Good Morning Nanog List, I'm not normally the tinfoil hat type howerver I do want to know other operators opinions on the FCC 477, 499 and the 214 license requirements in light of the recent revealations. Do you think the info is actually for the stated purposes? I'm trying hard not to become a member of the tin foil club but it's getting hard each day. Thanks. Sam

On 2013-08-01 10:57, Sam Moats wrote: Good Morning Nanog List, I'm not normally the tinfoil hat type howerver I do want to know other operators opinions on the FCC 477, 499 and the 214 license requirements in light of the recent revealations. Do you think the info is actually for the stated purposes? I'm trying hard not to become a member of the tin foil club but it's getting hard each day. Thanks. Sam
participants (1)
Sam Moats