Which wireless standard will be supported? 802.11 or openair? /ajd/ -- _/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ Andrew J. Doane _/ _/ _/ _/ Director, Network Operations _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/_/ American Information Systems, Inc. _/ _/ _/ _/ Email: adoane@ais.net, http://www.ais.net _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/_/ (312) 255-8500 Voice, (312) 255-8501 Fax For my PGP public key, email me with the subject "pgp request"

Which wireless standard will be supported?
802.11 or openair?
Since I have been supplying the wireless connectivity for NANOG starting from, well, whenever I started doing it, I guess that's a question for me. The standard is AT&T's WaveNET; products that conform to it are Digital's RoamAbout and Lucent's WaveLAN. I've heard rumours of 802.11 support, but nothing concrete. More info on the products can be found at: http://www.networks.digital.com/dr/wireless/ http://www.wavelan.com/ The AccessPoints described at the first URL are what connect the wired and wireless networks. 915 MHz and 2.4GHz variants will be supplied. Send me mail for information on the BSDI driver and roaming daemon. Since I won't be attending the June NANOG, Jeff Rizzo from PAIX has agreed to make sure that the equipment is there and works (with remote help from me). Stephen

### On Wed, 13 May 1998 09:07:33 -0700, Stephen Stuart <stuart@tech.org> ### wrote to "Andrew J. Doane" <adoane@ais.net>, nanog@Merit.Net concerning ### "Re: Ligistics; Wireless.. ": SS> The AccessPoints described at the first URL are what connect the wired SS> and wireless networks. 915 MHz and 2.4GHz variants will be supplied. I have been leading wireless deployment at the Merit offices. We will have two access points for NANOG. Both however only have the 2.4GHz radios however, if someone wants to supply two 915MHz radios, we'll be happy to accomodate those in ours bridges too. We have one extra slot in each bridge. SS> Since I won't be attending the June NANOG, Jeff Rizzo from PAIX has SS> agreed to make sure that the equipment is there and works (with remote SS> help from me). I'm also volunteering my services should anyone want them. Just to clear up any confusion, we should probably decide beforehand on the 2.4GHz sub-band to use since it's a pain to change the frequency on the radios unless you're running Win{95,NT} or MacOS. I've currently got all my units set for 2.462GHz since that's what we last used at the IETF in Los Angeles. -- /*===================[ Jake Khuon <khuon@Merit.Net> ]======================+ | Network Research Programmer, IE Group /| /|[~|)|~|~ N E T W O R K | | VOX: (734) 763-4907 FAX: (734) 747-3185 / |/ |[_|\| | Incorporated | +==[ Suite C2122, Bldg. 1 4251 Plymouth Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105-2785 ]==*/
participants (3)
Andrew J. Doane
Jake Khuon
Stephen Stuart