Re: Does Anyone Care?

But why would the interface always transmit broadcasts to the FDDI interface in Spokane and show excessive latency at anytime of the day that you try to connect/send an echo reply at it.
A) Because *multicast*, when sent on a *broadcast* media like FDDI, is sent as *broadcast* packets (to avoid replication); B) Because multicast is very VIP2 CPU-intensive, doing all kinds of funky things - we see that on very low utilization, there is high CPU. This in turn shows up as latency *to* the router, but not *through* the router (different switching paths). Basically, this is normal, and ~5Mbps is about right for this traffic.
On Fri, 11 Feb 2000, Bjorn Carlsson wrote:
Not sure I follow. is actually an interface of Sprint icm-bb1-pen which connects to a FDDI ring in Pennsauken built for multicast. The name/address ( is there for historial reasons and should be changed to
As for directed broadcast it is long since turned off on all EBONE routers.
-- Brian Dickson, Email: Director, Backbone Engineering Tel : +1 703 755 2056 Teleglobe Communications Corp., Fax : +1 703 755 2648 Rm 3214, 11480 Commerce Park Drive, Cell : +1 703 851 9053 Reston, Virginia, USA, 20191
participants (1)
Brian Dickson