Handy.node.list available on nis.nsf.net

Regional techs, Lastly, there is a handy.node.list available on nis.nsf.net. I removed it from the end of the template.gate and template.as form and put it in its own file, so it will be easier to generate and keep up-to-date with the rest of the exciting, important, and informative NIS reports. A copy is appended below for your convenience. Thanks, -B. Sue Blair Merit / NSFNET --------------- nis.nsf.net: nsfnet/announced.networks/handy.node.list T3 Backbone: T1 Backbone: D/ENSS# City NSS# City ----- ------------- ---- ------------- 11 ANS-San Francisco, CA 5 NSF-Pittsburgh, PA 19 ANS-Los Angeles, CA 6 NSF-San Diego, CA 27 ANS-Chicago, IL 7 NSF-Boulder, CO 35 ANS-New York, NY 8 NSF-Princeton, NJ 43 ANS-Cleveland, OH 9 NSF-College Park, MD 51 ANS-Hartford, CT 10 NSF-Ithaca, NY 59 ANS-Washington D.C. 11 NSF-Houston, TX 67 ANS-Houston, TX 12 NSF-Champaign, IL 75 ANS-Greensboro, NC 13 NSF-Palo Alto, CA 83 ANS-St. Louis, MO 14 NSF-Seattle, WA 91 ANS-Seattle, WA 15 NSF-Salt Lake City, UT 99 ANS-Denver, CO 16 NSF-Lincoln, NE 128 NSF-Palo Alto, CA 17 NSF-Ann Arbor, MI 129 NSF-Urbana-Champaign, IL 18 NSF-Atlanta, GA 130 NSF-Chicago, IL 19 NSF-Boston, MA 131 NSF-Ann Arbor, MI 132 NSF-Pittsburgh, PA 133 NSF-Ithaca, NY 134 NSF-Boston, MA 135 NSF-San Diego, CA 136 NSF-College Park, MD 137 NSF-Princeton, NJ 138 NSF-Atlanta, GA 139 NSF-Houston, TX 140 NSF-Lincoln, NE 141 NSF-Boulder, CO 142 NSF-Salt Lake City, UT 143 NSF-Seattle, WA 144 NSF-Palo Alto, CA #2 - Ames 145 NSF-College Park #2 - Fix-East 150 NSF-Raleigh, NC 151 ANS-Blacksburg, VA 152 ANS-West Lafayette, IN 155 ANS-White Plains, NY 158 ANS-Southfield, MI 160 ANS-Elmsford, NY 163 ANS-New York, NY 164 ANS-Yorktown Heights, NY 165 ANS-Lexington, KY 168 ANS-Columbus, OH 174 ANS-Austin, TX 200 NSF/ANS-ShowNSS-varied locations
participants (1)