Re: Krebs on Security booted off Akamai network after DDoS attack proves pricey

If those where in fact non-spoofed sources, then i am surely interested in getting that list in order to put it into my dnsbl (dronebl). So if someone has it, or can tell me who to contact. Feel free to provide me with it offlist. Especially if this botnet uses one of the many irc networks (like undernet) that is utilizing the dnsbl list and the cc is harbored there, it might help. Also, most 'admins' only start realizing something is wrong in their network once their precious bizmail won't arrive at clients because their infected ip is listed and the remote mx refuses the mail because of the listing. Kind regards, Alexander Maassen - Technical Maintenance Engineer Parkstad Support BV- Maintainer DroneBL- Peplink Certified Engineer -------- Oorspronkelijk bericht --------Van: Hugo Slabbert <> Datum: 26-09-16 05:54 (GMT+01:00) Aan: "John R. Levine" <> Cc: Onderwerp: Re: Krebs on Security booted off Akamai network after DDoS attack proves pricey On Sun 2016-Sep-25 17:01:55 -0400, John R. Levine <> wrote:
The attack is triggered by a few spoofs somewhere in the world. It is not feasible to stop this.
That paper is about reflection attacks. From what I've read, this was not a reflection attack. The IoT devices are infected with botware which sends attack traffic directly. Address spoofing is not particularly useful for controlling botnets.
But that's not only remaining use of source address spoofing in direct attacks, no? Even if reflection and amplification are not used, spoofing can still be used for obfuscation.
For example, the Conficker botnet generated pseudo-random domain names where the bots looked for control traffic.
Please see
Uh, yes, we're familiar with that. We even know the people who wrote it. It could use an update for IoT since I get the impression that in many cases the only way for a nontechnical user to fix the infection is to throw the device away.
Regards, John Levine,, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies", Please consider the environment before reading this e-mail.
-- Hugo Slabbert | email, xmpp/jabber: pgp key: B178313E | also on Signal
participants (1)
Alexander Maassen