Re: Rescheduled: P2P file sharing national security and personal security risks

Not sure what is scarier the money to influence government or the money spent on litigation. The latest tactic is using a legal bit called self help. Usually self help is used if someone steals your car and you find it in their driveway, you can trespass on their property to retrieve your property. The RIAA version of this is they can hack into p2p systems and spike files, tamper with search results, and generally wreak havoc on anything that has a copyrighted file on it. Even scarier I was listening to a panel of lawyers who all thought this was a great idea. It did not seem to bother them at all that these actions would/could wreck the system for all the legitmate users or that the burden of proving that legit systems had been hacked/screwed would be on the system owner and not the RIAA. Maybe we should set up tire shredders on the interstate and then check all the wrecked cars to see if they were stolen or carrying drugs. ----- Original Message ----- From: Richard Irving <> Date: Friday, June 13, 2003 2:19 pm Subject: Re: Rescheduled: P2P file sharing national security and personal security risks
No more, or less, than SMTP.
It is -that- simple.
(Of course, SMTP is how China got Nuclear Secrets out of America :( )
FWIW: This is more tempestuous reactions at High Levels, that would normally have been laughed off.....
Except P2P's are annoying the Recording Industry execs, and they have $$$ on the line, so.....
$$$ has a way a bringing things to light that would otherwise simply have been ignored....
But, for this to make it to the NS Risk Assessment groups just demonstrates the licentious influence between the Current Administration Policies and "Money Men".
After all, how many meetings are there going to be assessing the risk SMTP has on National Security ?
Or, as you mentioned, MS file sharing...
And, remember, SMTP is -already- proven guilty of said Risk, and a far more -probable- culprit in future compromises... !
Reality Check.
My .02c
My, what interesting times we live in, and darn it, important people noticed me! :{
Sean Donelan wrote:
June 10, 2003
NOTICE OF RESCHEDULED FULL COMMITTEE HEARING The Senate Committee on the Judiciary scheduled for Wednesday,
June 11,
2003, at 2:00 p.m., on .The Dark Side of a Bright Idea: Could Personal> and National Security Risks Compromise the Potential of P2P File-Sharing Networks?. has been rescheduled for Tuesday, June 17, 2003 at 2:00 p.m. in Room 226 of the Senate Dirksen Building.
By order of the Chairman
I wonder if anyone is going to mention that Microsoft Network Neighborhood> file sharing is a form of P2P file sharing.
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