Joe, I am not putting this information on-line as a show of support for the NAPs. I'm just doing it as a public service for all the folks that may want to know about them. Since I don't work for any of the NAP providers in any way, I am in no position to explain why they won't answer your questions. Any speculation on my part would be just that. We already have plenty of this behavior on com-priv and I don't want to add to that on any of the lists that will get this mail. If the information I am making available is not useful to you, that's too bad. However, given the amount of folks downloading it from ftp.academ.com, there are a number of people who are guessing that it might be useful to them. As you are aware, the Internet as we know it will undergo considerable change over the next year. The NAPs will be apart of that regardless of our opinion of them. Knowing about them in any way lowers the rumor-mongering that frequents com-priv. Granted, it may raise more questions than it answers, but hopefully the core facts about them are now established in some cogent way. I know you are not picking on me, Joe. But, I did want to make it clear why I am putting this stuff on-line. -- Stan internet: sob@academ.com Olan uucp: bcm!academ!sob Barber Opinions expressed are only mine.

Why not send it over here and we will do it as an FAQ ? I have no problems providing information as long as it accurate and not an advertisement. I know your not picking om me or the reverse:-) Joseph Stroup

Stan: Merit also has information about the NSFNet transtion on http://rrdb.merit.edu/transition.html An "under construction" home page also exists on that machine with some NAP information, other Transition papers, and NSFNet Statistics. The information here is updated as quickly as we can get the information. The home page is on: http://rrdb.merit.edu/home.html. Best wishes to all of us working on the transition! Sue Hares
participants (3)
Joseph W. Stroup
Susan Hares