TIMELY - Volunteers Needed for the 2022 Nomination Committee TODAY

NANOGers - ARIN is seeking volunteers to serve on our Nomination Committee (NomCom) – a perfect opportunity for those who wish to help with the recruitment and evaluation of candidates for ARIN’s elections. Note that the deadline for application is today at 7PM ET - NomCom volunteers must be associated with an ARIN General Member organization in Good Standing and may not be a candidate for a seat in an ARIN Election in the same year that they serve on the NomCom. Please complete the short survey form to volunteer if interested! Thanks! /John John Curran President and CEO American Registry for Internet Numbers Begin forwarded message: From: ARIN <info@arin.net<mailto:info@arin.net>> Subject: [arin-announce] Volunteers Needed for the 2022 Nomination Committee by this Friday Date: 15 June 2022 at 10:52:34 AM EDT To: "arin-announce@arin.net<mailto:arin-announce@arin.net>" <arin-announce@arin.net<mailto:arin-announce@arin.net>> There are many ways to participate in ARIN Elections, and perhaps one of the most important is by volunteering for the Nomination Committee (NomCom). Whether it is helping to recruit nominees or evaluating the qualifications of nominees to be added to the Slate of Candidates, the NomCom has an integral role in shaping not only the ARIN election process, but by extension, the governance of the organization and management of Internet number policy. This opportunity to make a difference though will only be available through this Friday, which is the deadline for volunteers – the sole requirements are that you must be associated with an ARIN General Member organization in Good Standing and may not be a candidate for a seat in an ARIN Election in the same year. If you’re interested in volunteering for the NomCom, please complete this brief questionnaire no later than 7:00 PM ET on Friday, 17 June: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2022NomCom To learn more about the committee’s role and responsibilities, please review the Charter for the NomCom: https://www.arin.net/about/welcome/board/committees/charters/#nomcom The NomCom plays a key role in ARIN Elections, and the community needs your help in filling this vital piece of the process – especially if you have experience in ARIN’s governance, either as a former Trustee, a current or former member of the Advisory Council, or perhaps even having served on the NomCom in previous years. If you have any questions or need to request additional information, please contact elections@arin.net<mailto:elections@arin.net>.
participants (1)
John Curran