------- Forwarded Message Date: Thu, 03 Jun 1993 10:47:16 EST To: paciorkd@cc.ims.disa.mil, smallwot@cc.ims.disa.mil cc: milnetmgr@ddn-conus.ddn.mil, cmcmgr@ddn-conus.ddn.mil, noc@sura.net, waters@sura.net, scottw@internic.net, mak@merit.edu, bobm@nic.ddn.mil, swolff@nsf.gov, dmitchel@nsf.gov, estradas@cerf.net, pushp@cerf.net From: "Jim Van Dyke" <vandykej@gsimail.ddn.mil> Subject: Internet to DDN NIC T1 Connection Cancellation Schedule Return-Path: vandykej@gsimail.ddn.mil X-Nupop-Charset: English Sender: vandykej@gsisun.gsi.nic.ddn.mil Reply-To: vandykej@gsimail.ddn.mil The attached coordination message(text only) sent out previously has resulted in much discussion and a better plan for terminating the T1 link between the DOD NIC and the Internet at the Suranet facility in College Park, MD. The revised plan is as follows: No action will be taken at noon as previously announced. Instead, Merit will remove this route from the Internet at Suranet to the DOD NIC from the routing table updates to be published this evening. The physical link will remain active, but traffic is expected to decline on the link as the routes are refreshed throughout the Internet and Milnet. On Monday, 6/7/93, GSI will request Suranet to deconfigure this physical link, assuming all goes well. On Tuesday, 6/8/93, the leased circuit will be terminated by the telephone carrier. This approach will result in a more orderly termination of the link. As before, please feel free to call me regarding this action at 703-802-8402. **************************************************************** ATTACHMENT ---------- Reference: RFC 1400 As per our discussion today, the T1 connection between FIX-East(at SURANET) and the DDN NIC will be deactivated on noon on Thursday, 6/3/93. The leased circuit which comprises this connection will officially be terminated by the phone company 6/8/93. This schedule will provide the following benefits: 1. All parties will know in advance the time and date of the change. 2. The change will happen in prime time for most network operating centers involved in the change. 3. Operations staffs will be able to watch for the impact of the loss of the link, if any, and will be able to take appropriate actions. 4. If major problems arise, the link can be restored a relatively short amount of time. 5. If major problems arise, the cancellation of the leased circuit comprising the connection can be rescinded, provided that GSI is so directed by DISA. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to call me at GSI at 703-802-8402 regarding this network change. !
participants (1)