[this message has been cross-posted to nanog@ and nanog-futures@, with followups set accordingly, as we used to say back when Usenet was read by humans. If you're interested in discussing any of this, and you're not on nanog-futures@ already, see <http://www.nanog.org/ email.html>] ** If you're not interested in the continuing organisational aspects of NANOG, hit delete now. Zero operational content follows. ** There are several proposed charter amendments up for vote in St Louis. You'll see a summary of them here: http://www.nanog.org/charter/ There's one change pending to that summary, which is to break out the three options in proposal 2006-03 so that they can each be voted on separately (they're mutually exclusive, so you should only be able to to vote for one of them). If you have opinions on any of the proposals, now would be a good time to voice them on the nanog-futures@ list. Agents are standing by. Joe (for the steering committee)

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006, Joe Abley wrote:
There are several proposed charter amendments up for vote in St Louis. You'll see a summary of them here:
There's one change pending to that summary, which is to break out the three options in proposal 2006-03 so that they can each be voted on separately (they're mutually exclusive, so you should only be able to to vote for one of them).
If you have opinions on any of the proposals, now would be a good time to voice them on the nanog-futures@ list. Agents are standing by.
A few comments: 6.4 Elections: The word NANOG in the first line is in the wrong place. 48 hours seems awfully short as a voting period. The previous election was an entire week. 7.1.2 Mailing List Administration: It might be better to spell out Mailing List, rather than abbreviating it "ML." Also, while amending it, would it make sense to pluralize "list," to allow for the formation of other lists in the future? There's a consistency issue with the Mailing List Committee appointment process versus the Program Committee appointment process. The amendments as written have the Mailing List Committee appointed at the start of the fall meeting, by the outgoing Steering Committee right before the election. The Program Committee amendment has the Program Committee appointed by the incoming Steering Committee. Is this intentional? 6.4.4 Dual Program Committee/Steering Committee Membership Prohibited: Remove the "s" from the word "Resigns." -Steve
participants (2)
Joe Abley
Steve Gibbard