For your consideration. I appologise for duplicates. The 3rd quarter 1998 in-addr audit results. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Refused are servers who refused to transfer the zone. <REFUSED> Errors were generally related to the following conditions: <timeout> - delegation to the host level e.g. This is also how the CNAME haq works for CIDR delegations so its hard to tell how much of an error this really is. - use of slashes e.g. 0/ An older method of doing bit-level delegation... - alpha strings e.g. test.2.0.192.in-addr.arpa. - other non-numberics e.g. #???.2.0.192.in-addr.arpa. - failure to fully qualify zones, e.g. the missing "." - event-horizon e.g. behind firewall Other failures seem to be related to server configuration or network reachability of either the end system or the nameservers used in generating the queries. The no-server number is the total of the refused, error, & other rows. inital zone runtime total# #correct no-svr refused error other 3q97 97667 657 h 380021 220030 57.9% 159991 26335 90832 42824 4q97 99587 654 h 478311 281368 58.8% 196861 26871 103108 66882 1q98 91555 372 h 500397 250107 50.1% 250210 54925 150114 45171 2q98 (1) 112 h 532504 253000 47.5% 279484 124626 31841 123017 3q98 100185 189 h 551631 277878 50.3% 273626 145592 (*) (*) (1) extrapolated from partial/overlapping data (corrupted disk) (*) intermediate results -- --bill
participants (1)
Bill Manning