BGP Update Report Interval: 17-Dec-09 -to- 24-Dec-09 (7 days) Observation Point: BGP Peering with AS131072 TOP 20 Unstable Origin AS Rank ASN Upds % Upds/Pfx AS-Name 1 - AS9842 49612 3.7% 3100.8 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 2 - AS6389 17210 1.3% 4.1 -- BELLSOUTH-NET-BLK - BellSouth.net Inc. 3 - AS6471 16504 1.2% 40.7 -- ENTEL CHILE S.A. 4 - AS28477 12984 1.0% 1442.7 -- Universidad Autonoma del Esstado de Morelos 5 - AS9829 11259 0.8% 13.1 -- BSNL-NIB National Internet Backbone 6 - AS6822 10499 0.8% 338.7 -- SUPERONLINE-AS SuperOnline autonomous system 7 - AS4270 9785 0.7% 1957.0 -- Red de Interconexion Universitaria 8 - AS4323 8419 0.6% 1.9 -- TWTC - tw telecom holdings, inc. 9 - AS7738 7913 0.6% 18.3 -- Telecomunicacoes da Bahia S.A. 10 - AS14420 7592 0.6% 16.6 -- CORPORACION NACIONAL DE TELECOMUNICACIONES CNT S.A. 11 - AS17974 7406 0.6% 8.5 -- TELKOMNET-AS2-AP PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia 12 - AS8452 7349 0.6% 7.1 -- TEDATA TEDATA 13 - AS8909 6707 0.5% 6707.0 -- AMURSU-AS AMURSU Autonomous System 14 - AS7643 6639 0.5% 7.8 -- VNN-AS-AP Vietnam Posts and Telecommunications (VNPT) 15 - AS8151 6323 0.5% 4.0 -- Uninet S.A. de C.V. 16 - AS5800 6284 0.5% 31.9 -- DNIC-ASBLK-05800-06055 - DoD Network Information Center 17 - AS4249 6148 0.5% 33.2 -- LILLY-AS - Eli Lilly and Company 18 - AS35805 5771 0.4% 11.4 -- UTG-AS United Telecom AS 19 - AS1785 5763 0.4% 3.2 -- AS-PAETEC-NET - PaeTec Communications, Inc. 20 - AS2386 5664 0.4% 4.4 -- INS-AS - AT&T Data Communications Services TOP 20 Unstable Origin AS (Updates per announced prefix) Rank ASN Upds % Upds/Pfx AS-Name 1 - AS8909 6707 0.5% 6707.0 -- AMURSU-AS AMURSU Autonomous System 2 - AS9842 49612 3.7% 3100.8 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 3 - AS48754 2365 0.2% 2365.0 -- SOBIS-AS SC SOBIS SOLUTIONS SRL 4 - AS50091 2173 0.2% 2173.0 -- NEGENET Negenet, N.T.P.SH 5 - AS39384 2036 0.1% 2036.0 -- GUILAN-UNIV-AS University of Guilan AS System 6 - AS4270 9785 0.7% 1957.0 -- Red de Interconexion Universitaria 7 - AS28477 12984 1.0% 1442.7 -- Universidad Autonoma del Esstado de Morelos 8 - AS9320 3081 0.2% 1027.0 -- BREGISTRY-AS-KR Ministry of Court Administration 9 - AS34787 904 0.1% 904.0 -- LYAKH-AS PF "Volodymyr Lyakh" 10 - AS45927 692 0.1% 692.0 -- SCCL-123-IN THE SINGARENI COLLIERIES COMPANY LIMITED 11 - AS50214 655 0.1% 655.0 -- QWARTA Qwarta Ltd 12 - AS14251 1248 0.1% 624.0 -- MLSLI - Multiple Lising Service of Long Island, Inc. 13 - AS27667 553 0.0% 553.0 -- Universidad Autonoma de la Laguna 14 - AS18610 941 0.1% 470.5 -- SEQUO-AS - Sequoia Capital 15 - AS47559 403 0.0% 403.0 -- TSCNET-AS SC Tele Satelyt Company SRL 16 - AS6822 10499 0.8% 338.7 -- SUPERONLINE-AS SuperOnline autonomous system 17 - AS45185 281 0.0% 281.0 -- RHYTHM-INDIA-AS-AP Rhythm & Hues Sudios India Pvt Ltd AS Content for MUM 18 - AS35400 1912 0.1% 273.1 -- MFIST Interregoinal Organization Network Technologies 19 - AS40636 546 0.0% 273.0 -- UNITEDSYSTEMS - United Systems 20 - AS9516 509 0.0% 254.5 -- T2-TRANSIT-AS-AP T2 Networks Pte Ltd. Transit AS TOP 20 Unstable Prefixes Rank Prefix Upds % Origin AS -- AS Name 1 - 12864 0.9% AS28477 -- Universidad Autonoma del Esstado de Morelos 2 - 9767 0.7% AS4270 -- Red de Interconexion Universitaria 3 - 6707 0.5% AS8909 -- AMURSU-AS AMURSU Autonomous System 4 - 4931 0.3% AS39308 -- ASK-AS Andishe Sabz Khazar Autonomous System AS39384 -- GUILAN-UNIV-AS University of Guilan AS System 5 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 6 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 7 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 8 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 9 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 10 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 11 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 12 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 13 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 14 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 15 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 16 - 3908 0.3% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 17 - 3423 0.2% AS17557 -- PKTELECOM-AS-PK Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited 18 - 2687 0.2% AS9842 -- LDCC-AS Lotte Data Communication Company 19 - 2365 0.2% AS48754 -- SOBIS-AS SC SOBIS SOLUTIONS SRL 20 - 2351 0.2% AS5691 -- MITRE-AS-5 - The MITRE Corporation Details at http://bgpupdates.potaroo.net ------------------------------------ Copies of this report are mailed to: nanog@merit.edu eof-list@ripe.net apops@apops.net routing-wg@ripe.net afnog@afnog.org
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