The Utah Regional Exchange Point for the State of Utah is ready to be turned on. The first ISP/Companies will be connecting this week. We have worked on making sure that the Utah REP is able to handle traffic for anyone in the State of Utah. The Utah REP is an exchange point in Utah to bring together all the ISP/companies at one point to take the load off the Major NAPS and MAES around the country. At this time, it takes over 15 hops, traveles around the western US and a 25% packet loss to go about 5 miles. The Utah REP will allow companies to exchange traffic localy but will not be a replacement for their current connections. The Utah REP will be located at Triad 4. If one does not already have a connection at Triad 4 in Salt Lake City, one may bring a connection in. More information about the Utah REP can be found at http://www.utah.net or http://rep.utah.net We would like to thank all those who have helped out so far, Bill Manning, ISI, Dave Siegel, RTD, for the use of the REP name, and many others. For those of you in the Salt Lake City/Utah area, the monthly ISP lunch will be Thurs, May 2nd, yes, I know it is a little past April :), at the Panda on 17th and State. On Thursday night, May 9th, we will have a meeting to answer any and all questions about the Utah REP. Place and time to be announced later. Please email me if you would like to be on the list. And for anyone that has questions, they may email myself cnielsen@vii.com or Pete Kruckenberg pete@inquo.net. Christian Nielsen Vyzynz International Inc. cnielsen@vii.com,CN46,KB7HAP Phone 801-568-0999 Fax 801-568-0953 Private Email - Christian@Nielsen.Net BOFH - cnielsen@one.dot PS :)
participants (1)
Christian Nielsen