Re: Weird email messages with "re:movie" and "re:application" in the subject line..

In message <2147483647.1056635153@[]>, John Payne writes:
--On Wednesday, June 25, 2003 23:37 -0400 "Steven M. Bellovin" <> wrote:
And I've gotten bounces from mail allegedly from me. It's not L3's fault; this particular worm forges From: lines on its email.
fault is debatable. Because forgeries are now so common, particularly in worms, why would you send these notifications to anyone other than the recipient? Let the human decide if the right thing to do is notify the sender.
Personally, I blame the anti-virus companies who market the software. They know which viruses forge From: lines; why should their "alert the poor infected fool" software send notes to folks whose addresses are being spoofed? --Steve Bellovin, (me) (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)

Why? To mark-o-spam their own sodding product. <sed-script-on-web-oids-mode> Hi Steve, being a sed-script-on-web-oids, I've decided I need to tell you about an exciting new Internet Security product, and in language that you should be able to read, if you match our buyer model for the ease at which we can get this push-contact converted to click-through. More boring text follows. </sed-script-on-web-oids-mode> Yeah. The anti- product marketeers are culpable too. Cheers, Eric
participants (2)
Eric Brunner-Williams in Portland Maine
Steven M. Bellovin