Dear Regional Techs: As has been announced in the "Additions to the NSFNET policy-based routing database" messages, we now are in a position where we have to use: <metric>:<AS>(<NSS>) in the "aslist" of NACRs, due to the removal of "fake" ASs for Alternet, CA*net, DSI, ESnet. The change affects NACRs which you would have submitted with aslists containg these ASs: 60 or 274 (DSI) 291, 293 (ESnet) 601, 602, 603 (CA*net) 701, 702 (Alternet) The following table shows which ASs correspond to the above ASs, and how the AS should be identified in aslists in NACRs (and in Merit reports): Old AS New AS in aslist ====== ====== ========= 60 2699 2699(144) 274 2699 2699(145) 291 293 293(144) 293 293 293(145) 601 577 577(133) 602 577 577(143) 603 577 577(137) 701 701 701(136) 702 701 701(134) [In the very near future, we will also have BARRnet set up this way: 200 200 200(128) 201 200 200(144) Until we notify this list, please continue to use ASs 200 and 201.] Thanks for your help, Steve Richardson/Merit
participants (1)
Steven J. Richardson