NANOG Balloon Adventure Update and Information

NANOG Ballooning Information: When: Sunday 11-Jun-00 Time: 0545 AM (yes its early, but well worth it!) Where: 19th Av, Launch area in Rio Rancho. Cost: $85 for about a 20 min flight Transportation is being arranged, but I need a head count. Figure that it will cost another $10 to $20 per seat for the bus ride to/from. Beer and Bubbly will be served **AFTER** the event, as is the tradition and custom. All NEW balloon'rs will be inducted via the various rights of passage! :) (bring cameras) Payment: Cash or Personal Check only, no credit cards Payment: to be made by Saturday evening at the hotel. See sign up area near NANOG registeration desk. You should wear, jeans, tennies / hiking boots, cutoffs and the like are not recommended less thee wish scratches from Cactus and Sage! :) Bring sun glasses if you have them. I need to have hard commit's from people by 2-Jun-00. Please email me directly with a subject that says: CONFIRM: Nanog Ballooning. Thanks Weather plays a part in this. If its to windy, we won't fly and your money will be refunded (minus bus trip if we go out to the field and then cancel).
participants (1)