Hello All, I'm curious if anyone could point me to a utility for AS-Tree mapping from a routing table output? I searched the archive a bit, and didn't find anything. Thanks ahead! -Chris/AS4181

I'm curious if anyone could point me to a utility for AS-Tree mapping from a routing table output? I searched the archive a bit, and didn't find anything.
you could use dot (directed graphs drawing program -- free) after a little bit of sed on the route table output. about 10 minutes of work, and the output is really, really pretty. s.

Wow. First I've heard of this. Repeat... "Wow" :) I took our 3 feeds and munged that data, then started playing with "how is so-n-so connected". Pretty/interesting, and possibly even useful. On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, steve uurtamo wrote: :> :>> I'm curious if anyone could point me to a utility for AS-Tree mapping from a :>> routing table output? I searched the archive a bit, and didn't find :>> anything. :> :>you could use dot (directed graphs drawing program -- free) after a :>little bit of sed on the route table output. about 10 minutes of :>work, and the output is really, really pretty. :> :>s. :>

I've been asked twice off-list; here's the implentation I found: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/ On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, steve uurtamo wrote: :> :>> I'm curious if anyone could point me to a utility for AS-Tree mapping from a :>> routing table output? I searched the archive a bit, and didn't find :>> anything. :> :>you could use dot (directed graphs drawing program -- free) after a :>little bit of sed on the route table output. about 10 minutes of :>work, and the output is really, really pretty. :> :>s. :>

there is a nice v6 tool - http://carmen.ipv6.tilab.com/ipv6/tools/ASpath-tree/ http://net-stats.ipv6.tilab.com/bgp/bgp-page-complete.html maybe it can be tweaked? Lucy E. Lynch Academic User Services Computing Center University of Oregon llynch @darkwing.uoregon.edu (541) 346-1774/Cell: 912-7998 La theorie c'est bon, mais ca n'empeche pas d'exister -Jean Martin Charcot On Fri, 27 Jun 2003, Malayter, Christopher wrote:
Hello All,
I'm curious if anyone could point me to a utility for AS-Tree mapping from a routing table output? I searched the archive a bit, and didn't find anything.
Thanks ahead!
participants (4)
Lucy E. Lynch
Malayter, Christopher
Rick Ernst
steve uurtamo