From owner-nanog@merit.edu Thu Feb 24 23:19:15 2005 Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2005 22:46:13 -0500 From: Rich Kulawiec <rsk@gsp.org> To: nanog@merit.org Subject: Re: AOL scomp
On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 02:53:14PM -0500, Mark Radabaugh wrote:
Now here I would disagree. These are specific requests by individuals to forward mail to from one of their own accounts to another one of their own accounts.
But a request to forward mail is not a request to facilitate abuse by forwarding spam.
I do not think AOL (or anyone) should consider mail forwarded at the customers request as indicating that our mail servers are sending spam.
Why not?
Because the recipient *expressly* requested that "all mail which would reach my inbox on your system be sent to me at AOL (or any other "somewhere else"). This means that every such message from the 'forwarding' system to the destination system is, BY DEFINITON, "solicited". The mailbox owner has expressly and explicictly requested those messages be sent to him at the receiving system. If that person then reports such messages -- that they have EXPRESSLY requested be sent to the receiving system -- as spam, to the operator of the receiving system, then that person is *indisputably* IN THE WRONG for doing so. The _person_ who issued the directive causing that message to end up in the recipient's inbox is the *recipient*himself*. If he reports the message as spam, then it can be logically held that *he* is the spammer. And his access on *both* systems (forwarding and receiving) should be terminated for AUP violation. Now, if the recipient wants to report it to the forwarding system -- so that they can block any further inbound attempts -- that's a whole nother story. Of course, this requires that the person involved be "smart enough" to read and understand the headers on the message. In actuality, *I* am not QUITE as draconian as suggested a couple of paragraphs previously. If I forward somebody's mail and get a complaint from the reciveing system about spam to that user, "originating" from my system, that user *permanently* loses any forwarding privileges/capabilities. No appeal, no _notice_ no 'second chance', no nothing -- forwarding just "stops working" for them. They _were_ told of this "down-side risk", with regard to such an error, *before* the forwarding was enabled. They get to live with the consequences.

Robert Bonomi wrote:
In actuality, *I* am not QUITE as draconian as suggested a couple of paragraphs previously. If I forward somebody's mail and get a complaint from the reciveing system about spam to that user, "originating" from my system, that user *permanently* loses any forwarding privileges/capabilities. No appeal, no _notice_ no 'second chance', no nothing -- forwarding just "stops working" for them. They _were_ told of this "down-side risk", with regard to such an error, *before* the forwarding was enabled. They get to live with the consequences.
I suspect that sooner or later you will be amending your proccess to include a stated notice of understanding/whitelisting/no abuse complaints from both this users and this users forwarded-to system's administrators, before considering turninng on the forwarding hose.

On Fri, Feb 25, 2005 at 01:34:21AM -0600, Robert Bonomi wrote:
Because the recipient *expressly* requested that "all mail which would reach my inbox on your system be sent to me at AOL (or any other "somewhere else").
I have three somewhat-overlapping responses to that -- and I'll try to stay focused on operational issues, since this is NANOG, not Spam-L. (But if you to delve further into this, I would suggest shifting the discussion there, as it's probably more appropriate.) 1. SMTP spam is not mail. Oh, it may *look* like mail, it may arrive on the same port, and it may use the same protocol, but it's not mail. It's abuse. There's no reason to forward it to anybody. There's no reason to even accept it in the first place. Heck, there's no reason to even _emit_ it in the first place. Which (not emitting it) is what everyone should be trying to do, but few are. It seems to have somehow escaped the notice of many that spam/abuse doesn't fall out of the sky: it comes from systems. Those systems are on networks. Those networks are run by people. Those people are personally responsible for the spam/abuse that their networks emit. It's thus their responsibility to make it stop. But their failure to properly discharge that responsibility is why we have a major problem, or actually, several major problems, instead of a minor annoyance. [ Let's have a moment of nostalgia for the time when allowing this to happen day after day would not happened because the plug would have been unceremoniously pulled after the first 24 hours. It's illuminating how quickly "unsolvable" problems are at least patched to an acceptable degree when connectivity is at stake. ] 2. Mail delivery requires permission of all of: - the network operator - the system operator - the mail subsystem operator - the end user (who of course are sometimes all the same person/people). For instance, the end user may grant permission for someone to send 500M video clips attached to mail messages, but if the mail subsystem operator has limited mail message sizes to 10M, then permission is denied and the mail message is turned away. As another example, if the end user has granted permission for 5000 messages/second, but the network operator has capped bandwidth at a level below that required to transmit those messages, permission will be denied. What I'm trying to say is that merely having the permission of the end user to send something isn't enough: one also has to have permission from the authorities involved in providing the service, and their permission may be conditional on certain requirements enforced by automated agents, e.g., "you will only be given permission if your message is <= 10M" or "you will only be given permission if your message does not contain a live virus". Or "you will only be given permission if your message isn't spam", or "you will only be given permission if your message isn't coming from a domain/system/network known to emit prodigious quantities of spam". I see no reason for any of those four people to grant permission to receive or forward spam *except* for those very few conducting research in the area (similarly for viruses), and those people aren't going to want it via a forwarder anyway. So while the end user on some remote system may have in fact said "send me everything, including the spam" (although this seems very unlikely) this does not constitute permission to do so, because that user isn't the only party involved, and their permission alone is insufficient. (logical AND required, not logical OR) And I doubt very much that the others will give their consent. 3. Dealing properly with forwarded spam which is rejected by the destination is tough: generating bounces will make the generator a spammer-by-proxy, and that's obviously unacceptable. A much better course of action is to try to reject as much spam as possible -- rather than accepting it, trying to forward it, and then bouncing it (thereby spamming innocent third parties, and self-nominating for inclusion in various blacklists). Bottom line: deliberately forwarding spam makes you a spammer. Don't do it. If a user, for some bizarre reason, insists: don't do it. Tell them to find an irresponsible, spam-supporting ISP to do it for them -- there are certainly plenty of those around to choose from.
This means that every such message from the 'forwarding' system to the destination system is, BY DEFINITON, "solicited". The mailbox owner has expressly and explicictly requested those messages be sent to him at the receiving system.
This is a definition of "solicited" which is wholly at odds with that in common practice for the last few decades. By your definition, the victim of a mailbombing attack would have somehow "solicited" that abuse merely because they have a forwarding alias on your system. I'm not having any. UBE (the proper definition of SMTP spam) doesn't magically become not-UBE just because it gets forwarded by somebody. It's still spam, and anyone sending/forwarding it is personally responsible for their choice to do so. It's abuse. If you pass it on, you become an abuser. So don't do that. (Yes, I realize that it's not possible to achieve perfection, but that isn't an excuse for failure to keep trying, continuously. It's not difficult to block 90% of spam using simple, free measures that rely entirely on open-source software and freely-accessible data. There's thus no valid excuse for not doing at least that much -- today.)
If that person then reports such messages -- that they have EXPRESSLY requested be sent to the receiving system -- as spam, to the operator of the receiving system, then that person is *indisputably* IN THE WRONG for doing so.
Nope. If it came from YOUR system/network, it's YOUR spam. If you don't want to have to deal with the fallout from that, then don't send it and don't forward it. If that's difficult -- say, because other people out there are sending spam addressed to your users on your systems who happen to be forwarding their mail -- then you need to direct your attention to those other people, because they're not doing their jobs properly. If they are unresponsive to your comments, perhaps you might reconsider the decision to grant them the privilege of sending mail to your network. After all, if you've been generous enough to allow this, and they have repaid your generosity by shipping you abuse instead of mail, then it seems silly to continue to allow them to do it. "[...] if you give people the means to hurt you, and they do it, and you take no action except to continue giving them the means to hurt you, and they take no action except to keep hurting you, then one of the ways you can describe the situation is "it isn't scaling well." --- Paul Vixie on NANOG ---Rsk
participants (3)
Joe Maimon
Rich Kulawiec
Robert Bonomi