RE: $110,000 for Gated Source Code

I would just like to find a company that has licensed the latest source and is reselling binaries for Solaris and will provide support. Reselling at reasonable price of course. ______________________________________________________ Dustin Goodwin Network Engineering Salomon Smith Barney 212-816-3882 pager 800-225-0256 pin 6057061
-----Original Message----- From: Chris MacFarlane Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 8:17 AM To: 'Roeland M.J. Meyer'; 'Jon Lewis' Cc: 'Scott Mace'; 'brad'; Subject: RE: $110,000 for Gated Source Code
However how would you like NSF to require larger funding then they already get because gated goes for free.
-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Roeland M.J. Meyer Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 1998 2:31 AM To: Jon Lewis Cc: Scott Mace; brad; Subject: Re: $110,000 for Gated Source Code
On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, Scott Mace wrote:
I think you would be suprised at the number of commercial networking vendors that use GateD source code as the basis for their routing protocol suite...
And if they're going to sell products based on gated, they should be paying royalties to the Gated Consortium...but why should
At 11:48 PM 6/8/98 -0400, Jon Lewis wrote: the average ISP
that wants to try some of the features of gated 4.x be forced to put down a big chunk of change? Many ISPs will have the attitude "if I have to spend X on gated, and still pay for the hardware and figure out the software, I'll just hand the money to Cisco and have one company to point fingers at if it doesn't work or breaks."
Actually, I'll just use 3.5.9 and point my corporate fingers at MERIT if it doesn't work, or breaks. Further, if I have run-rime problems I may point legal fingers that way, as well. Flemming *has* a point, since GateD is NSF funded, it shouldn't be for-profit. I guarantee that my tax dollars are already paying for it. Why should I pay extra? ___________________________________________________ Roeland M.J. Meyer, ISOC (InterNIC RM993) e-mail: <> Internet phone: Personal web pages: <> Company web-site: <> ___________________________________________ SecureMail from MHSC.NET is coming soon!
participants (1)
Goodwin, Dustin