------- Blind-Carbon-Copy X-Mailer: exmh version 2.0.2 2/24/98 From: Alex Bligh <amb@gxn.net> To: amb@Gxn.net Subject: Proposal for mitigating DoS attacks Reply-To: amb@gxn.net Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Date: Sat, 10 Jul 1999 17:50:06 +0200 Sender: amb@gxn.net Warning: This message contains operational content. I'd invite comments on an idea I had to mitigate the effect of Denial of Service attacks. I've outlined it below. Alex Bligh GX Networks (formerly Xara Networks) Using a Well Known Community to mitigate the effects of a Denial of Service Attack. ========================================================= Author: Alex Bligh (amb@gxn.net) Version: 0.01 Date: Sat 10 Jul 1999 Background - ---------- Most Denial of Service (DoS) attacks consist of a large number of packets directed at a single or small number of specific hosts. The constituent packets often have spoofed source IP addresses, and the attacks may come from multiple sources, or via third party reflectors. In order to trace the attacks, even where technically possible, multiple NOC's have to be called and, due to difficulties in human-to-human interaction, as well as technical difficulties, it is difficult, and in practice often impossible, to trace and stop the attack in a timely manner. Thus, whilst tracing the ultimate perpetrator is obviously preferable from a legal and moral standpoint, from an operational standpoint much benefit can be gained from mitigating the effects of the attack. Many attacks have effects on hosts other than the target host. As the traffic to the victim host is increased, not only will the performance of that host suffer, but also the victim's entire connection to the net. It is possible that parts of the downstream ISP's backbone have lower available capacity than the magnitude of the attack, and that the consequent congestion or extra switching load will cause degradation to other traffic, or even link failure. This effect is referred to below as 'collateral damage'. An entire customer, or even an ISP, can be severely affected or cut off from the net by a concerted attack on a single host unless preventative measures are taken. Various heuristic measures are possible - rate-limiting ICMP inbound at network borders is in general an effective way to limit the damage done by a SMURF attack, for instance. However, in general, the best way to reduce the collateral damage component is to block the attack as close to its sources as possible. This in general requires working through the same set of tracing procedures as finding the perpetrator, and is often impractical. Thus an oft-used response to an attack is to block traffic either to, or from, particular IP addresses. In the case of attacks involving forged source IP addresses, or reflected attacks such as SMURF, the only way to easilly block these attacks to prevent collateral damage, is to prevent all traffic from reaching the IP address concerned (filtering) until the attack has ceased (either as a consequence of a parallel act of tracing, or otherwise). However, it is often insufficient for the victim to block the attack at their ingress point, as the magnitude of the attack may be larger than their connection to their ISP. It is thus often useful for the ISP to block the attack instead. However, the ISP suffers the same problem, and to minimize the effect on their backbone, will want to block the attack at their network boundaries (i.e. at the points of interconnect with their upstreams and peers). A very large attack may require upstreams and peers to put in the same measures. Currently, the procedures for implementing these measures are, to say the least, manual, and rely on levels of interprovider communication which appear not to prevalent in the industry in general. This proposal describes a method to implement blocking of particular IP addresses across large portions of the internet using existing technlogy and protocols, and without the need for interprovider communication beyond the initial setup. Use of a Well Known BGP Community ================================= The core concept behind this proposal is the propagation of /32 routes (i.e. host routes) throughout large proportions of the BGP-speaking set of ISPs, through peering and transit relationships. Each of these routes will be tagged with a well-known community. For the purposes of this document, the community will be referred to as 65534:1. Each route so tagged will be referred to below as a "Victim Route". Throughout each provider's iBGP mesh, where a Victim Route is received, traffic to that destination is discarded (examples of configuration for a Cisco follow). These routes are propagated using the same rules as the propagation of the supernet to which they belong. By this technology, anyone receiving a supernet advertisement will also receive any relevant victim routes, and discard the traffic. A discussion on Route Filtering =============================== Responsible transit providers filter the routes from their customers. Most ISPs apply some form of filtering to their peers. Normally neither form of filtering allows for /32s (host routes) to be admitted. Indeed many ISPs specifically reject routes longer than a /24. This proposal does not invalidate the concept of route filtering. In fact it is vital that the same level of filtering is applied to Victim Routes as to the superblock in which they reside; elsewise they could themselves be used by irresponsible people as a Denial of Service attack. The same technology that currently ensures ISP's do not lose connectivity to their customers by accepting similar routes from their peers can be used to filter acceptance of Victim Routes. Filter lists should be deployed which admit /32s only if they are tagged with the relevant community, and only if they are subnets of a block which would otherwise be accepted by the BGP peer. Increase in size of the Routing Table ===================================== Whilst it is inevitable that this proposal would increase the size of the routing table, and the volume of advertisements, it has some gains in this respect too. The main reason to restrict routing table growth is to minimize CPU load on routers. The CPU load gains from not switching DoS traffic, and from the consequent saving of BGP advertisements from lines flapping under excess congestion, is almost certainly well worth a few extra transient advertisements. Example configurations for a Cisco Router ========================================= Whilst this proposal is no doubt applicable on other vendors, it has only thus-far been tested on Cisco IOS 11.1.26CC1 running CEF. The above configuration on a 7507 happilly sinks at least 10Mb/s of ICMP Denial of Service traffic without measurable CPU impact. Using an ASN of 5555, the configuration router bgp 5555 neighbor 5555-IBGP-PEER route-map IN-5555-IBGP-PEER in is added to the IBGP peer group. ip community-list 9 permit 65534:1 is used to detect the Well Known Community. route-map IN-5555-IBGP-PEER permit 10 match community 9 set ip next-hop ! route-map IN-5555-IBGP-PEER permit 20 ! is used to set the next hop to an unused IP address when received from any other IBGP peer. A similar route-map can be used with external peers. ip route loopback0 ensures packets with this next hop are discarded in a CPU efficient manner. Where connecting to a customer who wishes to control their own blackholing within your AS (we assume here they have a single network a configuration like the following is used: ip prefix-list CUSTOMER seq 5 permit ! ip prefix-list CUSTOMER-BLACKHOLE seq 5 permit ge 32 ! route-map IN-5555-CUST-CUSTOMER permit 5 match ip address prefix-list CUSTOMER-BLACKHOLE match community 9 [only necessary if customer is sending communities] set ip next-hop set community 65534:1 [only necessary if customer doesn't send communities] ! route-map IN-5555-CUST-CUSTOMER permit 10 match ip address prefix-list 191 CUSTOMER match as-path 123 set community <whatever> ! router bgp 5555 neighbor remote-as 1234 neighbor route-map IN-5555-CUST-CUSTOMER in This ensures that routes received from the customer are appropriately dealt with and tagged. Alex Bligh ------- End of Blind-Carbon-Copy

I'd invite comments on an idea I had to mitigate the effect of Denial of Service attacks. I've outlined it below.
This technique serves to help the packet kiddies achieve their goals. Why not use the same technique to blackhole the relay networks? Maybe having their Internet access die a couple times would convince them to fix their networks. If I were an ISP, I think I'd have issues with allowing third parties to blackhole traffic in my own network. I don't think this does anything to fix the political issues of inter-provider cooperation.. it just provides an easier technical solution. -Jon

On Sat, Jul 10, 1999 at 12:34:59PM -0500, Jon Green wrote:
If I were an ISP, I think I'd have issues with allowing third parties to blackhole traffic in my own network. I don't think this does anything to fix the political issues of inter-provider cooperation.. it just provides an easier technical solution.
I'm not sure the issue is with a third party being able to block traffic, but rather with who controls that ability. Blocking has been around in many forms, eg the RBL/MAPS, ORBS and other services. Technical differences of the problem aside, at least a subset of the Internet is willing to "give up control" to another organization in order to realize a greater benefit. Having said that, part of the reason these people succeed is that there is a single, well known point of control. If an address is on the RBL it is fairly easy to go to one point and look it up, and you know who to contact to get it removed. Back to Alex's proposal. The problem here is that if a route is blocked, the best method you have to track it back is the AS path. Now, while you may have good relationships with your peers and be able to get information out of them, you probably do not have good relationships with ISP's 4-5 AS's down in the food chain. It would not be obvious where to look, or who to call to answer the question "why is this network on the list?" It would also not be obvious who to call to get the "victim" network removed if it were placed there in error. In essence, this returns us to the situation we have today with poor communication. I have to wonder if a centralized database for this sort of thing could work. Like the RBL BGP feed, there would be a "Bad IP Things" feed (the BIT Bucket Feed? :-). It would come from a single ASN, and anyone who wants to participate would peer with that AS. In order to make it real time, member networks would go through some "approval" process that would allow them to add entries to this via a web or e-mail based system in "real time". Every entry would be logged with when it was entered, who entered it, and so forth in a single place that is easy to query. Having this centralized database might also lead to other interesting results, like scanning for patterns (repeat offenders, attacks from different IP's that always happen at the same time) that would help shut down the real offenders. It's an interesting idea, all in all. I give it a one in five chance of going somewhere, which by Internet standards is pretty good! :-) -- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org Systems Engineer - Internetworking Engineer - CCIE 3440 Read TMBG List - tmbg-list-request@tmbg.org, www.tmbg.org

I could have read too little/too much into the original proposal, but it was my understanding that providers would only be able to blackhole routes in their _OWN_ announcement. I.e. "Don't send traffic to my host a.b.c.d". Which would in turn pass through that provider's upstreams to their peers. My understanding is that when the originator of the announcement decides they want to see traffic to that host again, they will just withdraw the announcement. He specifically stated that this is to supplement a system of already good peer/customer filters as an added feature, not a new function. Think of it as one's own blackhole. Therefore, customer "A" can blackhole yahoo or customer "B" or another customer on another network because their upstream is already practicing very good peer/customer filters. At the peer level I see this as a difficult thing to police, with many downstream customers announcing their routes through multiple providers. For example I can think of a few networks I have seen that buy transit from a company we peer with, who in turn also buys transit from a company we peer with. It is very hard to keep prefix/address filters accurate for an organization like this. I think its great from a customer/transit provider level, however, I don't know of any transit providers that do prefix length filtering on their customer announcement. (if they do announcement filtering at all). So (in theory) one could announce the /32s of all the addresses in a /24 (less the one to be blackholed) today and achieve the same effect with their provider. This is of course, a much more BGP/router memory intensive operation. I think its a good idea. Deepak Jain AiNET On Sat, 10 Jul 1999, Leo Bicknell wrote:
On Sat, Jul 10, 1999 at 12:34:59PM -0500, Jon Green wrote:
If I were an ISP, I think I'd have issues with allowing third parties to blackhole traffic in my own network. I don't think this does anything to fix the political issues of inter-provider cooperation.. it just provides an easier technical solution.
I'm not sure the issue is with a third party being able to block traffic, but rather with who controls that ability. Blocking has been around in many forms, eg the RBL/MAPS, ORBS and other services. Technical differences of the problem aside, at least a subset of the Internet is willing to "give up control" to another organization in order to realize a greater benefit.
Having said that, part of the reason these people succeed is that there is a single, well known point of control. If an address is on the RBL it is fairly easy to go to one point and look it up, and you know who to contact to get it removed.
Back to Alex's proposal. The problem here is that if a route is blocked, the best method you have to track it back is the AS path. Now, while you may have good relationships with your peers and be able to get information out of them, you probably do not have good relationships with ISP's 4-5 AS's down in the food chain. It would not be obvious where to look, or who to call to answer the question "why is this network on the list?" It would also not be obvious who to call to get the "victim" network removed if it were placed there in error. In essence, this returns us to the situation we have today with poor communication.
I have to wonder if a centralized database for this sort of thing could work. Like the RBL BGP feed, there would be a "Bad IP Things" feed (the BIT Bucket Feed? :-). It would come from a single ASN, and anyone who wants to participate would peer with that AS. In order to make it real time, member networks would go through some "approval" process that would allow them to add entries to this via a web or e-mail based system in "real time". Every entry would be logged with when it was entered, who entered it, and so forth in a single place that is easy to query.
Having this centralized database might also lead to other interesting results, like scanning for patterns (repeat offenders, attacks from different IP's that always happen at the same time) that would help shut down the real offenders.
It's an interesting idea, all in all. I give it a one in five chance of going somewhere, which by Internet standards is pretty good! :-)
-- Leo Bicknell - bicknell@ufp.org Systems Engineer - Internetworking Engineer - CCIE 3440 Read TMBG List - tmbg-list-request@tmbg.org, www.tmbg.org

(some consolidated comments) jcgreen@netins.net said:
If I were an ISP, I think I'd have issues with allowing third parties to blackhole traffic in my own network. I don't think this does anything to fix the political issues of inter-provider cooperation.. it just provides an easier technical solution.
Leo Bicknell write:
Back to Alex's proposal. The problem here is that if a route is blocked, the best method you have to track it back is the AS path. Now, while you may have good relationships with your peers and be able to get information out of them, you probably do not have good relationships with ISP's 4-5 AS's down in the food chain. It would not be obvious where to look, or who to call to answer the question "why is this network on the list?" It would also not be obvious who to call to get the "victim" network removed if it were placed there in error. In essence, this returns us to the situation we have today with poor communication.
jaitken@aitken.com said:
if I as an attacker can find a way to generate thousands of these "victim" routes,
These miss the point. Only the victim (or their ISP) can put themselves on the list. Everyone else applies the same route filtering as they would normally (i.e. people can already abuse BGP to put third parties on the list, and this thus suffers from the same weakness as normal BGP (but no more) in terms of unauthenticated adverts). It provides equivalent functionality to letting originators of blocks put "temporary holes" in that advert. Also, please note that blocking the traffic (temporarilly) *helps* you track the perpetrator, as you can (a) see all the traffic sent to the loopback interface simply, and (b) tracing it is *less* time critical as your network doesn't melt in the mean time. This is not proposed as an alternative to traceability - they work hand in hand. I obviously have some rewording to do to make this clear. deepak@ai.net sums this up when he writes:
I could have read too little/too much into the original proposal, but it was my understanding that providers would only be able to blackhole routes in their _OWN_ announcement. I.e. "Don't send traffic to my host a.b.c.d". Which would in turn pass through that provider's upstreams to their peers.
Yes. jaitken@aitken.com said: [directed broadcast]
This entire approach relies on many of those same people to perform adequate route filtering to avoid far worse consequences.
Thankfully BGP speakers are more clueful than most people running routers. However, the entire system currently is vulnerable to *any* exploitation of unfiltered route announcements (sadly) - this is no less vulnerable to that, and any fix would fix this too. deepak@ai.net said:
I think its great from a customer/transit provider level, however, I don't know of any transit providers that do prefix length filtering on their customer announcement. (if they do announcement filtering at all).
Hmmm - we do for one! Many block all routes longer than /24. Now what I'm planning to do (as gated or some versions of it appear unable to set communities) is interpret any /32 as something which should be blackholed. -- Alex Bligh GX Networks (formerly Xara Networks)

On Mon, 12 Jul 1999, Alex Bligh wrote: :jcgreen@netins.net said: :> If I were an ISP, I think I'd have issues with allowing third parties :> to blackhole traffic in my own network. I don't think this does :> anything to fix the political issues of inter-provider cooperation.. :> it just provides an easier technical solution. Dissappearing someones network as a security measure is very effective but is also an attack unto itself. I brought this up this week over at BlackHat Briefings and referred to it as a DoE Attack (denial of existance) . There are an ample number of security solutions available that don't involve blackholing and should only be done in an emergency. :Leo Bicknell write: :> Back to Alex's proposal. The problem here is that if a route is :> blocked, the best method you have to track it back is the AS path. Depending on how far it is blocked. If it is only blackholed locally, a traceroute from a looking glass is very effective. :deepak@ai.net sums this up when he writes: :> I could have read too little/too much into the original proposal, but :> it was my understanding that providers would only be able to :> blackhole routes in their _OWN_ announcement. I.e. "Don't send :> traffic to my host a.b.c.d". Which would in turn pass through that :> provider's upstreams to their peers. : :Yes. AFAIK this could be accomplished by tagging the blackholed route with no_export and it would not be propagated to external peers. :jaitken@aitken.com said: :[directed broadcast] :> This entire approach relies on many of those same people to perform :> adequate route filtering to avoid far worse consequences. : :Thankfully BGP speakers are more clueful than most people running :routers. haha. :However, the entire system currently is vulnerable to *any* :exploitation of unfiltered route announcements (sadly) - this :is no less vulnerable to that, and any fix would fix this too. : :deepak@ai.net said: :> I think its great from a customer/transit provider level, however, I :> don't know of any transit providers that do prefix length filtering on :> their customer announcement. (if they do announcement filtering at :> all). : :Hmmm - we do for one! Many block all routes longer than /24. Now :what I'm planning to do (as gated or some versions of it appear :unable to set communities) is interpret any /32 as something which :should be blackholed. Has anyone actually looked at automaticly parsing their bgp logs with something akin to an IDS so that if something like this comes over the wire, sirens will go off? -- batz Chief Reverse Engineer Superficial Intelligence Research Division Defective Technologies

Alex.Bligh writes:
A discussion on Route Filtering ===============================
This proposal does not invalidate the concept of route filtering. In fact it is vital that the same level of filtering is applied to Victim Routes as to the superblock in which they reside; elsewise they could themselves be used by irresponsible people as a Denial of Service attack. The same technology that currently ensures ISP's do not lose connectivity to their customers by accepting similar routes from their peers can be used to filter acceptance of Victim Routes.
This is certainly an interesting proposal. However, I have a concern related to the excerpt above. Considering smurf-like attacks, the involved parties typically include: 1. Attacker's upstream(s). 2. Amplifiers. 3. Victim's upstream(s). 4. Victim. Given the "distributed" nature of the attack, parties #1 and #2 tend to see only marginal increases in traffic. Party #3 may see a moderate to heavy increase, but if they maintain sufficient headroom on their network, it may not be enough to matter (or even be noticed). By far the most dramatic difference is seen by party #4, the victim himself. Your proposal, assuming it could be consistently and properly implemented, might certainly improve the situation for parties #3 and #4. However, it may open other, previously uninvolved parties to a new form of attack: if I as an attacker can find a way to generate thousands of these "victim" routes, I can affect a very potent DoS against core routers all over the Internet. Do the benefits to parties #3 and #4 outweigh the newly-created risk that affects everyone? For example, what happens when there is a breakdown in route filtering and someone manages to slip in a few hundred victim routes that just so happen to match the IPs in use at the major exchange points? ;-) The more I think about it, the more problems I see. Smurf attacks are possible because thousands of people can't disable directed broadcasts on their routers. This entire approach relies on many of those same people to perform adequate route filtering to avoid far worse consequences. :-( --Jeff

Thus an oft-used response to an attack is to block traffic either to, or from, particular IP addresses. In the case of attacks involving forged source IP addresses, or reflected attacks such as SMURF, the only way to easilly block these attacks to prevent collateral damage, is to prevent all traffic from reaching the IP address concerned (filtering) until the attack has ceased (either as a consequence of a parallel act of tracing, or otherwise).
While I like the idea of your proposal, I see it as not working because it trusts information generated by the attacker that is not necessarily relevant to the success of the attack. As I am familiar with it, the smurf is generally successful not by flooding the target hosts LAN, but rather its upstream network connection. Infrastructure to take that one host off of the net quickly isn't going to help if its network thats being attacked. If this proposal becomes widely accepted, it will only succeed in getting someone to modify the exploit to allow the attacker to input a netmask, randomly flooding every IP sharing the same link. The effect will basically be the same, as far as I can tell. The information that you can trust is that your attacker will cause large quantities of ICMP echo-reply (or sometimes UDP) packets to enter your network from amplifier source addresses. The options I see are to either: - - Rate-limit or block ICMP echo-reply traffic, as close to the source as possible. This may be only at your network ingress, but it might be interesting to see if the backbones really need to allow more than 5-20% of the bandwidth of any link as ICMP echo-reply. - - Rate-limit or block traffic from amplifier source addresses. If a significant portion of the 'net were simply unavailable to these networks until they turned off directed-broadcast, they would get fixed much faster. A BGP RBL-style feed would be the most easily maintainable, but one could even just write a script to take the top 100 off of netscan.org and add them access-lists. Aaron Hopkins aaron@cyberverse.com Chief Technical Officer, Cyberverse Inc. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 iQCVAwUBN4pqK0fJWHAEvsjBAQFx8AQA8PdtkbbBlUsy0qjI97pnR+CkHm2p/UI+ /JD5sHNfWEy9q2ZiKjyYjNdBO1cKzFTmt8C0xr/suo1/W1i3WCOWxe2l3xYZE039 nNs3UWmCrElYPOXR38zbppwqTsgGqqqB69d2TVEGnex+0qi2Su/vHdD+BWrnothv +n7krDXg0Fw= =CC9p -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

As I am familiar with it, the smurf is generally successful not by flooding the target hosts LAN, but rather its upstream network connection.
Not for any smurf we have yet found - a smurf attack has a 99% correlation with IRC servers. However, yes, it would be possible for the perpetrators to orchestrate an automated attack on nodes upstream of their point of attack. However, this would dissipate the bandwidth they have available (given a limited input bandwidth and number of reflectors). However, remember not all attacks are SMURF. Also note that blackholing router IP addresses generally does no harm, esp. if you do peering between loopbacks, beyond the odd starred out traceroute line.
Infrastructure to take that one host off of the net quickly isn't going to help if its network thats being attacked. If this proposal becomes widely accepted, it will only succeed in getting someone to modify the exploit to allow the attacker to input a netmask, randomly flooding every IP sharing the same link. The effect will basically be the same, as far as I can tell.
If they flood more than one IP, yes, you have to blackhole more than one IP. However, saying a proposal would mitigate less sophisticated attacks and force more devious attacks is no reason to continue to allow obvious attacks.
The information that you can trust is that your attacker will cause large quantities of ICMP echo-reply (or sometimes UDP) packets to enter your network from amplifier source addresses. The options I see are to either:
Remembering not all attacks are smurf or otherwise reflected attacks:
- - Rate-limit or block ICMP echo-reply traffic, as close to the source as possible. This may be only at your network ingress, but it might be interesting to see if the backbones really need to allow more than 5-20% of the bandwidth of any link as ICMP echo-reply.
This is far more effective than applying my proposal. But having "been there done that" (sorry) it's more useful to do both. This technique is much improved by a separate (lower) rate-limit per prefix you advertize. This means one party's ICMP response only gets hit when *they* are attacked, and furthermore you can set the limit lower. (Consider the case of a provider like, say, UU.net or Sprint who no doubt receive many Mb/s of ICMP per ingress point under non-attack conditions - an extra Mb/s of ICMP is enough to wipe out a T1 customer, so a single ratelimit line is ineffective for a provider of that size).
- - Rate-limit or block traffic from amplifier source addresses. If a significant portion of the 'net were simply unavailable to these networks until they turned off directed-broadcast, they would get fixed much faster. A BGP RBL-style feed would be the most easily maintainable, but one could even just write a script to take the top 100 off of netscan.org and add them access-lists.
A published list, and the ability to build a 20,000 line ACL for such ratelimiting already exists. However, the router CPU power to apply such an ACL is not (to my knowledge) in effect. -- Alex Bligh GX Networks (formerly Xara Networks)

How outlandish would it be (and I realize it'd have to be done in the router software and all that implies) to just turn on source routing on particular types of packets (e.g., ICMP) and, optionally, strip it as it went out the edge routers? Would this really add all that much to the total bandwidth? I haven't looked at the overhead, but with a max diameter of, say, 16 it'd be 64 (16x4) bytes plus whatever overhead per (ICMP) packet, and that's pretty much a worst case. Then packets could be easily analyzed at the target router and immediately traced right back to the first "responsible" router very near the source, probably at the origin site in most cases, bypassing any need to trace in between. And yes I mean all the time, not just when there's an attack in progress. But if it were stripped back to a regular ICMP packet before it went out, e.g., a customer's T1 it wouldn't impose any burden on the customer's last mile bandwidth, other than whatever processing is involved in the router they're attached to, but I'll assume that's insignificant from the point of view of that customer under normal conditions. -- -Barry Shein Software Tool & Die | bzs@world.std.com | http://www.world.com Purveyors to the Trade | Voice: 617-739-0202 | Login: 617-739-WRLD The World | Public Access Internet | Since 1989 *oo*
participants (9)
Aaron Hopkins
Alex Bligh
Barry Shein
Deepak Jain
Jeff Aitken
Jon Green
Leo Bicknell