.develooper.com/statistics http://www.v6test.develooper.com/ It's slowly been creeping up to 2.8% this month (from ~2.2% in November). At this rate we'll have critical mass (say 25%?) already in 2022! Kidding aside, although most of the test data is from NTP Pool website currently I've been testing a few different sites and the numbers are all pretty close. Anyway - if you want to test your user base, then you can make an account at http://www.v6test.develooper.com/account and get a bit of javascript to put on your website/weblog/... The code for the system is at http://git.develooper.com/?p=v6test.git;a=summary and http://github.com/abh/v6test Specifically the javascript doing the test at: http://github.com/abh/v6test/blob/master/public/devel/v6test.js I've also been testing how many fails to handle A+AAAA records and it seems to be about 2-3%[1] -- which sounds like more than plenty for Google, Amazon etc not to enable IPv6 on their regular hostnames where it matters. - ask [1] The number on the "global" statistics page is artificially low because many of the tests have been via a host with both A and AAAA records and I forgot to take that into account when calculating the numbers. Oops. I'll get it fixed. -- http://develooper.com/ - http://askask.com/
participants (1)
Ask Bjørn Hansen