hey there, today we have interviewed Vint Cerf and asked him some questions about the internet, development after covid19, if you are interested in watching this interview, check it out - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL3nV5x4fHc&feature=youtu.be if you have suggestions on who you would like to see interviewed also let me know, I am working on a couple of interesting people focusing on internet stability and reliability. (offlist please) we have also thought it would be a good idea to give international telecoms, ixps, datacenters, subsea cable companies an award as they work very hard, if you are interested in voting you can do that https://www.infrapedia.com/app as always source code for infrapedia is available https://github.com/infrapedia and please feel free to join and contribute to the project. last but not least... Join our slack here! https://join.slack.com/t/infrapedia/shared_invite/zt-em3btj80-jj0iGlG7jkAjPk... Mehmet
participants (1)
Mehmet Akcin