large scale xDSL deployment?

Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units? randy

On Sun, 11 May 1997, Randy Bush wrote:
Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units?
At the TISPA meeting in March, if I recall correctly, a guy from PairGain claimed a large installation in Chicago and one somewhere in Canada. -*********************************************************************** Douglas R. Locke, CPA Treasurer, ISP/C Member, TISPA -***********************************************************************

On Sun, 11 May 1997, Douglas R. Locke wrote:
At the TISPA meeting in March, if I recall correctly, a guy from PairGain claimed a large installation in Chicago and one somewhere in Canada.
SaskTel in Saskatchewan was one of the first companies anywhere to offer xDSL Internet access. There's not much info here but there is a contact name and you can see how they are marketing it. Michael Dillon - Internet & ISP Consulting - E-mail: The bottom line is track record. Not track tearing. Not track derailing. But pounding the damn dirt around the track with the rest of us worms. -- Randy Bush

At 10:14 PM -0400 5/11/97, Randy Bush wrote:
Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units?
I just read (Comm Week?) that Microsloth was trying ADSL out with a group of its employees in Washington, but direct from their homes to the software factory and not through the big-"I". Reports were glowingly positive. --SG is offering ADSL dedicated service near their POP in downtown St. Paul. No clue on how large a scale -- they just started offering it. SP At 07:14 PM 5/11/97 PDT, Randy Bush wrote:
Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units?
-- Steve Peterson Reality Interactive, Inc. -- Check out for info on CD-ROM training for ISO 9000, QS-9000 and ISO 14000. --

GTE recently announced that it will add 1,000 Microsoft employees to its ADSL Internet access trial in Redmond, Washington. A press release can be found at A "trial" of this size will probably result in permanent service.
Anybody aware of large scale xDSL ISP deployment, like hundreds of units?
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Greg Ruth GTE Laboratories Incorporated 40 Sylvan Road MS 28 Waltham, MA 02254 Phone: (617) 466-2448 Fax: (617) 466-3018 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
participants (6)
Douglas R. Locke
Gregory Ruth
Michael Dillon
Steve Goldstein
Steve Peterson